I believe the church is local and visible and not universal and invisible. Most of the confusion is caused by people who are sloppy about their terminology. What most people call the "universal" or "invisible" church is what the bible calls either the Kingdom of God or the Family of God. Every reference to a church or churches in the bible is either a reference to the local assembly (99 out of 114 times) or to all churches generically, but no church in particular (14 out of 114) with the exception of one reference in Acts to the Nation of Israel assembled together in the wilderness.
This same error occurs in the "body of Christ" confusion. Each local assembly is a local body of believers belonging to Christ (IE, the body of Christ). This is the metaphorical useage of the term "body of Christ" in the bible. All believes are not part of a local church assembly, so all believes are not members of any body of baptized believers belonging to Christ (IE the body of Christ), but all believers are "in Him" and seated with Him in the Heavenlies, and part of His literal Body in Heaven. The problem is too many Christians fail to distinguish between literal and metaphorical language. They confuse the earthly body of Christ, metaphorical language refering to the local church, with the Heavenly Body of Christ, literal language refering to His physical body we are all in and one with.
The next error is the "baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ" error, and this one, I beleive, rises to the level of heresy. The term "baptism of the holy spirit" or "baptized with the Holy Ghost" only occurs in the Gospel accounts, and each account is talking about the same incident, and that incident was yet future at the time of the Gospel account. We see in Acts 1:5 where that prophecy is again discussed, and we see the Holy Spirit of God explaining to us, by inspiration, that this prophecied event would occur "not many days hence." It was a prophecy of the day of Pentecost when all the believers were baptized into the Holy Spririt by the Lord Jesus Christ. We are now many, many, many days hense from that time. It does not apply to us. It was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. Nowhere in the bible is the Holy Spirit ever the (active voice) baptizer. The Holy Spirit does not baptize us into Christ, Christ baptized the entire local church, assembled, into the Holy Spirit. The "Spirit Baptizers" have it just exactly backward from what the bible teaches. They have us in the Holy Spirit while the bible has the Holy Spirit in us! When you were baptized in water were you in the water or was the water in you? So, it was the church assembled which was baptized into the Holy Spirit. And it is the church assembled today which has that same Holy Spirit as "guide into all truth." (The whole of the church assembled is greater than the sum of its parts, for the Holy Spirit is present as guide and teacher, the Lord Jesus Christ is present as Head of the church, and God the Father is present as His children worship Him.) When we are saved, the Holy Spirit enters us, not the other way around. We are all indwelt with the Holy Spirit, but only the church assembled is baptized with the Holy Spirit.