So start things out, let me make something very clear. I am NOT against Godly Christian Marriage, nor am I one of those lousy feminists. I think marriage that is chosen by God and spiritually led by the Lord is a very good thing. I think if we had more good Christian marriages in this world, we'd be a lot better off.
However, I've seen a lot of emphasis recently put on young people today regarding the topic of marriage. For example, half a year ago in my church one of the women decided to have a teen girls group during service. This group was about marriage and being a good wife, and they didn't even read out of the bible. Keep in mind these girls were 13-14, with my little sister topping off the age range at 17. While I think it's very important to instruct young boys and girls about those topics, mainly by their parents if possible, but first and foremost I believe it is important to teach children to be right with the Lord before concerning themselves with marriage, if that is indeed the Lord's plan for them. If they strive to be good Christians and follow the Lord's Holy Word, then you'd think they'd be good wives and husbands by default.
But if there's one thing my parents taught me when I was young, it was that the Lord will not reveal to you your intended spouse before you were ready both spiritually and maturity-wise. Until then, it was best to focus on your relationship with God and let Him handle the rest.
While I know things like that must be discussed with children, I wonder just how much pressure should be put on young ones concerning marriage. I won't get into those with no desire to marry or fornicate, the Lord made my best gal pal that way, but I wonder if putting marriage above everything else is healthy for the youth of today. I know for one that my little sister had many issues and was nowhere near ready to be talking about that yet. She's now 18 and lives with her boyfriend, who she calls her 'husband'. No, they are not married, but I'm pretty sure they're behaving like they are, if you catch my drift.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Exactly how much importance do you think should be put on marriage for kids? Thanks in advance for your time and God Bless!
However, I've seen a lot of emphasis recently put on young people today regarding the topic of marriage. For example, half a year ago in my church one of the women decided to have a teen girls group during service. This group was about marriage and being a good wife, and they didn't even read out of the bible. Keep in mind these girls were 13-14, with my little sister topping off the age range at 17. While I think it's very important to instruct young boys and girls about those topics, mainly by their parents if possible, but first and foremost I believe it is important to teach children to be right with the Lord before concerning themselves with marriage, if that is indeed the Lord's plan for them. If they strive to be good Christians and follow the Lord's Holy Word, then you'd think they'd be good wives and husbands by default.
But if there's one thing my parents taught me when I was young, it was that the Lord will not reveal to you your intended spouse before you were ready both spiritually and maturity-wise. Until then, it was best to focus on your relationship with God and let Him handle the rest.
While I know things like that must be discussed with children, I wonder just how much pressure should be put on young ones concerning marriage. I won't get into those with no desire to marry or fornicate, the Lord made my best gal pal that way, but I wonder if putting marriage above everything else is healthy for the youth of today. I know for one that my little sister had many issues and was nowhere near ready to be talking about that yet. She's now 18 and lives with her boyfriend, who she calls her 'husband'. No, they are not married, but I'm pretty sure they're behaving like they are, if you catch my drift.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Exactly how much importance do you think should be put on marriage for kids? Thanks in advance for your time and God Bless!