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Featured God Gave Wine: What the Bible Says About Alcohol

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by evangelist6589, Oct 6, 2013.

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  1. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I do not drink. However, you cannot make a case for abstinence based on Scripture.
  2. Allan

    Allan Active Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Actually it is very easy to make a case, and a strong one at that, on abstinence from scripture. However what one cannot do is make a case that drinking alcohol, in and of itself is a sin.
    (not referencing drunkenness)
  3. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    It took you a full minute to read that? HAHAHA!
  4. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    See, these are things we should not have to tell you. You ought to be intelligent enough to know these things if you are going to debate them.

    Food DOES affect your judgment if you let it. MORE PEOPLE DIE OF FOOD ADDICTION THAN ALCOHOL ADDICTION.

    HEART DISEASE is the number one killer of Americans.

    The research is extremely easy to do. Don't ask me to do it for you. Everybody with half a brain already knows this to be true.

    I am against alcoholism AND gluttony. But don't pretend that moderate eating is ok and moderate drinking is not.
  5. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    And HUNDREDS of millions do NOT.

    Whole NATIONS drink wine and beer like we in the south drink sweet tea and those nations have fewer drunkards than this nation that is still reeling from the redneck, backwater, hillbilly STUPIDITY that was the temperance movement and prohibition.
  6. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Bob, it is totally clear for all intelligent people. It is totally clear to all thinking people that alcohol in moderation is COMMENDED in the scriptures and that phariseeism and the condemning of moderation is CONDEMNED in Scripture.

    Jesus said that it is not that which goes into a man that defiles him but that which comes out of him.

    The Bible says that GOD made the wine which makes merry the heart of man.

    God literally TOLD Israel in Deuteronomy to go and "BUY STRONG DRINK" and rejoice before the Lord.

    Do not listen to ignorant people. Grow in knowledge and enjoy that which God himself gave you to enjoy.

    Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil.
  7. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    You'll never get it. I've never seen anyone as blind as you.

    ALCOHOL does not do this. INTEMPERANCE does it. It is not about what you take into you- its about what is already in you.

    Alcoholics have a problem with their hearts.

    I don't blame guns for killing people- I blame sin.

    And I don't blame alcohol for killing people- I blame sin.

    This is something a first grader in Sunday School should understand.
  8. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Then you lead an EXTREMELY sheltered life.
  9. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    No you can't. Not if you know beans from apple butter about hermeneutics.

    If you do, then you know that different genres of biblical literature have to be interpreted differently so you would never try to establish doctrine from a book like Proverbs.

    And if you don't have Proverbs, then you don't have a single passage that could even be ABUSED sensibly to condemn the moderate consumption of alcohol.

    There is one other option- that is if you mean by "abstinence" the RIGHT to abstain.

    But what a waste of TIME that position would be since no one on EARTH begrudges ANYONE their RIGHT to not drink.

    But what EVERY Christian should condemn with untethered fervency is this notion that drinking moderately is wrong.

    If you allow Pharisees to have that inch, then you might as well give them the whole. If they can pick ONE thing to condemn without Bible then they can pick anything else. We might as well be Mormons at that point.
  10. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    It is amazing the lack of understanding of this principle on this board especially by those called to be pastors and Christian leaders. Most have been to years of college, seminary, and have studied Scripture, Greek, and Hebrew in precise detail.

    Yet, for all of that, there seems to be this irresistible urge for Christians to make other Christians in their own image instead of letting the Holy Spirit guide that Christian into the image of Christ. If a Pharisee type Christian sees another Christian that the Holy Spirit has lead to a different conclusion about a certain issue, then they take it upon themselves to declare the Holy Spirit inept and take on the job themselves. A good example from Scripture is Abraham not believing Sarah could fulfill the promise to give him a son to carry on the Hope, so he decided to help God and find another woman.

    We see this exact pattern repeated in the KJVO people. Since they believe the KJV is the only true Bible, everyone else should also. Since they came to the conclusion that King James should have been the 13th disciple, then so should everyone else.

    When are Christians going to learn that God is sufficient in Himself to make each of His children in His image, and He does not need any help from another member of His creation.

    The Holy Spirit will never lead any true Christian to a belief contrary to Scripture. That means we are united in Christ for the essentials of the Gospel. Others, like alcohol, fits the individual plan and unique character God has given each of us.

    To illustrate that, take what you and I have posted. I do not drink and have explained why. You do on occasion. We both are in agreement with how Scripture treats drinking, yet were lead to different places in our lives. We understand that about each other, and do not feel and extra Biblical urge to correct each other, because there is no need. Now contrast that with others on this board that do not drink like me. There is a wide gap about how we view the teaching of Scripture on this subject.

    This in fact on a wider scale is very vital in understanding the Christ like life and Christian liberty. It was the essence of the gap between Christ and the Pharisees. This is not a simple good vs evil subject, like the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. It is a matter of Who controls your life. Is it the Holy Spirit, guiding you day by day, or is it your inner self. The inner self is characterized by memorizing man made rules, obeying them or attempting to obey them through their own power, then finally, making sure everyone else does also.

    Although not a hard and fast rule, the more Pharisee like someone is, the greater the chances are that they are a gossip, a glutton, and pull a stunt at a restaurant after church like a recent thread addressed.

    So what were some of you theological scholars doing during the endless hours of seminary, playing with your I phones on Facebook?
  11. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Just to be honest with you... I don't think any of the teetotalers are educated. You basically CANT BE educated and a teetotaler at the same time.
  12. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    I wish I had the money to own and operate a micro brew...I would love that. My wife's relatives from Germany were brewmasters and her Scot's relatives are into pure and aged Scotch whiskey which is great. God gave us these brews and to enjoy....and no tea totling miscreant is going to convince me otherwise. Sorry boys but its over.
  13. Winman

    Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    I've never heard anyone make as many stupid statements as you do.

    You talk about "responsible" drinking, when it is known that alcohol impairs judgment. After one drink you tend to be just a little bit less responsible than you were before you took that drink. Take another drink and you will be less responsible still.

    This is exactly what the Proverbs passage on drinking shows, alcohol deceives a man and mocks a man. It makes a fool of a man.

    Pro 20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

    Scripture says whosoever is deceived by strong drink is not wise. That pretty much fits you to a "T" Luke.
    #133 Winman, Oct 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2013
  14. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Education has nothing to do with it, but being effeminate has everything to do with it. They are afraid that they cant control themselves because most of the time they are ruled by emotion & not by discipline. A disciplined drinker knows his strengths & weaknesses but these effeminate are not disciplined, not in control of themselves. Thats why they impose strict regulations on everyone.....see because if nobody can enjoy their lives then they are happy. Its like me as a diabetic saying to my family, because I am diabetic then nobody in this house can eat cake, or ice cream or put jam on their toast.......because I'm diabetic & your tempting me to go straight for the cookies.......leave off jerk, its your problem, learn to discipline yourself & stop trying to make us miserable for your problem. AND if you disciplined yourself more, you'd be a better person....more healthy, more positive, more IN TOUCH with the world. So stop being a whining bunch of little girls & grow up!:smilewinkgrin:
    #134 Earth Wind and Fire, Oct 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2013
  15. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    Depends on the content of the beverage. Do you think that all alcohol is the same? It is not, and when I worked at the beer factory I learned this and I also learned that all alcohol sent to the state of Utah had to be of a certain %. Have you ever had a Mikes Hard Lemonade LIGHT? If not why not? Its only 2.5% and certainly far less than other beverages. Why cant someone enjoy a Mikes while eating dinner, or watching a ballgame? What is wrong with that? You use strawmen tactics against alcohol and need to do some research before you post. But since you have a hard time with this I wil help you.

    Table Wine - 14% alcohol
    Fortified wines (port, sherry) - 18-24%
    Hard liquor (whisky, gin, vodka) - 40%
    Typical serving - 6 oz of wine; less of other beverages (shot glasses) - all contain ~0.6 oz of alcohol (3-5x more than biblical wine).

    Mikes Hard Lemonades are far less than any of this. I think that Luke would be against Hard Liquor, Fortified wines, and other beverages with lots of content.

    Below is a site for you to read showing you the benefits of drinking in moderation.

    #135 evangelist6589, Oct 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2013
  16. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    How much sugar is in that Lemonade? Sugar will kill ya ....[vulgar language removed]
    #136 Earth Wind and Fire, Oct 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2013
  17. Winman

    Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    OK, and here is a short and simple video on the long term affects of alcohol on your body.


  18. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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  19. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    All of my life I have been able to limit myself to one drink - and still have judgment left to say that I want something else. One drink does not mean that you will be an alcoholic.
  20. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Pure vanilla extract must have an alcohol content of 35%. I wonder if those against alcohol avoid using it.

    Oh and alcohol does NOT fully cook off when used in cooking - even if taken to a full boil or flame.
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