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Featured So what SHOULD the CHRISTIAN response be to taking in 10,000 Syrian Refugees?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Zaac, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    These "Refugees" ------ where EXACTLY is our president and congress gonna place them??? Or will they be allowed to roam across the country "willy nilly"??? And if its a government run endeavor----will the opportunity arise for any of us to drive on up(or over, down) and engage them with the saving gospel of the Lord Jesus while they are being housed by the government?? And I suppose they will be given --------- diplomatic amunity???????????? Why is this not being spelled out by our infallible commander in chief???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    #61 blackbird, Nov 19, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
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  2. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    They are refugees. They aren't prisoners.

    Lots of folks are housed by the government. Are you not able to engage them?

    Why? They aren't diplomats. They've essentially been given asylum.

    Because the perfect folks who ask the questions don't really want to know the answers. They just want to goad The President.
  3. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    Whew! What a Donnybrook.
    I've already said my piece as to whether we SHOULD support the Syrian refugees.
    Of course we should and hopefully our government will protect us from any murderers among them.
    I gave my suggestion. But - let them (politicians) figure that out.

    A thought crossed my mind (no it didn't hurt).

    I am of Italian heritage (Jewish as well).
    When my Italian forerunners came over the current fear was that the Italian Mafia would come along with the wave of Italian Immigrants and that these (racial slur deleted) would come and terrorize us and immigration should be denied them.
    Well, you know what? They came and yes the Mafia came as well (known as "the Black Hand" then) and they indeed did some terrorizing.

    My grandparents (father's side) were not of the Mafia. Very very few Italian immigrants were.

    My thought was this - had they been denied though, I wouldn't be here.
    My grandparents (mothers side - already here) was the Jewish side.

    I am sure that this is also true of a LOT of us.
    God arranged the circumstances of our birth.

    Let's thank God for the blessing of being born here in America and pray every day for our government to receive wisdom from above before it's to late. Ourselves as well.

    James 5:16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

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  4. percho

    percho Well-Known Member
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    Dec 7, 2009
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    Is, "CHRISTIANS." a political party-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in the kingdom of God?
  5. HAMel

    HAMel Well-Known Member
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    Nov 15, 2009
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    @HankD..., when your grand-parents came to America they assimilated. Back in the day (Mafia) they only beat up on each other. The Mafia didn't target innocent civilians. I'm sure there are some folks who have been indoctrinated into the Muslim way of life and for the most part are very docile but how do you tell who is who?
  6. HAMel

    HAMel Well-Known Member
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    Nov 15, 2009
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    @Zack. Consider the following quote from LBJ.

    “I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years. [Touting his underlying intentions for the "Great Society" programs, LBJ confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One]”
    (Lyndon B. Johnson & His Great Society) This from the Blackinformant.com

    Liberals have USED blacks and all other minorities ONLY for their voting power all the while blaming the white man and conservatism.

    On March 20, 1854 the Republican Party was established in Ripon, Wisconsin. Referred to as the GOP or Grand Old Party, it established for one reason: to break the chains of slavery and ensure the unalienable rights endowed by the Creator of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness would be for all Americans.

    The Republican Party was created to achieve individual freedom. Then, as now, the antagonist to the Republican party has been the Democrats, the party of collective subjugation and individual enslavement — then physical, now economic.

    The first black members of the US House and Senate were Republicans. The first civil rights legislation came from Republicans. Democrats gave us the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings, poll taxes, literacy tests, and failed policies like the “Great Society.” http://libertyalliance.com/lbj-ill-niggers-voting-democratic-next-200-years/

    ...and so it is with the Syrians. The liberal politicians are not one bit interested in these refugees except for their votes. Same with the Mexicans and all others who migrate to this country.
  7. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    Hi HAMel,

    Long long ago I stopped being Republican, Democrat, right. left, liberal, conservative, etc, etc.

    My political birth was as a JFK Democrat while I was an airman in the United States Air Force.

    The only political label I gladly accept, support and advance is pro-life (my wife as well, we have 11 children). My wife calls herself a Republican, I am a small "i" independent.

    It matters little to me HAMel what a "party"'s history is (although I do take it into consideration) - what matters is the here and now. I cannot support even a so-called conservative pro-life Democrat because his/her party platform has a "woman's right to choose" platform plank. Choose to be what? Choose to do what?

    I would like to see the Bill of Rights with an added clause including babes in the womb as fully deserving of "LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" .

    Perhaps the next president can also be brave enough to make an executive order calling abortion what it is - murder.

    It seems it may be too late though.

    May God have mercy on our beloved nation.

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  8. HAMel

    HAMel Well-Known Member
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    Nov 15, 2009
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    HankD..., I live in Eastern North Carolina. Back in the day if you were not a registered Democrat you simply didn't vote. It was that simple. Over the past few years as more conservatives began to run (locally) I switched to their party and have remained ever since. I just recently sent a Hell Fire Damnation letter to my Republican Representatives regarding refugees in particular and asked that he not respond to me with his voting record. Enough of the nonsense already.

    I see where Michael Moore has announced that he will accept Syrian Refugees. Good for him. The Black Lives Matter folks have been so brain washed they don't realize they have been used for decades simply for their vote. In return, they get all the free stuff.

    From a Christian/Biblical standpoint our Lord is directing everything that's going on in the World Today and we can know for sure that His will is being done. At the same time, this does not mean that we believers are to roll over and play dead. I too am a Veteran of the 1960's and this is not the America you and I grew up in.

    Diversification is only good when folks assimilate. That has fallen by the wayside and these folks coming into our country now are demanding. They don't have a right to Demand anything. Bottom line is it makes no difference what political party someone is affiliated with..., what they need to do is start thinking for themselves instead of following their political handlers and all the nonsense. Start thinking for themselves and stop hiding behind the Bible. .
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  9. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    Remember "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". JFK at his inauguration January 1961, who BTW admitted to the press when asked - "Yes, I am a liberal".

    RE: our Lord directing everything:
    However there is a passage which is a theological difficulty for some:

    Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

    Which directly implies or indicates that God's will is not being done on earth (IMO). I assume (rightly or wrongly) you include words/phrases like "permissive will" and/or "God allows", etc in your statememt.

    I must say it was much simpler for me when I was a child and the nuns told us that this means - obey your parents ,don't lie, don't fight, don't swear, come to mass on Sunday and give to the poor.

    I don't think denying widows and orphans is God's will.
    But neither is it His will for me to risk the lives of those to whom He has given me to protect.

    Rather than debating the possibility of violating God's will, I try to get on board doing those things which are definitely His will as revealed in His word.

    But I fully agree HAMel - this is not the America you and I grew up in and it is truly heart wrenching.

  10. ElenaP

    ElenaP Member

    Oct 9, 2015
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    @Zaac, you seem really sweet and kind hearted. I wouldn't want anyone to change your views because your views are a beautiful reflection of your Christianity.

    However, thankfully, it doesn't matter what the "Christian" response is to the issue, because this is a national, international, political issue. If anyone wants to witness to them, they can take a plane across the ocean and do it over there.

    When I was a child, we said the Lord's prayer at school. Then they took it out, because it was unfair to those who weren't Christians. Now here come the muslims. They began immigrating slowly, entering our city quiet and respectfully at first. Now decades later, as their population has multiplied, and they have become more demanding of their "rights". Prayers rooms have been established in PUBLIC schools, because they demand their religious freedoms. And we are giving it to them. They are transforming the face of the world. They are coming in where Christianity has been taken out.

    Women have fought for decades for equal treatment and equal rights. Now here come these black robed women negating everything that has been established. And here come these muslim men, entering our workforce with their religious attitudes towards women.

    I don't know if I'm explaining this well. But I have just seen what these people do when they enter a community, and get more confident as their numbers grow. They take the privileges granted them through our freedoms, but then do not return the respect. They take advantage of what is offered to get their own way, but them refuse to play the rules everyone else plays under.

    My parents immigrated here. They kind of assimilated and kind of didn't, they still kept their own culture. But they (along with almost every other nationality that came in) showed some form of respect to the country and a willingness to go along and play by the rules. But these people are rebels, they are driven by religion. They go against the rules in the name of their religious freedom.

    This is a really serious time on the face of this earth. If all this isn't contained or figured out, you are going to be looking at a very different world just a few decades from now.
  11. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Some of you must think everybody is just dumb. There are white liberals too. So there's plenty of blame to place in the laps of the old, white racists and racially prejudiced.

    The GOP has been much like the Communist Party. It's one thing to make it look like you're for Civil rights by pushing for such a bill. But the truth is displayed when all your efforts over time are to systematically undo those Civil Rights.

    Nothing but a ruse.

    Sounds like the GOP to me.
    And then swiftly became entrenched in the GOP.

    And like with the Hispanics, so called political Conservatives who say they are Christian want to really keep these folks out of the country because they are scared that the refugees and the Hispanics WILL BE additional votes against them and their wickedness.

    I again don't trust either party. Have seen too much wickedness out of both sides which is why I continue to think it odd that so many in the Body link themselves to either party.
  12. HAMel

    HAMel Well-Known Member
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    Nov 15, 2009
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    Zack..., most people are dumb.

    "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." (Margaret Thatcher) No way around it.
  13. Jordan Kurecki

    Jordan Kurecki Well-Known Member
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    Apr 26, 2013
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    We sure do need more missionaries to send to the Muslims in the middle East.
  14. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    On that you and I agree Zaac.

  15. Jordan Kurecki

    Jordan Kurecki Well-Known Member
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    Apr 26, 2013
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    The correct Christian response to this and other issues is for us to get our hearts right with God and to live for Jesus and impact this world with the gospel. that is the solution to all the problems of this world.
  16. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    AMEN! Well summed up!
  17. Jordan Kurecki

    Jordan Kurecki Well-Known Member
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    Apr 26, 2013
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    For real, politics is not salvation, neither democrat or republican. Jesus is the only hope for America, folks we can sit on here and rail on republicans and democrats till we are blue in the face, but until we stop living in our sin, and get thirsty for God, things will only continue to get worse.

    Friends we need revival, I beg you to pray for revival with me, please let's, get away from the filth, throw out the entertainment, this country and this world needs prayer, so many of us see the wickedness posted day after day about the way this world is going, we have the answer, Jesus Christ, but instead of doing something about it, we are all posting and arguing and fighting on the Internet. My friends, this is no problem Gods plan. PRAY FOR REVIVAL. WE NEED JESUS CHRIST IN AMERICA AGAIN AND AROUND THE WORLD!
  18. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    YES! YES! YES!!!

    I'm stealing this as my new siggy. Nothing but the absolute truth. This is why I can tell folks that when I deal with my Brothers and Sisters in Christ and we are talking about the things that bring God glory and advance his Kingdom, we are just about always in one accord.

    But the minute you let politics start to influence the love for Christ and for others is the minute to put on the brakes.

    It's a distraction. And this is why when it comes to political candidates, if you don't love Jesus and out of that overflow show yourself to love others, I will never support you.

    Another hearty AMEN!!!
  19. Jordan Kurecki

    Jordan Kurecki Well-Known Member
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    Apr 26, 2013
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    It gets tiring coming in here seeing topic after topic about politics. As if posting and crying about it online is going to change anything? It's the gospel that changes lives and hearts! Not legislation, not government! No Jesus, no peace,a know Jesus know peace.

    And shame on us who hide the gospel from those who are in darkness. Christians today have ears that are deaf to the cries of the multitudes going no to hell, because they can't hear over their television, their movies, and their other entertainments. Entertainment is destroying our ability to hear from God and do his will.
    #79 Jordan Kurecki, Jan 6, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
  20. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    And that's the excuse I hear from Christians every Presidential election cycle. "We need to elect Candidate XYZ to turn the country around". It leaves me flabbergasted because it's the people of GOD who should know that NOTHING is gonna turn this country around except the Gospel of Jesus Christ transforming that which was lost into a new creation.

    If we led a million more people to Christ in the next 6 months in the United States and had them focused on Christ and spreading the message of HIS love and His grace, things would change.

    Another AMEN!