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Featured Who Does God WANT to Save?

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by DrJamesAch, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. agedman

    agedman Well-Known Member
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    Nov 4, 2011
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    I am not being critical of anyone on this matter, but wondering if this is related to the "World Last Chance" on the web.

    I know nothing of their doctrinal views, and really don't need to take the time to explore their web page.

    Perhaps others have, and they will offer insight that we can verify.
  2. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    The elect from Israel and all the world is who will be saved. That is quite OBVIOUSLY who that passage is referring to.

    God's will, like your will- is complex.

    You have no desire to see your children feel pain, yet you know that if you teach them to ride a bicycle, at some point, they are going to crash. They will scrape their knee or possibly even break a bone. You do not WILL that for your children, but you know it will happen.

    Yet you go ahead and teach them to ride that bike anyway. Why? Because your will is not simple. You can will one thing, but will the very opposite of that one thing even more because the end result of it is what most pleases you. The end result which you are willing to risk your children's pain for is that they obtain the joy of riding a bike.

    You will two things- the dead level opposite of one another. You pursue the the thing you will the MOST of the two things that you will.

    Do you see? It is not simple. If you need everything to be simple, you'll never get the truth of anything- including soteriology.

    God really does will that all men be saved. We are to pray for all men because we pray to a God who cares about all men and really does will that all men be saved.

    But he wills something more. He wills for the results that come only from a world in which people perish.

    Now, you will say that God never willed for a world where people perish.

    Then I will remind you that God did not HAVE to make this world. And he did not have to make this world exactly the way he made it. And I will point out to you that God KNEW- he absolutely KNEW that IF HE MADE THIS WORLD that people would perish- yet he made it anyway.

    God willed to make a world in which people would perish because there was something valuable enough to him that he was willing to have people perish to get it.

    Now, we can quibble over what that thing is- but both non-cals and Cals agree that God was willing to build a world in which he knew people would perish in order to have this thing.

    Arminians say the thing God wanted so much that he was willing to make a world in which people perish was a creature endowed with free will to choose to love him.

    Calvinists say that God wanted to glorify his grace and his Son.

    But regardless, ALL OF US cannot deny that God built this world KNOWING that if he did people would perish in this world.

    Yet God was willing for this world to exist anyway.

    Something was valuable enough to God to create people who would perish in order that God might obtain it.

    That is an invincible fact.
  3. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Good find. Those are some of the exact things he has been posting--some of them word for word.
  4. convicted1

    convicted1 Guest

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Ouch! Now, HW, that's what I'd call being taken to the woodshed.

    Good post Brother.
  5. Amy.G

    Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Then why is he allowed to post in the Baptist only section when he is clearly NOT Baptist??
  6. Jedi Knight

    Jedi Knight Well-Known Member
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    Mar 9, 2009
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    Like Saul who was knocked off his high horse?
  7. DrJamesAch

    DrJamesAch New Member

    Sep 30, 2012
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    Paul's testimony to Agrippa was "Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision" Acts 26:19

    Jesus told Paul it is HARD to kick against the pricks, notice He didn't say it was impossible. Paul kicking against the pricks is a clear indication that he was resisting the Holy Spirit, and then Paul willingly OBEYED. Notice Jesus didn't MAKE Paul ask "what will you have me do Lord?"
  8. Edward63

    Edward63 Member

    Jun 27, 2013
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    The Scriptures declare who God wants to save, and who Jesus came to save.

    “By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who [among them] considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people to whom the stroke [was due]?” (Isa 53:8 ASV)

    “And she shall bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name JESUS; for it is he that shall save his people from their sins.” (Mt 1:21 ASV)

    These people were not just the Jews:

    “even as the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice: and they shall become one flock, one shepherd.” (Joh 10:15-16 ASV)

    “even as thou gavest him authority over all flesh, that to all whom thou hast given him, he should give eternal life.” (Joh 17:2 ASV)
    “I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for those whom thou hast given me; for they are thine:” (Joh 17:9 ASV)

    “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself up for it;” (Eph 5:25 ASV)

    Who are Christ's church?

    “even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blemish before him in love: having foreordained us unto adoption as sons through Jesus Christ unto himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,” (Eph 1:4-5 ASV)

    Therefore, God wanted to save those whom the Son came to save and He never fails in what he came to do. God decreed/wanted to save those who are actually saved.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. The Biblicist

    The Biblicist Well-Known Member
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    Nov 13, 2011
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    Never did get a response from Archer.
  10. DrJamesAch

    DrJamesAch New Member

    Sep 30, 2012
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    That's probably because he's been dead since 2004
  11. The Biblicist

    The Biblicist Well-Known Member
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    Nov 13, 2011
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    My apologies, I did not intentionally mispell your name. Ok, James you have the floor.
  12. HisWitness

    HisWitness New Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    if I were you--I would taker the time and look at all this--youll actually learn the truth about some names :thumbs::thumbs:
  13. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    In light of all the unorthodox posts you have made it has been the decision of the administration that you post in the non-baptist forum only. I hope that you will abide by the rules of the board.
  14. Steadfast Fred

    Steadfast Fred Active Member

    Sep 19, 2009
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    Thank you DHK & Administration. HW's constant derailing of threads with his nonsense in the Baptist section was getting old.
  15. Amy.G

    Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Thank you!!

  16. HisWitness

    HisWitness New Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    what you are really saying is if I or anyone else doesn't adhere to the set of beliefs and doctrines you propose ---then we aren't true Baptists and are NOT saved in the first place.

    There are BAPTISTS that are Universalists.
    There are Baptists who believe that you can lose your salvation.
    There are Baptists that give Man Glory over YAH with their Arminian views.

    Just a small portion of what some Baptists are---so you cant say some of the things I have posted is NOT Baptist Doctrine.

    You even allow Arminians to post on the Baptist forums--ALL they do is give the Glory of YAH to Man.

    I will abide by your request in respect--BUT let it be known you are Hypocrites in doing so!!! you are only out for yourself and your man-made doctrines which YAH will BURN when you appear before him:tear::tear::tear:
  17. Steadfast Fred

    Steadfast Fred Active Member

    Sep 19, 2009
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    I will abide by your request.

    In posting, he has not abided by the request.

    Sorry, couldn't resist.:tonofbricks::laugh:
  18. HisWitness

    HisWitness New Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    may Yah have mercy upon thee friend :love2::love2
  19. Steadfast Fred

    Steadfast Fred Active Member

    Sep 19, 2009
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    I've got the mercy and kindness of Jesus on my side. That is enough.
  20. RLBosley

    RLBosley Active Member

    May 25, 2012
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    "Thee"?? Oh good heavens now he is trying to use "1611 English"...

    Sorry but that's a pet peeve of mine, we are not King James' subjects don't try to speak like them! I really get annoyed at the "Thee, thou, thine" prayers I've heard so often... :BangHead:


    Continue :wavey:

    BTW, DHK thank you and the other admins for finally making this decision.