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Donald Trump Indicted by special counsel

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by canadyjd, Jun 9, 2023.

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  1. Van

    Van Well-Known Member
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    Mar 4, 2011
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    1) Mr Biden - I have never discussed Hunter's business. Whisleblower - Mr. Biden was on the phone with Hunter's business partners 20 times.

    2) Mr. Trump - I won the 2020 Presidential Election. Election result - Mr. Biden took office.

    3) Apples and Oranges.
  2. Van

    Van Well-Known Member
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    Mar 4, 2011
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    If you compare voting groups, if the majority went with Mr. Biden in 2020, the current polls show Mr. Biden down a little, but still in the majority.
    McInturff added, “Being down by 20 points is a lot better [for Republicans] than being down by 40 points,” referring to past NBC/Telemundo studies of Latino voters.​
  3. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    If it were only that.

    You also have Trump saying that he declassified documents and then a recording of him saying he didn't but could have. Couple that with Trump changing mishandling of classified documents from a misdemeanor to a felony then Trump is by his own admission a felon. What makes this one worse is the fact that we have people in prison for taking classified documents home for work under Trump's elevation of the law.

    You have Trump lying about how the GOP could avoid confirming Biden. You have Trump actively trying to influence the election results in GA.

    Trump and Biden are the same - just on different teams.
  4. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I don't doubt a Trump vs Biden election would be close. The issue for me is that neither are competent enough to hold the office. Both are liars, and have told lies that are easily discovered. This means that they do not care about truth and rely on a shepherd to sheeple relationship.

    Lying to trick the American people into voting for you is voter fraud, IMHO. But that is the game today.

    Both Trump and Biden believe they should be under a different law than the people.

    There is an analyst who has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for mishandling classified (Secret) documents. They were taken to the analysts home to facilitate working from home. They were stored in a closet, even after the work was done. No information was leaked, but it was mishandling classified documents.

    Trump made that a felony. But apparently with the understanding that he would be under a different law.

    Biden is the same. When he took the documents it was a misdemeanor, but when caught it was a felony.

    That's just one example.
  5. Van

    Van Well-Known Member
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    Mar 4, 2011
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    Thanks for identifying what you claim was the Trump lie. If Mr. Trump authorized the movement of doctruments to Mira Largo, then he would have thouht his action was in accordance with Presidential authority. Thus he declassified them.
  6. Van

    Van Well-Known Member
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    Mar 4, 2011
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    I get that you are not pro-Trump. Mr. Trump served as President sucessfully so for you to say he is not competent seems arbitrary.

    You continue to act as if Mr. Trump was dishonest in the same way Mr. Biden seems dishonest. I completely disagree.

    Mr. Trump did not say he should be above the Law, that is just another false charge from the godless left.

    The analyst did not have the authority to declassify documents. Apples and oranges.

    Mr Biden, as Senator did not claim he had the authority to remove classified documents from a skiff.
  7. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    Except he is recorded saying that he didn't but could have.

    The issue with the law is it does not matter what one thought.

    But that isn't the only issue with Trump. He and Biden both lied far too much to be a competent president. And this was before Biden became POTUS.

    Like I said, sheeple will ALWAYS follow their shepherds. They will justify or ignore wrongs of their shepherd while loudly proclaiming the wrongs of the opposition.

    And with the divisions in our nation the sheeple population is growing.
  8. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    Not really. I voted for Trump both times and still believe he has the best platform.

    My support for Trump was, granted, for his platform as I actively ignored many of the lies he told during both campaigns. In hindsight, that was not right. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.

    It does not matter if Trump had the authority to declassify documents. What matters is that he didn't declassify those documents (even by his own admission).

    He said a President could declassify documents by just thinking about it. But that is not true.
  9. Van

    Van Well-Known Member
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    Mar 4, 2011
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    LOL, now he could not have been mistaken because he did not know how to legally support his action as President? Surely you jest.

    Yes, Mr. Trump's intent does matter.

    Next, you repeat "he lied" but do not cite your example.

    Lots of congregations have asked for the resignation of their Pastor because they concluded he was disqualified.
  10. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    DT is under a different law because he was POTUS. The analyst was not. Biden was not. He took classified docs as a Senator and as VP and stored them in a garage that his crack addicted son, could access, and whoever the crack addicted son was shaking down for cash and brought with him could access.

    DT stored docs in a facility with secret service protection.

    There is an audio recording of DT making a joke to a donor about not being able to see some document he was holding. They haven’t identified the document. It could have been that nights dinner menu for all we know and DT was boosting, y er t again.

    It is not the same.

    peace to you
  11. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    As far as lies go, those are well documented and available even on this site (both Trump and Biden).

    In regards to Trump really believing that all he had to do was think about it and documents would be declassified, you have a point but that point doesn't matter (it only makes Trump look foolish). Ignorance of the law is no excuse. What makes Trump's actions worse is that he elevated the crime from a misdemeanor to a felony.
  12. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    It does work the same because it is still a violation of the law. Trump could have gone to the effort to declassify those documents. He didn't (he even acknowledged on a recorded call that he should have). The law does apply to the President.

    There are people in jail right now for doing what Trump and Biden did. At least one is in jail, sentenced to 10 years, because of Trump's elevation of the issue and for doing what Trump did.

    Now we have Trump indicating he wants to expand the death penalty. What future ramifications can come of that, I wonder.
  13. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    I guess a judge, maybe the SCOTUS, will decide how the law applies to POTUS.

    The audio of him making a joke to a donor about not allowing him to see some unknown document will never stand. You have repeatedly stated DT is a liar.

    Unless they can point to a specific document and prove DT was holding it at that moment, they have nothing. DT could have been holding a dinner menu and bragging in front of the donor ( probably more likely than carrying around classified documents)

    peace to you
  14. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    Here are a handful of issues:

    "But then we signed a little law. You hurt our monuments, you hurt our heroes, you go to jail for 10 years and everything stopped. You notice that? It stopped. It all stopped.”

    This is a lie. Trump frequently suggests he passed a new law but he signed no such bill.

    “We took care of the vets, 91 percent approval rating."

    That was based on a 2013 survey. Under Trump it had dropped to 82%.

    "We approved a record number of affordable generic drugs for three years in a row.”

    This is based on the passing of GDUFA in 2012, but increases have not yet been realized.

    "We also unlocked our energy resources and became the world's number one producer of oil and natural gas.”

    False. This is taking credit for measures taken during the Obama administration.

    “Remember, I used to say in the old days, don't go in Iraq, but if you go and keep the oil, we didn't keep the oil.”

    There is no evidence of this for us to remember. Trump supported the invasion in interviews until 2004.

    “We also got tax cuts, the largest tax cut and reform in the history of our country, by far", "We got you the biggest tax cuts in history, right.”

    This is a lie. Reagan's was a greater tax cut

    "One of the things we're very, very proud of is the selection of almost three hundred federal judges and three great Supreme Court justices.That's a very big number. That's a record-setting number.”. Repeated 84 times

    False. Clinton set the record (367)

    "They went through taxes. They went through everything.”

    But they didn't

    "Gallup: 56% of the U.S. is more satisfied with conditions now, even during a pandemic (we are rounding the turn!), than they were 4 years ago under Obama/Biden. Hasn’t been equaled in recent times!”

    Not a lie...just funny because the same poll showed 56% believed he was not suitable for reelection.

    "One of the things we're very, very proud of is the selection of almost three hundred federal judges and three great Supreme Court justices.That's a very big number. That's a record-setting number.” (Repeated 84 times)

    False. Clinton has the record (367). Then Reagan (358). Then Bush (322). Trump appointed 226. Carter appointed 261 in his 1 term.

    “Before I became president, the great state of Michigan was hemorrhaging your car companies and your car businesses....Plants were closing and moving to Mexico and many other places. You know that. You know that better than anybody. There had been new, no new plants had been built in Michigan in decades and decades before I got here.”

    This is a lie. Automobile manufacturing plants were built in Michigan between 2012 and 2018.

    “...along with more than 450 miles of powerful new wall"

    40 miles had actually been built.

    “Everybody was successful. Best numbers for unemployment, African-American, Hispanic American.”

    This is false. Even before the pandemic unemployment was not at a record low under Trump.

    “You have auto plants, so many, you have -- You didn't have one in 42 years, and now you have 17, and going up, and they're going so fast, I don't know.”

    This is a lie (even if restricted to Michigan).

    "You have incredible contractors in Georgia, military contractors, and they got -- any of our money. Spent $2.5 trillion.”


    “That says it all about Mattis. Obama fired him. I should have fired him sooner. Did best work after he was gone. World's most overrated general!”

    False. Obama did not fire Mattis.

    “We're going to the southern border. As you know, we've completed the wall.”


    “That's why [regulation cuts] we have such good, and have had such good, job numbers. The job numbers have been absolutely incredible.”

    False. Trump is the first president since WW2 to leave office with fewer people employed than when he took office. COVID was an issue here, but the statement is a lie

    “We built almost 500 miles of wall.”
    40 miles were built.

    "Trump was combining several years of military funding and the actual amount was significantly less.
    to everything else for our warriors in a decade.”

    False. Congress passed a military pay raise, but this was greater than Trump recommended.

    “We also built the greatest economy in the history of the world…Powered by these policies, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world."

    Except the economy was better under Clinton.

    “NATO countries are now paying hundreds of billions of dollars more than when I arrived just a few years ago. It was very unfair. We were paying the cost for the world. Now the world is helping us.”

    This is false. Trump had inflated the amount the US paid.

    “Perhaps most importantly of all, with nearly three trillion dollars, we fully rebuilt the American military, all made in the USA.”

    False. Only 20% was actually spent on rebuilding the military.

    "We slashed more job killing regulations than any administration had ever done before.” And "the regulation reductions, the greatest in history".

    This should be applied to Carter.

    “Biden will ....close down your factories, send your jobs overseas.”

    False accusation. Biden has decreased factories being sent overseas.

    "We've created the greatest economy in history.”

    Eisenhower, Johnson, and Clinton had better economies.

    "Used to take 20 years to get a highway approved, wow we're down to two. I want to get it down to one but we're down to two.”

    No. It took 4.6 to 6.6 years.

    “We created a record 11.4 million jobs in the last five months"

    False. These were not created jobs but jobs recovered after the shutdown (businesses reopening).

    "The world respects us again. Please don't lose that respect.”

    False. The international view of the US continued to decline under Trump.

    “You notice they [Democrats] never criticize China, right? They never cr -- It's Russia, Russia, Russia.”

    False. Pelosi and Schumer were very critical of China.

    “I like Bill Barr but he changed because he didn't want to be considered my personal attorney.”

    Just strange. The AG is not supposed to be the Presidents personal attorney.

    "Wisconsin had the best year that they've ever had last year.”

    This was simply false.

    "A great launch! @NASA was a closed up disaster when we took over. Now it is again the "hottest", most advanced, space center in the world, by far!”

    This was actually Obama's program Trump inherited.
  15. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I have not heard the joke to the doner you reference.

    I don't really care about the documents. I do not believe Trump packed up his own stuff anyway (I would not be surprised if he was unaware there were classified documents in his home, or that this would be an issue).

    It is the principle that matters.

    You point it out here with insisting that the law does not apply to the President.

    What about the leaders of the other branches?

    If you are correct then we have a larger issue.

    Who decides what laws apply? Could Trump bug the DNC offices? Could he kill Pelosi?
  16. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Wow! Looks like DT is living rent free in your mind :)

    You have demonstrated a New York real estate developer turned author turned TV personality turned politician spends a lot of time exaggerating his accomplishments.

    Well done

    peace to you
  17. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    The law that applies to POTUS is called (I think) The national Records Keeping Act.

    A judge has ruled on that law in a case concerning Bill Clinton, after leaving office, taking Oval Office audio recordings and keeping them in his dresser.

    The judge ruled that law gives POTUS the authority, basically, to declare whatever he wants to be personal records.

    Concerning bugging the opposition campaign, well, the Obama Administration did that with DT in 2016 which is illegal but when the system is corrupt justice is corrupt.

    peace to you
  18. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I am not concerned about him as a real estate developer, an author, or a TV personality.

    If you notice, I did not post anything from Trump not related to his presidency or campaign.

    Do I believe we should take the time to know about those who lead or want to lead our nation? Yes. Not because I vote (I don't) but because it is important in understanding history.

    Why know history, you may ask. Because it helps understand culture, and that to understand people.

    For example, when asked to provide a lie Trump told I responded and you accused me of being fixated in Trump. Knowing people helps me to understand what type of person you are with that comment when it comes to politics.

    I don't care about Trump. But I find the sheeple on both sides fascinating. This means I need to understand towards what each sect of sheeple turn a blind eye.

    Saying those lies are exaggerations is a bit of an exaggeration.

    If Trump believes his statements to be true then he is unfit for the office. On the other hand, if he is using those lies to win an election and to paint himself in an unearned light then he is just another politician.
  19. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    The Federal Records Act?
    • Informative Informative x 1
  20. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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