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More J6 need to know info

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Wingman68, Jan 2, 2024.

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  1. Wingman68

    Wingman68 Well-Known Member
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    Dec 22, 2017
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    The US Bureau of Prisons acts as the coercion arm of the politically weaponized Department of Justice, torturing J6 political prisoners in order to convince them to lie about Trump.


    Nice cell and bunk isn’t it. Democrats refuse to condemn this but what would they say if illegal aliens were locked up in a similar fashion? During multiple interrogations, FBI agents allegedly pressured Samsel into taking a deal that would have required him to testify to lies against Trump. This is Samsel told The Gateway Pundit:

    “‘They said, ‘There was a man with a gun.’ They kept asking me, ‘Did you see him around the Proud Boys? Did they hand him the gun?’ I just said, ‘I don’t know. I am not sure. I don’t know!”

    “There was an article posted in the New York Times claiming that I was going to be the ‘smoking gun’ and I was going to testify against the Proud Boys during their trial — and I wasn’t. So, I was locked in a room in DC. Inside, the cops asked me if I was going to testify. I said, ‘No.’ People began spreading these lies and all these rumors.”

    “I said, ‘I’m not testifying!’ That’s when they ended up beating the shit out of me and telling me that I ‘better start learning to cooperate’ and I ‘better start doing what the government tells me to do or times will get real tough.’ That’s when I was assaulted, the first time.”

    “They told me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him. I told them to pound sand and because I refused to lie about President Trump it cost me twenty-two years of my life.”

    From The Gateway Pundit

    Samsel has been transferred to 17 jails since his Jan. 30, 2021 arrest for protesting at the Capitol and moved from jail to jail 25 times while pleading with correctional officers and the judge presiding over his case to allow him the life-saving surgery he requires after the beatdowns.

    In March 2021, while detained in the hole the DC gulag for refusing COVID, Samsel awoke to the correctional officers zip-tying his hands. Then they walked him to an unoccupied cell and smashed his face into the ground.

    “I was moved to Central Virginia Regional Jail. At that jail, they were unable to provide me medical so they sent me off to Northern Neck Regional Jail in Warsaw, Virginia. In Warsaw, I was assaulted during the legal video visitations,” Samsel said. “After I was beaten there, I started suffering from all these health conditions — that’s when I started developing bad blood clots.

    “When I was finally able to see a doctor in Warsaw, the doctor wrote a letter to the judge saying, ‘This guy needed to be released. He has way too many medical issues, and we can’t operate on him here, his blood clots are serious and he needs treatment immediately.’ He sent me to Geissinger, a local hospital. They scheduled surgery, rehab and all kinds of treatments that the jail couldn’t provide. But [Judge Jia Cobb] refused to allow me to get the surgery. She said, ‘I’m not giving him bond. I’ll ship him to Philadelphia and we’ll get a second opinion at the University of Pennsylvania.’”
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I read up on Samsel. He is a pretty horrible person (several instances of abusing and attacking women, several convictions).

    I also read about the photo (which apparently was not really a cell, or even at the correction facility). How many have seen cells where prisoners are allowed to have mop buckets anyway?

    That said, Samsel beat his pregnant girlfriend and threw her into a canal. I would not be opposed to placing him in a mop closet (as shown in the photo) for that crime.

    Before that he attacked another woman, beat her, broke her teeth, and choked her. I'd put him in that mop closet for that as well.

    His health issues seem to date back to 2012 and related to hormone treatment or steroids (which may help account for his nine previous assault convictions).
  3. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    And all of that is completely irrelevant to how he is being treated while in custody.

    Peace to you
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    How is the photo not actually being at the institution where he is being held not relevant? If the photo is a fake (which reportedly it is) then how can we know his claims of mistreatment are not also false? If the information about his medical condition is false, then how can his claim about not receiving medical treatment believable?

    The problem here is propaganda. Both liberals and the alt-right jump on false information without allowing facts to be made clear.

    This happened when people decided Babbitt was not entering a door when she clearly was. It happened when idiots condemned a Chiefs fan (a child) of racism for wearing blackface (he wasn't). It happened when the alt-right claimed officers were waving the mob to the Capitol before the video showed he wasn't.

    If people would just wait for information instead of trying to advance an agenda then they would be more believable. But boys who cry wolf are never taken seriously....except by other boys who cry wolf. Doesn't mean there isn't a wolf, but it does mean the boys may be just as bad.
  5. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    The problem is the US government has isolated these individuals and has not been transparent about the conditions and treatment.

    If the US government were transparent about the conditions under which they are being held, then we would know the truth, wouldn’t we?

    All the government has to do is invite a news crew into the facility, maybe a few congressmen, and give a tour. You know, like a migrant holding facility they use to have before they simply let everyone into the country with a slip of paper saying “be nice, and show up for a hearing in 18 months.

    All the government has to do is provide the records of the jails he has been placed in and when he was transferred.

    TRANSPARENCY!!!!! Then we know the truth.

    Character assassination on the inmate doesn’t change facts.

    peace to you
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    He is in the Federal Detention Center in Philadelphia. I don't believe he should get special treatment at all but should be treated like the rest of the criminals. Transparency is already there (like the rest of the prisoners).
  7. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    No it isn’t. They are not treated like the other prisoners.

    Have you seen any J6 prisoner give an interview from prison? I haven’t. I have seen other prisoners give interviews from prison.

    peace to you
    • Like Like x 1
  8. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    You are making assumptions. Interviews are not automatic in FDCs. Often the location of prisoners are not even released (not the case here, but often the case).

    And interviews are rarely, if ever, granted until the process is completed. We still have Jan 6 criminals being brought to accountability for their crimes. It would also impact those who may have been protesting (not criminals).

    Of course there will be no prison interviews (at this time). Nothing special about Jan 6 thugs. No special treatment should be given.

    One issue I have is cult followings. The "sheeple" of cults or cult-like organizations end up making heros of criminals. This is often done via assumptions, like assuming a person is mistreated or prisoners have the right to interviews with the press, or that the majority of people share a concern.

    Why would interviews be granted? It serves no purpose. We know what those people did. The reason why they did what they did is not relevant.

    My position regarding law enforcement has not changed since the Democrat city riots. Unlike the leftists and alt-right I am not anti-law enforcement.

    Also, as a Christian, I cannot support people violating the law - whether destroying buildings, beating police officers or criminal trespassing....whether rioting in Democrat cities or at the US Capitol.

    If those were protestors it would be different. But once they broke the law they ceased to be protestors and became criminals.

    If there are people who did not violate the law (to include threatening and encouraging violence towards federal officers in Jan 6 at the Capitol....which Samsel did), but instead remained outside the Capitol and peacefully protested then I'd support those men and women.

    Same with the Democrat city protests. I'd support those who simply held a sign but didn't beat people or destroy property.

    The problem is the alt-right is EXACTLY like the leftists in ignoring illegal activity, in condoning the beating of police officers, in supporting the destruction of property, and in making criminals into heros.

    For example....how many alt-right members on this forum have:

    1. Condemned the rioters for destroying property
    2. Condemned the rioters for beating law enforcement officers
    3. Condemned the rioters for illegally entering the US Capitol
    4. Acknowledged Babbitt was shot while climbing through a window in the Senate Lobby door
    5. Condemned Samsel calling for violence on Jan 6 against law enforcement

    As far as I can see, none of them have. They are like the liberals. They are like AOC that can't condemn Hamas because the rioters support their ideologies.
  9. Wingman68

    Wingman68 Well-Known Member
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    Dec 22, 2017
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    Making assumptions 101. The photos posted in the OP are fake. And who enlightened on that? Snopes? The photo was originally posted by MTG who has been one of the only government officials to pursue transparency, & gain limited access to these political prisoners who have been held, without trial, for nearly three years in the worst conditions. Ray Epps is seen coaching Samsel to make the breach. Is Epps in jail?

    Up Close and Personal Video Shows Ray Epps Instructing Ryan Samsel to Break Through the Second Barrier on January 6th (Crystal Clear VIDEO) - The Billings Report

    That’s not all! Our source sent us the original version of the video and IT DOES NOT CONTAIN THE SAME GLITCH! This video is directly from the 14,000 hours that is being hidden illegally from the American public. Did someone intentionally add the “glitch” to cover up the entrance of Ray Epps? See the original video here with no such disruption and Ray Epps clearly coming through the fence.
    #9 Wingman68, Jan 3, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2024
  10. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    All I am saying is people make assumptions and accept whatever "evidence" suits their agenda. They are "sheeple".

    Consider George Floyd. How many here found it important to consider his criminal history? How many here thought it important to speak out against making a criminal a hero?

    Now consider Samsel. How many of those now back track and say it is not important that Samsel was a criminal, that he had a history of assaulting women, that he had 9 previous convictions involving assault? How many are making this criminal a hero?

    Do we believe law enforcement or do we believe the career criminals? Apparently it depends on the agenda.
  11. Wingman68

    Wingman68 Well-Known Member
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    Dec 22, 2017
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    I rest my case.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    The problem with the Jan 6 crowd is the scope of arrests and the length of time awaiting trial.

    Protestors not only should not be arrested but they should not be investigated for their actions.

    The only people who should be investigated are those who beat police officers, directly called for violence at the Capitol, damaged property, or entered the US Capitol.

    Those who only entered the US Capitol are only guilty of criminal trespass. I don't believe this warrants money and time for an investigation (it is a waste of resources). If their identity is known then give them a fine.

    Those who incited violence against police officers while at the Capitol on Jan 6 should be charged with such and share responsibility for the assault of law enforcement officers.

    Those who beat or assaulted officers should be charged and sentenced to jail.

    Those who damaged the US Capitol should be charged and required to pay restitution.

    Those who tried to stop Congress from performing its Constitutional duty under constitutional law via violence should be charged with insurrection.

    Those convicted but have a criminal history should face a stiffer penalty.

    It should not take years to get to trial.
  13. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    One issue I have is cult followers of government. They are sheeple that ignore obvious allegations of abuse and attempt to discredit the accusation by attacking the accuser.

    I ask for transparency in how these prisoners are being treated. I am not defending their actions on J6. Let the courts handle that.

    These are serious allegations of abuse going on three years now. The idea we just ignore these allegations and trust the government is acting according to our laws concerning prisoner treatment, despite the multiple allegations isn’t good enough.

    I’m from Missouri. You have to show me.

    We need transparency to know the truth

    peace to you
  14. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I agree. Sheeple are on all sides.

    We cannot take the allegations of abuse seriously, unfortunately, given its source (we are talking about the same sources that denied Babbitt was stepping through that window and told us that an officer was directing the crowd to the U.S. Capitol....until video evidence showed both claims wrong).

    We always have to consider the source.

    For me, I am not one of the anti-law enforcement crowd (I will disagree with both the extreme left and extreme right). Part of the reason is my experience conducting investigations for FDC guards and employees. I know there are bad apples, but my experience tells me most are not and if such abused were going on they would probably have been exposed....not by some guy wearing shorts and looking fine in a mop closet but by employees).

    The difference between you and I is our default position. I support our military and our law enforcement officers.....until they are proven wrong. Others, on the other hand, support anybody who suits their agenda....even criminals (in this case, for example, Samsel is a criminal with 9 previous convictions involving assault...even beating a pregnant woman and tossing her in a canal).

    For me it is not a blind act of following. I consider Samsel innocent until proven guilty and voice objection over the length of time until trial. I think we agree on this.

    BUT where we disagree is that I also consider law enforcement officers innocent until proven guilty.

    And I will never believe agenda driven organization (like The Gateway Pundit, CNN, The Daily Wire, MSNBC, or Fox News) that has a history of providing false reports. They have disqualified themselves from being reliable sources and exist merely to control their "sheeple".
  15. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Our default positions on LE and Military are the same.

    I haven’t declared corrections officers guilty of anything.

    The difference between you and me is I believe transparency will reveal the truth while you believe the allegations should be ignored because the “source” has a criminal history.

    That is the same argument folks used, and are using today, to defend George Floyd’s LEO’s.

    They claim Floyd had an extensive criminal history and history of drug abuse. Because of that, they believe we should ignore the fact the LEO kept his knee on Floyd’s neck for 2 1/2 minutes AFTER being told he had stopped breathing.

    You are using the exact argument these folks are using to dismiss the allegations brought by these prisoners… and it isn’t just one guy making similar accusations.

    peace to you
  16. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    Not quite.

    I do not believe that transparency should be given simply because one politically driven side wants it. I believe the Federal Correction Facilities should treat those who engaged in crimes the same, regardless of the people.

    I do believe that allegations of abuse should be investigated, whether George Floyd or Ryan Samsel.

    The problem (or part of the problem) is how it is reported. Take the OP, for example. Samsel was afforded medical treatment in the same way other offenders are afforded medical treatment. But that is not what was reported. I do not believe Samsel should get special treatment because his current charges are tied to Jan 6.

    Now ...would I be surprised that Samsel, or any of the rioters that attacked or called others to beat law enforcement officers, was beaten or inappropriately handled by a law enforcement officer in jail? No. And it needs to be investigated.

    And AFTER the investigation the findings need to come out.

    My default position is show me the proof. Show me the evidence.

    And this evidence can't come from organizations that have already been caught lying (or, if it does, I have to look at the evidence without their explanation).
  17. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    It would be easy enough to get a medical report from the first doctor that saw him. Samsel could wave hippa rights and agree to release that report. If that report proves his claim the doctor recommended immediate treatment for blood clots at another facility, and he didn’t receive that treatment…. Then…. That is not being treated the same as other prisoners.

    If, as the allegation goes, someone in the prison decided to get a “second opinion”, then that is also a deviation from protocol.

    The idea a prisoner must wait months and months for an investigation to be completed by the very people he is accusing of misconduct, while suffering from a potentially deadly condition (blood clots) is unacceptable.

    Get the man treatment, which is his constitutional right while in custody, and finish the investigation afterward.

    peace to you
  18. Wingman68

    Wingman68 Well-Known Member
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    Dec 22, 2017
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    Lawsuit just filed.



    “Mike Johnson is in charge of the investigative committees,” said Vargo. “He was elected because people believe he is more of a patriot that McCarthy with more guts. I am suing him to conduct an investigation into January 6th that is fair, unlike the one in the Congress prior. They didn’t even try to interview me for the January 6th Select Committee and I was one of the most high profile cases of police brutality.”

    *Plaintiff Derrick Vargo, acting Pro Se, hereby brings this action and states as follows:

    1. On January 6, 2021, Capitol Police Officer Bryant Williams, acting under the color of law, intentionally attempted to murder Derrick Vargo.
    2. Derrick Vargo attended a rally in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021.
    3. At no time did Vargo act violently.
    4. Vargo was not in D.C. to protest anything.
    5. For over a year prior to January 6, 2021, Vargo had disconnected from all media, including news and social media. A week or so before January 6, Vargo heard from someone he knew that President Trump was giving his final speech in Washington, DC and that there was a bus taking people to the speech from Ohio, where he lived at the time. The bus was scheduled to go to and from DC on the same day. Vargo took the bus.
    6. Vargo’s purpose in traveling to DC was to peacefully support then-President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
    7. Vargo stood with the crowd while President Trump gave his speech.
    8. Vargo was not able to able to hear or understand most of the speech.
    9. Vargo did hear that President Trump requested that the crowd join him to march to the Capitol to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”
    10.Vargo peacefully walked to the Capitol with a large crowd.11. On the way to the Capitol, Vargo purchased a large blue flag that said “Trump.”
    12. When he got to the Capitol, he did not see any barriers erected. People were the steps of the Capitol.
    13. Vargo saw another person climb up a structure and wave an American flag. Vargo thought to himself, “that’s awesome!”
    14. Vargo decided to climb a flight of stairs in front of him and wave his “Trump”
    flag, just like the other person he saw.
    15. Vargo decided to climb a flight of stairs in front of him and wave his “Trump”
    flag, just like the other person he saw.
    16. At the time, Vargo believed that to be his First Amendment right.

    17. Vargo climbed the stairs, and when he reached the top, he saw a group of police
    officers standing on the landing, approximately 30 feet above the ground.
    18. Among the officers on the landing was Defendant Officer Bryant Williams
    wearing a blue motorcycle helmet.
    19. There was a stone banister separating the police from Vargo; Vargo was walking
    on a thin ledge and holding onto the banister with one hand and holding his flag in the other.
    20. Vargo carefully shuffled with his feet along the thin ledge, tightly gripping the banister, making his way towards a secure position away from the police so he could wave his flag.
    21. Suddenly, and without warning, one of the officers sprayed Vargo in the face with pepper spray.
    22. Vargo desperately gripped onto the banister for dear life.
    23. At that moment he realized that the police really didn’t want him to be there, and
    would kill him.
    24. This was not obvious before the police sprayed him in the face with pepper spray with no regard for his life.
    25. The time was 2:02 PM.
    26. At that time in the day, nobody knew what would occur later on January 6.
    27. At approximately 2:20 p.m. members of the United States House of
    Representatives and United States Senate, including the President of the Senate, Vice President Mike Pence, were instructed to—and did—evacuate the chambers.
    28. Vargo and the police on the landing did not know the seriousness of the situation at 2:02 PM. If they did, the Capitol Police surely would have evacuated the Congress sooner. Not to do so would surely be gross negligence by the Capitol Police.
    29. Once Vargo understood that the police would murder him for exercising his First Amendment right to wave a flag that said “Trump,” he immediately sought to descend the stairs and go to safety.
    30. This was clearly apparent to the officers on the landing because Vargo could be seen carefully and slowly reversing his course and taking two large steps back towards the stairs where he came from.
    31. The officers on the landing, including the one who sprayed Vargo in the face, can be seen on camera standing down, demonstrating that Vargo was not a threat to them or anyone.
    32. Then, suddenly and without warning, Officer Bryant Williams stuck his hand out and intentionally shoved Vargo off the ledge, sending him plummeting 30 feet to the ground.

    33. This was an objectively unreasonable use of deadly force, as any reasonable person would have understood that there were many alternatives to deadly force in that situation.
    34. For instance, since Vargo was clearly gripping on to the banister for dear life, it was obvious that at that moment he did not pose a threat. The officers could easily have let him descend or grab him and pull him over the banister to safety.
    35. Bryant Williams was not acting in self-defense or in the defense of anyone.
    36. His action was clearly malicious and an attempt to kill or seriously injure Vargo
    for no reason.
    37. After Vargo was shoved, one of the officers threw an American flag off the landing at the Trump supporters, spiking it victoriously as if the flag were a football and he had just scored a touchdown, and then made hand gestures taunting the Trump supporters, inviting the Trump supporters to climb up and come fight the police. As if to say, “come on up so we can do to the rest of you what we did to him.” This showed that the officers were acting maliciously and were not looking out for the safety of the people who came to visit the Capitol.
    38. Officers can be seen on video inviting Trump supporters to come up the same stairs that Vargo ascended.
    39. Though later the media called the Trump supporters “insurrectionists,” at that time, in that place, the officers had no evidence that the people in the crowd were anything but peaceful supporters of President Trump.
    40. Vargo was severely injured. Among other things, he severely injured his back and foot. Due to the injuries, he required surgery and other medical treatment. He experienced pain and suffering that will last for the rest of his life.
    41. He was so high, that on his way down, he had enough time to think “I’m either dead or guaranteed to be in a wheelchair.”
    42. To this day, every night in his sleep he reexperiences the fall and believes it to be real every time. As a result, he wakes up and is constantly deprived of sleep.
    43. When Vargo hit the ground, he blacked out.
    44. When he regained consciousness, he was in an ambulance that took him to a
    45. Soon after he arrived at the hospital, two men approached him and presented government identification.
    46. They questioned Vargo.
    47. Vargo was in a hospital bed and in severe pain while they questioned him.
    48. They did not read him any rights or ask him if he wanted a lawyer.

    49. They asked for his name and asked him if he made it into the Capitol.
    50. They did not ask about his health or well-being in any way. They did not even ask
    “how are you?” They just came in and shot off their questions as if they were on a very specific mission.
    51. Vargo answered their questions and they left. Page 5 of 9
    52. The police have since arrested hundreds if not thousands of Trump supporters for being in or around the Capitol on January 6, but Vargo has not been arrested or charged in almost three years.
    53. Some of the people arrested are elderly people in their 60s and 70s.
    54. These people were caught after extensive investigation, including phone records
    and credit card activity.
    55. Some of the people arrested did not commit any acts of violence or vandalism.
    56. Vargo did public media interviews about his experience on January 6.
    57. Vargo is one of the highest profile victims of the police brutality on January 6 and
    has been subject to countless media reports.
    58. Vargo was mentioned in a trial of a January 6 defendant and the Court ruled that
    the defense could not play the video of Vargo being shoved because it would be “too damaging to the government.”
    59. It is impossible that the police, FBI, and DOJ are not aware of Vargo’s identity and his activity on January 6.
    60. Yet in almost 3 years, they have not arrested him.
    61. The Government has classified January 6 as an “insurrection.”
    62. The Government has held some January 6 defendants in prison without trial.
    63. The Government has argued in Court that January 6 detainees deserve different
    treatment from other defendants because January 6 was “an attack on democracy” and therefore the January 6 defendants present an unusual danger to the community and therefore must be locked up without trial.
    64. The courts have agreed and have held January 6 defendants without trial because the courts found them to be a danger to the community.
    65. Yet somehow, the Government has not arrested Vargo in almost 3 years.
    66. This shows that he did nothing wrong on January 6.
    67. If he is arrested following the filing of this lawsuit, it is clear that they are
    retaliating against him for filing this lawsuit.
    68. If he is arrested and charged with felonies following the filing of this lawsuit, it is
    clear that they are retaliating against him for filing this lawsuit.
    69. If he is arrested and charged with felonies and the government claims that he
    poses a danger to the community and must be locked in prison, it is clear that the Government is lying because if he was such a danger, they could have arrested him any time over the last three years.
  19. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    Well, from what we do know the allegations of injury was investigated and found to be unsubstantiated (could be a cover up).

    And, the of course, we do know that Samsel requested medical treatment and then refused medical treatment.

    My main issue is how long his case is taking. But then again, Samsel is the one who caused the delays.

    We don't know the details, but it sounds like he may be playing games.
  20. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    I guess I missed where he refused to be treated for blood clots. Maybe a link?

    peace to you
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