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Featured Why I am #NEVERTRUMP

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by blessedwife318, Jul 21, 2016.

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  1. blessedwife318

    blessedwife318 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 29, 2014
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    Why I cannot and will not vote for Trump

    I said over a year ago that I thought that Trump was a Trojan horse to make sure that Hilary was elected and I still think that today. Trump is the perfect caricature of the lefts view of the right.

    Old check White check Bigot check Misogynistic check Stupid check Corrupt Rich Business man check Evil Check

    Trump with his bigoted views on anyone not white, his treatment of women, his 4th grade level speaking abilities, advocating for torture, making his money at the expense of others in business is everything the left could ever dream up for their perfect foil to take down. He is the left’s perfect straw man of conservatism and I will have none of it. I will show that Trump is no conservative, and his authoritarian views should cause everyone to worry. The problem with voting for the lesser of two evils is that you’re still voting for evil. And in this election there is no lesser of two evils. And if I absolutely had to pick the lesser, it would not be Trump because of his supporters.

    1. His rhetoric


    i. Punch the crap out of protesters

    America cannot be considered a great nation if we are willing to drop down to the level of violence toward dissenters. What makes America Great is that any idea is allowed to be expressed as long as it is done in a peaceful way. Anyone running for president should expect people to protest them, and they should not call for their supporters to punch protesters. That is not what America is, nor is it what I want America to become.


    i. Take their coats and throw them out in the cold

    Now I will admit that my political views allow for private venues to remove people from their premises. But to steal property from them is not allowed under any view of the Bill of Rights. Trump has no right to take any ones coat, or anything else from them just because they disagree with him. The whole idea of taking someone’s coat and throwing them out in the cold reeks of dictatorial authority


    i. Megan Kelly Blood coming out of her eyes

    I would not take this kind of language from a 7 year old child, and I won’t take that kind of misogynistic language from someone expecting me to hire them. There are many more occasions of him acting no better than a 7 year old with his regard for his fellow men, from mocking McCain for being a POW to making fun of a reporter with a disability. I will accept none of this from a person asking me for a job.


    i. Pure leftist rhetoric about Bush, showing his left wing heritage.

    Now I won’t even get into the fact that it is a lie that Trump was always against the Iraq war, but for him to repeat the idea that “Bush Lied People died” reveals his true left leaning ideals. No one running for president with an R after their name has any business repeating anything from extreme left wing Code Pink. Trump has been a democrat his whole life and with the use of leftist language he reveals that he is still a democrat at heart.


    i. I could shoot someone and not lose voter

    For someone to have such a problem with Clinton being above the law, he certainly takes great pride in the fact that he knows he is above the law with his followers. The devotion of his followers is one of the things that scare me about a Trump presidency because he would be coming in with a lot more political capital to spend than Clinton will. He is running as demigod here and bragging about his above the law status with his supporters, making him much more dangerous in any position of power. Clinton at least pretends she is not above the law, but Trump is giving himself a mandate to be above the law with statements like this.

    f. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fewNMnY9L5Y

    i. Would fund planned parenthood, uses liberal code word Women’s health issues

    Again we see his true left leanings by using the code word for abortion and talking about how he would fund Planned Parenthood. This is also a candidate that praised the “wonderful work” of Planned Parenthood. This is a business that makes it money killing babies and Trump said they did wonderful things. No one that is pro-life would ever say anything nice about PP.

    2. His Policy

    a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPJfKdp3bDs

    i. Transcript of entire interview from above http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapot...he-governments-gonna-pay-for-it/#3370596a3862

    ii. The government will pay for healthcare, universal health care, admits that it is un-republican position.

    He is showing his statist ideals here by saying that healthcare is something that the federal government is responsible for and is actually advocating for universal healthcare, with the government paying for it. That has been the lefts dream for decades and here we have the GOP candidate running on universal health care. If we thought that ObamaCare was bad, with its duel private and public options, just imagine how bad it would be with single payer. It will be the VA everywhere. Also there is no difference here between Trumps and Clintons position.

    b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3LszO-YLa8

    i. Says he will target terrorist families and expects the military to commit war crimes

    This is just appalling on so many levels to me. What has always made America Great is that we try to stand above the fray. (Now I realize that could be debated on some things in our past but we as America has always held to the ideals of holding the moral high ground) We don’t drop down to the level of our enemies. Going after the families of enemies is wrong, it is also cowardly. It is not a show of strength it is a show of weakness to go after women and children instead of armed combatants. And here we have another example of Trump bragging about being above the law in the eyes of his followers, in this case the military. If our military is willing to break all rules of combat that have been in place for centuries, than we would have no assurance that they would not turn on their fellow countrymen if ordered to by their Commander in Chief. People that are worried about the 2nd amendment should be very worried if the military did actually follow through on orders to commit war crimes commanded by the president because the next president could use that military against fellow citizens. Remember any powers that are expanded under one president pass onto the next president.

    Even worse is the fact that I had a Trump supporter who claims to be a Christian says that this policy is the most Christian out of any of the Republicans that ran. He mocks anyone that has a problem with the murder of women and children and who view it as a war crime. As I have said for a while now it is the Trump Supporter that worries me more than anything Trump says.

    c. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1eXRXL0nkk

    i. You have to take out their family 1:40 mark

    Again we see Trump advocating for war crimes here. We don’t go after families. That’s like moral high ground 101, and Trump is failing it. There is a reason why the villain in every movie goes after the family of the hero, because that is what makes him the villain, going after the weak, instead of the strong.

    d. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=106&v=Kpj3pp10wD8

    i. Water boarding it not enough we must use torture

    Now I will be honest I don’t have any problem with water boarding. But Trump is actually advocating for real torture here, which again would bring us down to the same level as our enemies. That is not making America Great that is dragging America down to the lowest levels in the world.

    e. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihjgYj5tNYk

    i. Print more money

    This is just insane, and shows how Trump doesn’t understand how the economy works. Printing more money would just result in hyperinflation, and if you want to know how that works out just look at the Weimar Republic of Germany circa 1920s. In just 1 year a loaf of bread went from 123 Marks to 200Billion Marks. Inflating away a debt never works, and if Trump had any economic sense he would know that. And a little bit of context to his saying we should print more money, he said that after he was cornered for saying that the US should renegotiate its debt and pay back pennies on the dollar, and then he said there is no reason to default when you can print your own money.

    f. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9PCPtcsgnc

    i. Open up Libel laws

    This is an absolute attack on the 1st amendment. Again one of the things that make America Great is that we can openly saying things against our leaders without fear of consequences. I can say that I think Obama is the worst president in history and not worry that police will come knocking on my door in the middle of the night to take me to some “re education camp” and yet here we have Trump openly calling for steps to prevent people from criticizing him. Imagine how that could be expanded upon with future presidents. Especially given that Trump can build upon Obama’s use of the IRS to attack his critics. Do I think the press is biased, absolutely. But I think they also have a right to be biased in whatever direction they want. The press has always been biased and America has survived it for 200+ years. Also I find it Ironic that Trump is attacking the very king makers that put him in this position with their billions and billions of dollars of free air time.
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  2. blessedwife318

    blessedwife318 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 29, 2014
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    3. His Pro Authoritarian views

    Trump loves his dictators. He admires their power, and clearly envies the absolute power dictators have over their people. Here are just some of the examples of him extolling the power and strength of dictators.


    i. Calling Tiananmen Square Protest a riot 1:30

    Tiananmen Square was not a Riot; it was a student protest group, wanting democracy in China that got massacred by the Communist Government. There was no Riot and yet for Trump to use the term Riot for the Students protesting shows that he has disgust for anyone that fights against tyranny. Riot is the term that China uses in their propaganda about this event, saying that they kept the city safe from Riots. He is repeating Communist Propaganda and has not backed down. His saying he is not endorsing it, is contrary to everything that Trump presents. Trump is all about strength and views it as the greatest virtue.


    i. Praising Saddam Husain for being tough on terrorist

    Saddam Husain also went after women and children but as we have seen that is how Trump thinks that is how we should go after terrorist. So he is looking up to a guy that the US went to war to stop the war crimes he was committing against his own people, and Trump is wanting to commit those same war crimes.


    i. Praising Kim Jung Un of North Korea

    And here was have again him praising a dictator for their show of power and strength.

    4. His Supporters

    a. Things I personally have been called/told by Trump Supporters

    i. I was under Satanic Influence to vote for Cruz in the Primary

    ii. That I was being hateful by voting for Cruz in the Primary

    iii. I am a traitor to this country by voting for Cruz in the Primary

    Note all of the above where things said to me during the Primary election. Insulting people is not the best way to bring people to your side, but then again they are just following what their leader does. Insult anyone that does not agree with you. The being called a Traitor is the most enlightening about how Trump supporter think, and about the power they would give Trump if he was elected. Being a traitor is a capital offense. History has shown what happens when one group rises to power by branding another group as traitors and it is never pretty. Just think of the French Revolution and we can see how dangerous this idea that anyone that disagrees is a Traitor is. I don’t want anyone in the White House who has followers who think that everyone else is traitors. I especially don’t want someone like Trump who is all about power and strength being in the White House with that kind of following. I have always said that it was Trump supporter who give me the biggest reasons for not voting for Trump.

    b. Things Trump Supporters have said about Trump

    i. When given video evidence of Trumps speaking about his positions on issues, one supporter compared them to the Huffington Post writing about Aliens

    ii. Another supporter refereed to videos of Trump speaking as Propaganda

    iii. Another supporter when shown that Trump has no more regard the Constitution than Clinton said that it didn’t matter because he was on “our side”

    8 Years ago we had to deal with the Obama bots, who thought that their man Obama could do no wrong. And I was naive enough to think that was just a symptom of those on the left. Well Trump has shown that it is more of a symptom of people on the Alt Right as well. When you give them video evidence of Trump Speaking himself they dismiss it. They think that Trump speaking is about as true as aliens. Or they refer to him speaking as propaganda. Now I would agree that it is propaganda but when his supporters think his speaking is propaganda but they will vote for him anyways we have enter a whole new level of crazy in this country. When his supporters have no problem admitting that he lies all the time we have a problem. When his supporters have no problem with him shredding the Constitution because he is “our guy” we have a problem in this country.

    Of course lets not forget what happened at the convention when Cruz spoke these words: "Don't stay home this November. Stand and speak and vote your conscience. Vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution."

    How did the Trump party react, with boos. They booed the idea of people voting their conscience. They booed the idea of defending freedom and being faithful the Constitution. That one moment tore the mask away from the Trump party to reveal how anti-freedom, anti- Constitution, anti-conscience they are.

    c. Cult like worship of Trump

    i. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics...ding-himself-with-evangelical-pastors/488114/

    1. 1000 evangelicals and much to my chagrin some fundamentalist met with Trump, viewed as an endorsement by those on the out side

    This is probably the thing that makes me see Red more than anything else when it comes to Trump and his supporters. I have lost count of how many times I have heard Progressives attack Christians for putting party above their faith. And I always thought that it was an attack without merit. And then Trump came along and proved beyond a doubt that yes, many many Christians do in fact put the Republican Party above their faith. The thousand or so “Christian Leaders” who met with Trump can say until their blue in the face that this was not an endorsement but it doesn’t change the fact that it is viewed as an endorsement by everyone including Trump.

    I spent over a decade in fundamentalist camps listening to the importance of separation. And one thing that was drilled into me over and over again is you don’t join hands with anyone not on the same page because that is a tacit endorsement. You don’t be on the same platform because that is a tacit endorsement. And now we have thousands of “Christian Leaders” giving tacit endorsement to the 3x married, strip club owner, casino owner, I don’t have any need any forgiveness Trump.

    When I found out that there were some fundamentalist pastors at that meeting as well it was like a punch in the gut to me. Those men have thrown out everything they are supposed to stand for in regards to separation for the Republican Party. So yes unfortunately the left has been right that there are many Christians that do put the Republican Party above their faith.

    ii. http://drjamesdobson.org/news/dr-james-dobson-on-trumps-christian-faith

    1. Dobson granting cover to Trump since he is a “baby Christian”

    This was just one of those articles that just make me want to scream. Here we have a man that was a huge part of the moral majority back in the 90s trying desperately to give any kind of cover to a man who shows absolutely no Christian virtue. When reading through the Bible one thing that is clear is that anyone that has a true encounter with Christ comes away a changed man. Zacchaeus immediately changed and gave away half his wealth and paid back those he has cheated 4x over. We do not see any changes in Trump. He is still attacking those who disagree with him, he still owns strip clubs. He still proudly displays pornographic magazines in his office. He has not come out and asked for forgiveness from those he slandered in the course of this campaign.

    iii. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jerry-falwell-jr-trump-playboy_us_576c0785e4b0b489bb0c9a8b

    1. Falwell picture with Playboy, when called on it on Twitter attacked those who noticed it, Note his father went after Larry Flint for Pornography.

    I have never been a fan of the Falwell’s but this just takes the cake as far as trading in all your supposed principles for the chance to be close to power. Jerry Falwell first of all endorsed Trump long before the primaries were over, which was very discouraging to me on the evangelical front. Cruz is clearly the better man both in terms of character and in loyalty to the Constitution, but Falwell wanted Trump. And then his over the top reaction on Twitter to those that pointed out the Playboy magazine in the background just adds fuel to the fire. His father went after the pornography industry and now we have the son attacking anyone who has a problem with the pornography industry since it goes against the guy he endorsed as president.

    The above reasons are just a few of the many reason I will not be voting for Trump in November, and why I have left the Republican Party. Or to reference the late Ronald Reagan this is how the Republican Party left me. I cannot in good conscience be a part of any organization that puts a man like Trump as it leader. I will be joining the Constitution Party and plan on voting for Castle this November.
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  3. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Bravo blessedwife!!!

    Yet after ALL of THAT, there are folks who call themselves Christians and conservatives who can and will excuse that because they are #AlwaysGOPFirst and will support the GOP candidate no matter what.

    I have been amazed after all the things you listed and then some, how Christians and conservatives are contorting themselves to be able to vote for this persona of a wicked, wicked man.
  4. Smyth

    Smyth Active Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    You're not voting for Trump because you think his candidacy is an evil scheme to get you not to vote for him? That sounds like the insane reasoning of a RAT (Republican Against Trump).
  5. blessedwife318

    blessedwife318 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 29, 2014
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    I'm not a Republican. That party left me remember. I am a member of the Constitution party. It's hard to be a RAT if you are not even a Republican:)

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  6. Rolfe

    Rolfe Well-Known Member
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    May 17, 2014
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    Perhaps if Blessedwife had written her posts in crayon, you could have understood them.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Smyth

    Smyth Active Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Psssst, I've always voted CP for president.
  8. blessedwife318

    blessedwife318 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 29, 2014
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    oh well I'm glad to see that you are voting for Castle than. :)

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  9. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    Great job BlessedWife. A well thought out and executed post.
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  10. blessedwife318

    blessedwife318 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 29, 2014
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    thanks. I had been working on it for awhile but was holding off on publishing until the convention to see I'd the GOP would hang or save itself.

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  11. shodan

    shodan Member
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    Mar 19, 2005
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    All the NeverTrumpers are the best thing going for Hillary and the abortion, perversion agenda and the loss of the Supreme Court for decades
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  12. shodan

    shodan Member
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    Mar 19, 2005
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    [​IMG] I did not support Trump but he was duely elected and I am not too pure or so embittered as to give Hillary the presidency
  13. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    No, the dumb GOP putting up a lousy candidate ensuring a Democrat victory is the best thing going for Hillary.

    Sent from my Motorola Droid Turbo
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  14. blessedwife318

    blessedwife318 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 29, 2014
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    All the people that voted for Trump handed it to Hillary. Especially when you realize that 12 million of the votes for Trump were cast by Democrats. way for the GOP to let Dems pick their opponent.

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  15. Rolfe

    Rolfe Well-Known Member
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    May 17, 2014
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    Perhaps if Trump was a Conservative, there would be no NeverTrumpers.

    You Trumpies really do not know what he believes/stands for. You can only rely on his word, not on his record.
  16. TCassidy

    TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    But we do know what Hillary stands for. The devil you know or the devil you don't?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Rolfe

    Rolfe Well-Known Member
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    May 17, 2014
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    Then why are you suddenly a Trumpie Apologist?
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  18. Rolfe

    Rolfe Well-Known Member
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    May 17, 2014
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    So I should sin against my conscience and vote for someone who I think is evenly unqualified and as bad for this Country as Clinton?

    I hope that I am wrong, and Trump is the real thing; but I do not see it.
  19. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    My rant:

    Don't forget what America is capable of : Nagasaki and Hiroshima when entire families were incinerated - about a quarter of a million in three days (mostly the elderly, women and children - young men were at war) with a least a comparable number dying of radiation poisoning and cancers in the aftermath.

    Harry Truman (a Democrat BTW) order the bombs to be dropped.

    Iran is now assured of a bomb (maybe even thermo-nuclear as opposed to atomic - after all Russia is their ally with the largest H-bomb in the world ) our present administration guaranteed it.

    Our death rate may not be so small when they smuggle one in on an un-inspected freighter.

    So, wake up to the awful fact - war is hell, no other description defines it well enough.
    And it is coming, in fact the preliminary reconnaissance units have already arrived our government telling us that they are in every state - up to 1000 of them with insufficient resource to route them out.

    We will need another Harry Truman to survive.

    I'm not saying that this (survival) is my belief, I pray over and over for peace, I am talking about the will to survive of the collective nation. However I am a veteran and if I am physically able, I will keep my oath to my country.

    I am no Pollyanna, you (a generic "you") shouldn't be either.

    Hillary (IMO) will allow Iran to destroy us, - just be nice to them, just give them jobs, billions of bucks, chocolate chip cookies, whatever they want.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Rob_BW

    Rob_BW Well-Known Member
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    Mar 1, 2015
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    Crayon or macaroni glued to construction paper (my preferred form of communication), that was way too long. The internet favors brevity.
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