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Featured Messages from beyond to encourage or help us?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Alcott, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. I have experienced one or more of the type events described

    3 vote(s)
  2. I have not experienced any such events as described

    4 vote(s)
  3. I believe our departed loved ones actually do this, to encourage us

    0 vote(s)
  4. I believe God arranges these things to encourage us

    2 vote(s)
  5. I would –like- to believe our loved ones communicate thus, but I don’t

    3 vote(s)
  6. I do not believe such perceived events are anything supernatural at all

    6 vote(s)
  7. I believe it may be evil to consider such events as coming from loved ones

    5 vote(s)
  8. Giving any consideration to this idea is sin—don’t do it

    3 vote(s)
  9. I have no position at all about this

    0 vote(s)
  10. This whole subject is to be ignored

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Alcott

    Alcott Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2002
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    I have had another example the past couple of days of someone saying they “know” a certain event— extraordinary, or perhaps less so— comes by the influence of a newly deceased loved one. My sister-in-law’s grandmother died early Wednesday morning in a nursing home, having been there for about 2 years with Alzheimer’s disease. My sister-in-law says she ‘inherited’ her grandmother’s love of outdoors and gardening, so when she looked outside this morning and saw just one white iris blooming in her garden, she knows that is a “sign” from her grandmother that she is well and happy. When I first read the news of her death yesterday, on Facebook, it was from her mother (the deceased woman’s daughter), who wrote very poetically about her dad, who died one year and one day before, coming in a chariot to take her with him, and quoting God himself as saying “___, your life on earth is over; now come…”

    As I said, this was “another example” of the idea of messages from departed loved ones, or God's messages on their behalf. One previous one concerned my own mother. Among the things she left in her house-- which I took care of, then later bought-- was a chiming clock she received at her 30th anniversary of employment with the phone company. She had not kept it running in years, and it no longer chimed or stuck the hours. But a few months after her passing, it shocked me by chiming—just out of nowhere; there had been no winding and no attempts by me or anyone to get the clock to work. I told about this to my girlfriend, and guess what she said?-- “It must be your mom.” I told her I didn’t think so, and even if it were, what could that mean? I will limit this to those 2 examples, but the key seems to be that these 'events' are incidents that would seem to be about personal property or interest, or based on a personal influence on your life.

    So the poll question, here expanded: What is your view about seeing events, perhaps extraordinary, following the death of loved ones, as any type of communication, encouragement, or warning? Might it be that person, is it God, or might it be evil? Or nothing at all?
  2. DiamondLady

    DiamondLady New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    I have had such events happen to me and know of others to whom it has happened. When my aunt passed away we began redecorating her bedroom (her son and dil lived with her and inherited the house. She'd never let it be redecorated while she lived and it was a putrid pea green lol). It was our second day of working and I was standing on a ladder hanging wallpaper when suddenly I got a huge whiff of baby powder (she always smelled like baby powder) and when I turned she walked by me and I had a feeling of peace and love wash over me and it was if she was saying she was happy with what we were doing.

    In December one of my best friend's husband passed away suddenly far from home. Several weeks after his death my friend woke to him sitting on her bed, next to her. He didn't say anything but just smiled.

    I could share others, needless to say I believe it happens. Why? Comfort and peace. How, when....I don't know, like some other things, I just believe and move on
  3. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Ignorance of the truth of Scripture is where I place people who "dream up" these sort of silly messages

    A lone blooming Iris

    A chime from a clock that has remained chimeless for yrs


    A message from above

    With all due respect

    I don't buy it!!
  4. Crabtownboy

    Crabtownboy Well-Known Member
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    Feb 12, 2008
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    The interpretation of such events is up to the person who has experienced them. They are unprovable either way.

    Having said that I took the following as a message from God that all was well with my Mom.

    My mother's last years were not good one. In fact they were bad.

    Almost exactly 24 hours after she died, about 3:00 a.m., I woke with the hymn "There is Sunshine In My Soul Today" going through my mind.

  5. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    Non Baptist Christian
    :thumbsup::thumbsup: Not happening in real life:thumbsup:. We can only read of this on BB or some new age teaching:laugh:
  6. Alcott

    Alcott Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2002
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    I don't know if I made it plain or not, but I don't either. I posted this simply because I was met with this situation again this week. Certainly it would take more than something unusual for me to begin to give credibility to this idea, but it's likely enough we are going to hear something akin to this when a loved one passes on. I really see this the same way I look at TV preachers who talk up "miracles." Nobody is going to convince me of 'healing power' becaue of someone's testimony of being 'healed' of stomach or back trouble when they heard some guy say they are being healed. It would take a person with a missing arm or leg growing a new one-- something clearly not possible-- to get me to believe it. A clock dormant for years suddenly chiming is unusal, but certainly not impossible. But I didn't say in the OP that the reason I told my girlfriend about that was mainly because I was 95% sure of what her reaction to it would be. If you ask me why, I guess I can't say, other than for some reason I wanted to hear her say that. But is that 'playing around' with supernatural ideas? Yes, it must be, IMO.

    But I take the same position when I hear Christians talk about things like how they've been 'blessed' by tithing. I've mentioned before the little old lady who worked at the cotton mill in town, who says the way she was blessed was that in 14 years of working there, she 'only' missed 4 days because of illness. Does that prove anything? Of course not. But humans seem to be geared to think in those kind of terms. We perceive it how we want to. The pastor who taught a class I was in touched on this more than once, saying that "if we need" some extra assurance that our departed loved one wants us to go on with assurance, 'he will provide' such assurance like that. At least once he was talking about a certain person who really loved her grandfather, who said she 'saw him'-- that is, a man who looked just like him driving the same kind of car he drove who passed by and waved at her. I would have to believe that is a type of ministerial tactic to keep people in church, or in line, by playing to their personal longings-- like the lady and her 'only 4 days missed from work' because she faithfully tithed.
    #6 Alcott, Mar 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2012
  7. HAMel

    HAMel Well-Known Member
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    Nov 15, 2009
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    Ignorance of the truth of Scripture is where I place people who "dream up" these sort of silly messages

    A lone blooming Iris

    A chime from a clock that has remained chimeless for yrs


    A message from above

    With all due respect

    I don't buy it!!

    Narrow mindedness comes to mind. Cold heart.

    "Ignorance of the truth of Scripture", indeed. Limiting the Lord? That seems a bit presumptuous to me.

    Personally, I discount away much of what is held up today as Miracles and Blessings in people's lives as an attempt by them to merely bring credit upon themselves.

    To limit the Lord however in His ability or desire to speak to, show to, or otherwise ease the burden of one of His Children is wrong.
  8. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Agreed. This is one of those areas where people allow their perception of an experience to inform their theology.
  9. Amy.G

    Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    More from the Twilight Zone.
  10. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    Satanic, IMO. If this is the case, why didn't Abraham send someone to Lazarus' family...or better yet, allowed Lazarus to relay the message to his brothers?
  11. DaChaser1

    DaChaser1 New Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    ONLY message from beyond comes from Jesus to us, and that is found in the Bible!

    Rest would be demonic in origen!
  12. Alcott

    Alcott Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2002
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    You're saying by that that there is a supernatural dimension to this. I think it's all perception. Maybe good can come of it; maybe evil can come of it-- but either way it's based only on perception. Furthermore, it's dangerous to think we have the devil all figured out as to what he does and how he does it. Think witch trials, inquisition, Galileo....
  13. DaChaser1

    DaChaser1 New Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Just saying IF one sees a departed loved one, or hears from them, or has someone say they have a message from them to give...

    THAT stuff is NOT of God, but the Adversary!
  14. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Bingo...we have a winner:thumbsup::thumbsup::wavey:
  15. Arbo

    Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    People will believe what they want to believe, and when they are grieving they want to believe in something that comforts them. The Devil knows that.
  16. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Anything from beyond is...

    ...not from God.

    SEE:1 Sam 28:7 (AMP) "Then Saul said to his servants, Find me a woman who is a medium [between the living and the dead], that I may go and inquire of her. His servants said, Behold, there is a woman who is a medium at Endor."

    I don't believe too much needs to be added to this. :wavey:
  17. Arbo

    Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    And if I remember correctly, she was surprised and fearful when it turned out to actually be Samuel that answered.
  18. HAMel

    HAMel Well-Known Member
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    Nov 15, 2009
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    I'll bet some of you folks on here really take pride in being God's "Right Hand Man". I wonder what it's like to be in such a lofty position? Really, I'd like to know.

    Let me share this with you. On Christmas Eve, 1993, my 70 year old father was T-Boned by a pickup truck. Him and mom were returning home from the grocery store and got hit by a speeding motorist.

    While in the ER the Lord spoke to me! I will not share any more detail than what I just said as some of you will accuse me of meeting with Satan or grasping at a New Age Agenda, or consider me a War Lock or some other kind of heathen. Never-the-less, yes, the Lord spoke to me and none of you are going to take that away.

    Fourteen days later my dad died.

    How dare any of you sit back on your righteous hind parts and sit in judgement of others? Some of you are despicable! Perfect examples of Two Legged Self-Righteousness in action. If Satan can speak with any of us, so can our Lord!

    Now for sure I do NOT accept this nonsense of people being caught in the middle and need help finding the "Other Side". Or they can't find the "Light" and need our help. Or they come back and haunt their old home-stead. Or some preacher needs to "pray them through, or over, or whatever it is they claim to do". Mysterious phone calls in the middle of the night. Eerie knocks on the walls at night..., no, I don't hold to any of that mess.

    I do know however that our Lord can and does speak to His Children in times of need. Our Lord can manifest His Greatness before us anytime He so desires. He did to me. In the ER. At the end of that hallway.

    If it has never happened to you it's criminal to take a position that it must be, or had to be, or was Satanic in nature. The Lord opened a window to me that night in the Hospital for a brief second. Truthfully, I did not understand it all until a while after the funeral and in my quiet time the Glory of the Lord came rushing into my heart and mind like I've never witnessed before.

    Some on here need to get a grip. Younger Christians certainly do need the wisdom of older Christians when things like this happen to them but to declare that it's all from Satan, is bad news.
  19. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    While its not supernatural, Its not necessarily demonic.

    Sometimes people naturally fast forgetting to eat while mourning the death of a loved one.

    This can cause ketone bodies to build up in the blood which can cause hallucinations.

    One's mind is already predisposed to thinking about the loved one so its not out of the question that their mind can play tricks on them during this time.

  20. HAMel

    HAMel Well-Known Member
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    Nov 15, 2009
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    Sometimes people naturally fast forgetting to eat while mourning the death of a loved one.

    Perhaps. No ketone bodies affected me. The accident took place at 4:15 in the afternoon. Forty five minutes l was in the ER. Yes, sometimes people are so overcome with grief things happen..., but not all the time.

    Besides, "science" and it's agents cannot explain it all. Our Lord is not a science.
    #20 HAMel, Mar 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2012