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Featured Thank You for Your Prayers, I Have Left IHOPKC, I Have Lost My so-called "Spiritual Gifts"

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Steven Yeadon, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. Steven Yeadon

    Steven Yeadon Well-Known Member
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    Feb 12, 2017
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    I have committed a death penalty crime according to the bible. I have claimed to speak for the LORD when indeed I was speaking for the devil. I have great sorrow over this and will for quite some time it seems. I lack regret anymore though, I know I am forgiven by confessing my sins and that this terrible affair with an antichristal organization is behind me.

    I thank and praise the LORD in Jesus' name that I am set free.

    What took me in was my sincere desire to have a good and victorious time in this life. I was promised a victorious church that won against the world, I was promised healing from all my diseases, I was promised being a minister of the Gospel in Charismatic churches, ultimately I was promised what seems like a good life here on earth. I loved these lies over the truth and got wrapped in the strong delusion of our time. I was of course wrong, I go back, feeling oddly dejected, to a life of physical suffering and a Kingdom not of this world that is hated by the world.

    Another thing that got me was that there are genuine miraculous goings on at the Orlando House of Prayer. The premier of the Orlando branches of the IHOPKC Movement, that also hosts Onething Orlando. I now know a shadow of how horrible the Man of Lawlessness will be. In the presence of minor miracles, that in no way compete with the apostles, I allowed myself to be completely taken in by the lies of IHOPKC. I was even incorporated into the structure because I had plentiful dreams of the future that came true, visions that worked like other prophetic ministers' visions, glossolalia, and supernatural interpretation of these Pagan babblings.

    This website convinced and convicted me to pray a simple set of indelible prayers. That if these supernatural things were not of God that they would all go away. Over the course of a few days they did. What truly got me was that prophecy is either "you have it" or "you don't." God is either speaking clearly for the good of the Church or He is not. Real supernatural power must work for the good of the Body of Christ. None of my so called gifts that have lost their power and hold over me served the whole Church, most especially the "prophecy." I now feel like an addict off his drug now that all the "gifts" are gone. I feel in withdrawal, unable to access these supernatural abilities.

    This website and its many links helped me reject the spirit giving me counterfeit supernatural ability:

    The Mike Bickle and IHOP Cornucopia of False Teaching, Bridal Weirdness and 24/7 Confusion

    If you prayed for me please do so a little longer. If you confronted me, I thank you. I have special thanks for those who cautioned me to pray that anything not of God go away. Such an easy prayer could not be shirked.

    I will be looking for a nice conservative Christian church in Orlando. I have some recommendations and will pursue them. I can't go back to my old church in the SBC because their doctrine is liberalizing and both the pastor and I agree I don't fit in with my more conservative beliefs.
    • Prayers Prayers x 4
  2. TCassidy

    TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Revmitchell is in the Orlando area. Seek him out.

    If that doesn't work out for you, and you don't mind driving over to Titusville, my brother-in-law pastors a church there. Let me know and I will give you his name and address of the church.
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  3. Steven Yeadon

    Steven Yeadon Well-Known Member
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    Feb 12, 2017
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    Thank you elder Cassidy,

    That's good advice, and Revmitchell already offered to talk to me. I plan to take him up on his offer now.
    • Like Like x 2
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  4. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Non Baptist Christian
    1 Cor 12 and Ephesians 4 (and 1 Cor 14) tell us that spiritual gifts are real.

    But as we see in the case of the Messiah - there were false Messiahs and there was the real Messiah.

    The fact that the doctrine on the Messiah - was real -- did not preclude there being false Messiahs.

    At the same time "the solution" could never be "ok well fine then -- just reject everyone who claims to be the Messiah". Such an over-simplified solution would have been fatal had you lived at the time of Christ and applied that flawed rule to "the carpenter from Nazareth".

    Being both Spirit filled and Spirit lead where all doctrine is test by the Bible - was the only course of safety at the time of John the baptizer - and is still the only path of safety.

    1 Cor 14 and Acts 2 are very clear that "tongues are a sign to unbelievers" and are the ability to speak a foreign language unknown to yourself prior to receiving that gift.
  5. Reynolds

    Reynolds Well-Known Member
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    Jun 15, 2014
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    Definitely meet with Mitchell and let him counsel you.
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  6. utilyan

    utilyan Well-Known Member
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    Feb 11, 2016
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    Steven sometimes the mind like to make up more entertaining plot then there actually is. Like if you hear thunder....oh God must be grumpy.

    One of the dumbest things we humans do is let ourselves know what we think we don't know. Including building up a entertaining story to things.

    Sometimes the mind is half mouth and half ears.

    You need to concentrate on listening to yourself, being all ears, because plenty of times the reality the truth of what you hear and see gets mixed up with the content of what you say and you might not realize your the one making up the story doing the talking.
  7. JonShaff

    JonShaff Fellow Servant
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    Dec 1, 2015
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    Praise God from whom all blessings flow! The Spirit of the Living God does bless us with Gifts, but they are used for the edifying of the people of God--ultimately for the Glory of God. Praying for you @Steven Yeadon
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Joseph shall add

    Feb 7, 2010
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    Here are examples of spiritual gifts i operate in. In 1982 while driving down the road in San Diego. Was overcome with a need to change roads. So i did. with in a few seconds. A semi hauling Gas exploded exactly were i would have been, Pays to hear. In 2004 was was at my brothers for Christmas, became sick Christmas eve and just had to go home for some reason. Some how i ended up behind a semi on a back road. The driver had fallen asleep, The truck i drove was new to me and had a horn. I blow the horn till he woke up. Right as he was about to hit a van full of woman that were with a church. All was well. Happened that i had bought that truck just before and was test driving it that week end. My normal truck had no horn. Another gift, i have my own business and make mistakes when i get tired. The Holy Spirit will show my errors when i rest and sleep. Every morning when i wake i go fix them. Another gift when i was going thru my only divorce, in open court from the witness stand i declared all that you have seen in this nation over the last 20 years. That is called foretelling the future. This is what i said you will see blood on every street in this nation and destroyed careers. Not i, but the Holy Spirit spoke. Another gift in 2007 had a dream about tires all over the streets and cars standing still. I knew the meaning, economic depression. While in the pulpit i said this the Lord is against your cars and your houses. 2 weeks later the house and the auto markets fall apart. Once i helped a fellow fix his car then he tried to steal from me and became abusive with his mouth. I Spoke to the Lord. With in a few seconds that man lost his car and was sit on foot. Had a relative whom was stupid, punch me on the face. I went to the Father and said only this Father is it written that you shall not touch the annotated. This is what happened to that relative. Wife left him, she took the kids, he lose his job, he lost his truck, he was homeless. God stripped him bear. There was another time when in the Army when i fall under a tank track and a angel pulled me out before the tank killed me and set me beside him on top of a tank that was 30 foot away. Or the time i was ran over at the age of 3 by a 4500lb car and did not get a scratch. And you say there there are no gifts. I can ask God for a answer to a problem and he will give me the answer. Its called a relationship. If you have no gifts then he may not be your God. Or he may not give gifts were they will not be used. Gifts are word of wisdom, foretelling events to come. ( as in a earthquake )( economic down turns ) ( birth of child ) ( death to come ) all these from a pulpit. Gifts of healing, restoration of a blind eye, removal of cancer. ect. , prophetic word, The list is endless. And you say there are no gifts, could be you are not operating in faith. God answers the prayer of faith and nothing else. NO GIFTS means NO FAITH, or stubborn rebellion. Just like this morning the Lord reminded me of something when i woke, I had been trying to understand how to make one tool do work it was not designed to do. The tool cost 5300 dollars and i want it to do something in addition to what it does. As of this morning it does that other function. What is a gift of the Lords as well.
    So if you want to be used of God, first get into agreement with him. Get into seeking to live not to the desires of the flesh but to the spirit. Stop sinning and justifying your sinful life. And spiting on the Lamb of God. Stop being double minded. And if God has not corrected you harshly then you are illegitimate and not his.
  9. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    All agree that there were spiritual gifts operating in Acts churches, but not all of those gifts still are operating in the churches today, example of not operating would be gift of prophesy!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    The gifts are chosen and bestow by the Holy Spirit Himself, and the so called sign gifts have ceased!
  11. Jerome

    Jerome Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2006
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    Wow, the court reporter must have had sore fingers typing all that out. But what a blessing to have a transcription of your foretelling of two whole decades of this nation's future!
  12. Joseph shall add

    Feb 7, 2010
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    You know she sure did have her fingers busy. Buy the way the judge in that case died 1 years after the divorce, I told him not to sign that, the social worker whom desired vengeance on me. So she filed a false police report and conspired with the Judge and lawyers in a ex-parta manner that undermined the court proceeding. She wanted vengeance for something she had done herself, she when to her sick bed for 7 years and was tormented with pain that no Medicaid could take away until such time as she died. But that got them punished and lead to there deaths was harming my child. There is a difference in knowing the word of God and knowing how to operate the word of God. Just as there is a difference in knowing God and knowing about God. And there is such a thing as God giving a person a rod of authority. They Rod and They staff Comfort me.

    And buy the way directly after i spoke all that in court these events happened, Boston marathon bombing, Twin towers. Stock market crash ect.
  13. Steven Yeadon

    Steven Yeadon Well-Known Member
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    Feb 12, 2017
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    A gift is different than a rare occurrence of supernatural power, something I allow to be revelatory (speech from God) given rare incidents in church history and what I hear out of countries like Pakistan through Voice of the Martyrs. These rare incidents are what we call "miracles" in the modern day. My life has plenty of those too, one as big as you being pulled out from under a tank by an angel. I do not consider them the gift of prophecy, the gift of miracles, and such though. Those are regular and consistent abilities that work exactly like in the bible.

    Thus, if you could do feats like the apostle Philip, I would say you have the gift of healing and miracles. Although, we still must test to see if such a person is an antichrist leading us away from Jesus. If you could hear from God in a consistent manner that built up the Church morally and intellectually (definition of edify), if you could regularly give perfect comfort, and if you could regularly give perfect encouragement, I would be forced to admit you are a prophet as long as you did not lead me away form Jesus Christ. That is what I mean by these spiritual gifts ceasing. Not that their result (healing, miracles, revelation) are impossible, just rare.

    I could better call the spiritual gifts "Supernatural Powers" in this culture. Some people are supernaturally gifted to do basic things in churches, these people according to the bible are to be given special honor over those out front and obvious. Since all parts of the Body of Christ are equal (1 Corinthians 12:22-25).
  14. Joseph shall add

    Feb 7, 2010
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    I have learned a great many things over the years one is to fallow. Lesson and obey. I am old. Been there and done that. I am a son and not a hiring and my job is not to serve the church. It is to obey God in what ever he ask of me. One day that may be go encourage this minster. Once he has me go pray for the healing a 80 year old minster, I did. He was healed. Once he told me to put a 1 once silver bar into a offering at church. I did they next week he gave me a 1500 dollar a week Job. Pays to obey the leadership of the Holy Spirit. My pastor learned something that day. I gave my pastors wife a word of Knowledge once, about being a grandmother. it is 3 years later and today she has 4 grand children. Once he put a man with cancer on my mind and i prayed for 4 hours and went and healed him. That was all God. It has never been about us it is about him. But if you do not humble yourself he came never use you. If he is not your weakness then he is not your strength.
    Speaking about honor, A prophet is with out honor among his own house and his own land.
    Just as Jesus was with out honor among his own home and his own land.
    When the worldly show honor to a man or woman, they should run.
    The apostles and prophets of old were honored with stoning, beatings and murder all there days.
  15. Joseph shall add

    Feb 7, 2010
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    It is written in the last days men will enter into the pulpits that have a outward from of Godliness but inwardly are as ravenous wolves.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. Steven Yeadon

    Steven Yeadon Well-Known Member
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    Feb 12, 2017
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    As a man who has had many successful prophecies myself while in the New Apostolic Reformation, I would say that the abilities I had were from Satan. Yes, they were powerful seemingly supernatural things, but they did not work according to what the bible tells me.

    I mean why would God give me the gift of prophecy but keep me acting like a fortune-teller while giving me an invitation to be in a new movement of the "Spirit" that will be unlike anything in history. That isn't the Holy Spirit of the bible, Who convicts of sin at Pentecost through Peter and saves many hundreds. That is Gnosticism and Montanism instead.

    Again, I do believe that many people in the NAR have genuine supernatural ability and are hearing from real spirits. However, they are hearing from and empowered by Satan and not the Spirit of God.

    I must repeat again for emphasis, I was given a powerful miracle when I prayed that anything not of God go away: My supernatural gifts went away almost immediately. That proves to me that Satan had me hoodwinked.

    My so-called "Gifts" are accessible again, I can feel it, but I will not take Satan's bait and give into temptation. I will not grovel to my accuser to prove I was never a Believer in the first place. I will not go back to Glossolalia and the rest. Also, if I am a real prophet, where is the fire in my bones for not giving prophecy. I instead feel peace and sober minded to be done with that so-called "prophecy."

    I would urge you to simply pray that anything not of God go away, that you be disciplined if you are doing things not of the Spirit of Jesus. We are told to test things and this is a simple and easy test anyone can do to see form whom their power comes from. I urge you to pray that prayer.
  17. TCassidy

    TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Yes, that is a perfect description of the Pentecostal/Charismatic "preachers."

    The three "Jimmies" who have jimmied up Christendom.

    Jimmy Swaggart. The liar and whore monger.
    Jimmy Baker. The liar, whore monger, and thief.
    Jimmy Jones. The liar, sodomite, thief, and murderer.

    Yep. The Crazymatics and their "prophecies."
  18. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    Do you hold with word of faith/prosperity theology than?
  19. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    John the baptist was one of the greatest prophets of God, yet did zero miracles/healings/wonders!
    Nor did the Moody, Calvin, Luthors etc of the army of the lord!
  20. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Non Baptist Christian


    And all agree that the disciples of Christ listened to and were to obey - the teaching of Christ
    And all agree that the NT church followed the teaching of Christ and of NT authors such as Paul.

    But all do not agree that God deleted gifts such as the gift of prophesy - contrary to the teaching of Paujl in 1 Cor 14:1 and Ephesians 4