Let's be frank.You should probably consider investing your financial gifts from God more wisely as in the Parable of the Talents rather than spending your time trying to lay charge against other Christians based on your forum board development of TDS that disregards common sense and the many benefits Trump's conservative movement is bringing to our country along with the return of some basic moral values. You should check into the roots of your driving motives because I believe you would throw out the baby with bathwater to maintain your hate for the man.
Donald Trump represents the spirit of antichrist. So, if you choose to invest the money God has given to you to an antichrist network, then you can answer to God regarding that decision.
I am content with what God has supplied. I invest my money and time in God honoring ministries.
Go to Compassion International and support a child or three. Consider a local homeless shelter run by Godly people. Go give of your time. Find a jail ministry and share the gospel. Look for missionaries who can use your money to do actual real good meeting the needs of the brother's and sister's in places where resources are slim.
Do not invest in an antichrist ministry.