I'll tell you my green tea story. When I was in Japan, a small group of girls and myself were at a woman's house one morning. I don't remember why we were there anymore. She was going to do a tea ceremony for us. She didn't speak a word of English, and collectivly we could only speak a little Japanese. We took our shoes off and sat around a little tea table all set up. The woman said something in Japanese. We looked at eachother and figured out what she had said. Basically it was,"I'm going to do something, and you copy me". We said the equivilant of , "Yes, Ma'am.", and waited with anticipation. She did something, and we all immedidiately copied her. I still remember her, the house, the pretty little tea cups, and that little bit of warmth on a slightly chilly morning. For a woman who didn't speak any English, she did manage to hold the attention of a group of fidgety, giggly schoolgirls for quite a while. It was a special day in a little girl's life.