Tinytim voted that no one deserves respect just because they are old, but he also said that he respects everyone, so I'm not sure what's going on there. Tim, did you check one of the first two as well?
No.. what I mean is, that I try to treat EVERYONE with the same respect no matter what age they are.. .
I teach the Senior Citizens' Sunday School class.. and I love it.. they love me... I love them.. And they have told me that one of the reasons they like my teaching is because I don't pamper them just because they are older than me.. .
I treat them with respect and they treat me with respect.. we joke, they treat me as an equal, as I do them. Just today I threatened (jokingly of course) to put an 85 yr old lady in the corner for talking in class out of turn!.. Of course she laughed, adn said, "YOu know what Pastor, you are not to old for me to put you over my lap and whip you!"..
It's that kinda relationship that grows people..
ALL people deserve respect.. EVEN Young people..
It bothers me to hear people talk about how slow and ignorant the Older generation is..
It bothers me to hear people generalize and say, "The young people of today have no respect".. that is just as bad as saying the old people are stupid.
Because I know 3 teen sons.. (MINE) that have respect.. NOT JUST for the elderly.. but for EVERYONE.
As I said before, just because someone is older than others means we should respect them more than others.. that is playing favorites.. and with God there is no favorites. WE are all equal in his eyes.. HE love the teen with a heart for missions as much as he love the senior saint that served in the nursery all her life.. and now is shut in..
Funny story..
Next week I'm going to be starting to pastor a different church. Today was the last Sunday for me here. This afternoon I visited the nursing home.. to visit one of shutins there.. she is 83 yrs old, and is full of spunk. she fell in March and broke her hip, so she is in the long term recovery unit. Her son was there and the nurse came in and was teasing her saying 'aunt polly" was caught running naked in the rain the other day.. (OF course she wasn't) ... her son and i started teasing her, and she just lit up!.. with laughter..
When I prayed for her before I left, I aske God to heal her, and then said, "IF you do, she promises not to chase men while running naked in the rain.".. after I was done.. she said, "Pastor Tim, you lied, I never once promised that!!!".. and we all laughed.. and it was a special time..
Maybe the last time I see her on this Earth again..
Did I respect her more because of her age? NO.. she earned respect by being a great christian lady in our community for many, many yrs... She and her husband would take in traveling missionaries and evangelists...
She earned respect.
And I love that old lady..
I also love the teens that were crying today when they left the church because this was my last Sunday with them..
We are called to respect EVERYONE.