To begin with, among the yelling and shouting of the protests from the black community since "the verdict" comes an article that was buried on the second to last page [for those who wonder, there were 30 pages in the "A" Section] of my Daily paper. A mere blip of a story on the radar map of news about the evil, child killing George Zimmerman, coming out of hiding to pull a family of four from an overturned truck.
This action, coming from a racist, black killing young man, barely got noticed. And then, "you know who?" makes this comment in an OP in the Current Events section of this Forum.
Man, can't you cut him a break? Some slack? A pat on the back? Maybe we are a bunch of hypocritical racists on this forum-like you accuse us of being-but at least we don't get all sarcastic and bemoan his heroic actions.
Could it be that what Zimmy demonstrated that he may just be the all-around community minded young man that others have said he was. Maybe, the incident with Trayvon was just an awful, tradgic event?
**For those who did not read the comment by "you know who?" in the Current Events section, here it is:
>I'm sure the folks he helped are grateful. But unfortunately for him, this kinda makes him seem to exhibit the same "can't sit my behind down somewhere and stay out of the limelight" type personality as OJ.
It eventually catches up to you.<
As a person, who has been accused of being hypocritical, racist, and prejudiced, I tender this one thought to you: Maybe you need to do some soul searching, as it is clear now, that you too have a character flaw which is evident in the bad feelings you exhibit toward Zimmy.
In fact, it looks to me like you, my brother, may just have an axe to grind when it comes to this guy; as well as the rest of us on this board.
I'll be
raying: for you, this time around :tear:
This action, coming from a racist, black killing young man, barely got noticed. And then, "you know who?" makes this comment in an OP in the Current Events section of this Forum.
Man, can't you cut him a break? Some slack? A pat on the back? Maybe we are a bunch of hypocritical racists on this forum-like you accuse us of being-but at least we don't get all sarcastic and bemoan his heroic actions.
Could it be that what Zimmy demonstrated that he may just be the all-around community minded young man that others have said he was. Maybe, the incident with Trayvon was just an awful, tradgic event?
**For those who did not read the comment by "you know who?" in the Current Events section, here it is:
>I'm sure the folks he helped are grateful. But unfortunately for him, this kinda makes him seem to exhibit the same "can't sit my behind down somewhere and stay out of the limelight" type personality as OJ.
It eventually catches up to you.<
As a person, who has been accused of being hypocritical, racist, and prejudiced, I tender this one thought to you: Maybe you need to do some soul searching, as it is clear now, that you too have a character flaw which is evident in the bad feelings you exhibit toward Zimmy.
In fact, it looks to me like you, my brother, may just have an axe to grind when it comes to this guy; as well as the rest of us on this board.
I'll be