@Zaac, you seem really sweet and kind hearted. I wouldn't want anyone to change your views because your views are a beautiful reflection of your Christianity.
However, thankfully, it doesn't matter what the "Christian" response is to the issue, because this is a national, international, political issue. If anyone wants to witness to them, they can take a plane across the ocean and do it over there.
When I was a child, we said the Lord's prayer at school. Then they took it out, because it was unfair to those who weren't Christians. Now here come the muslims. They began immigrating slowly, entering our city quiet and respectfully at first. Now decades later, as their population has multiplied, and they have become more demanding of their "rights". Prayers rooms have been established in PUBLIC schools, because they demand their religious freedoms. And we are giving it to them. They are transforming the face of the world. They are coming in where Christianity has been taken out.
Women have fought for decades for equal treatment and equal rights. Now here come these black robed women negating everything that has been established. And here come these muslim men, entering our workforce with their religious attitudes towards women.
I don't know if I'm explaining this well. But I have just seen what these people do when they enter a community, and get more confident as their numbers grow. They take the privileges granted them through our freedoms, but then do not return the respect. They take advantage of what is offered to get their own way, but them refuse to play the rules everyone else plays under.
My parents immigrated here. They kind of assimilated and kind of didn't, they still kept their own culture. But they (along with almost every other nationality that came in) showed some form of respect to the country and a willingness to go along and play by the rules. But these people are rebels, they are driven by religion. They go against the rules in the name of their religious freedom.
This is a really serious time on the face of this earth. If all this isn't contained or figured out, you are going to be looking at a very different world just a few decades from now.