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Featured Does the RCC have any boundaries?

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Earth Wind and Fire, Dec 19, 2023.

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  1. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Thanks for the link. I read most of it. I remain unconvinced Mary remained a virgin or was sinless. If Mary was sinless, she had no reason for a savior and would not have died since death entered by sin and all died because all sin.

    The reference in Matthew is to the whole family. “The carpenters son”, The four named brothers (one named James) and “sisters”.

    The best reading is they referred to literal brothers and sisters.

    Concerning Mary being “born sinless so Jesus could be born sinless” makes absolutely no logical sense.

    If it were true that Mary must be born sinless so Jesus could be born sinless, then Mary’s mother must also have been born sinless… and her mother before her and her mother before her in unbroken succession.

    You will argue that’s why it’s called the immaculate conception… that God caused her to be conceived without sin… a great miracle.

    The reply to that is obvious… that God caused Jesus to be conceived without sin and that had nothing to do with Mary.

    Peace to you
  2. Cathode

    Cathode Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    The obvious thing is Mary was saved from sin altogether, preserved by singular grace from her conception and through her whole life.

    “ The Almighty has done Great things for me “

    “ My Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour “

    The enmity God put between Satan and the Woman was Mary’s sinlessness, she was not under Satan’s dominion through sin like Adam and Eve and their progeny.
    She could conceive the Saviour of her sinless flesh.

    “ You will conceive and bear a son “

    Calvin explains in his commentary of Galatian’s 1:19

    “But I saw none of the other apostles except James the Lord’s brother.”. He states that this James is “the son of Alpheus.”

    “This is fully consistent with the opinion commonly held, that Alpheus or Cleopas was the husband of the sister of Mary, the mother of our Lord, and consequently that James, the son of Alpheus, was our Lord’s cousin. “ Calvin.

    Calvin explains this purely from Scripture. James called “ the Lord’s brother “ is the son of Alpheus, Jesus cousin.

    In the light of David contracting sin from his mother, it makes perfect sense.

    “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. 5 For I was born a sinner— yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. 5 I've been out of step with you for a long time, in the wrong since before I was born.”

    Mary conceived Jesus of her sinless flesh, and He contracted no stain of sin from her sinless flesh.

    Mary received a singular Grace from The Almighty, Her Immaculate Conception was the promised enmity made between Satan and the woman in Genesis.
    Jesus was Mary’s seed, flesh of Her sinless flesh.

    Satan used a woman to bring about the fall of mankind, God used a woman in the Redemption of mankind.

    14So the LORD God said to the serpent:

    “Because you have done this,

    cursed are you above all livestock

    and every beast of the field!

    On your belly will you go,

    and dust you will eat,

    all the days of your life.15And I will put enmity between you and the woman,

    and between your seed and her seed.

    He will crush your head,

    and you will strike his heel.“

    Mary conceived Jesus of her sinless flesh, her sinlessness made her the total enemy of Satan, and her seed crushed his head.
    #182 Cathode, Mar 2, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
  3. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Like I said, you present an elaborate doctrine of sinless perfection for Mary which isn’t supported by scripture nor is it necesssry for Jesus to be born sinless.

    We are talking past each other. No need to continue concerning Mary.

    BTW, your Pope’s statement that priest can “bless” same s:x couples is shameful and gives the enemies of God great occasion to blaspheme. Your Pope should resign in shame.

    Thanks for the conversation.

    peace to you
  4. Cathode

    Cathode Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    Nothing elaborate it’s just the truth.

    Yes there is. The truth visited you this day, and you have not recognised the hour of its visitation.
  5. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Your Pope should be ashamed of his statement that priests can “bless” same s:x couples.

    Do you think Mary agrees with your Pope?

    peace to you
  6. Cathode

    Cathode Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    Yes. It’s not endorsing the union, it’s blessing individuals.

    Same with the divorced and remarried, they can receive a blessing but it doesn’t legitimise the union.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Cathode

    Cathode Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    The Annunciation, very important feast day today.

    When Jesus took flesh of Mary’s sinless flesh at His conception and Incarnation. Flesh of Mary’s flesh.

    “ You will conceive and bear a Son “

    This is the reversal of Adam and Eve, where Eve proceeded from Adam.

    “And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

    At the Redemption of mankind, Christ the new Adam proceeds from Mary the new Eve.

    As we become one flesh with Christ becoming His Body the Church, we also become one flesh with Mary, flesh that Christ’s Body was alone formed from.

    “ Woman, Behold your son “ and to the disciple “ Behold your mother. “

    Jesus calls her “ Woman “.

    Man and Woman at the fall of mankind, Man and Woman at the Redemption of mankind.

    One took place at the tree in the garden, the other took place at the tree of the Cross.

    #187 Cathode, Apr 7, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2024
  8. Cathode

    Cathode Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    As faithful disciples of the Lord, we should take Mary our Mother into our homes as well.
  9. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    He isn’t a sinless man then is he this imposter of Peter who’s job it is to be Christ on earth, thus eraticating sin by having the sinful turn away their sins by recognizing it as an a front to God! No, not this guy! If he was doing the will of the almighty, then they would be accepted into the arms of Christ as sons & daughters. But this imposter, this son of iniquity, this fraud who dares to sit at the place of Peter is one of Satans greatest achievements… sure to bring more evil into the world. It is up to the Saints to follow the Lords example and crush the head of this serpent.
    #189 Earth Wind and Fire, Apr 8, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2024
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  10. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    She has always been of the family of God, otherwise she would never have been chosen by Him. Nobody disputes that. She is a saint of the church, like the Apostles and true Disciples who have always exchanged their worldly trophies for the Kingdom.
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  11. Cathode

    Cathode Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    She is higher than them all.

    It was Her unspeakable sorrow and suffering as she watched the sinless flesh of her flesh suffering on the Cross that makes Her Queen of Martyrs. Her sinlessness and unity to Jesus by flesh and blood made Her far more sensitive to everything.
    She suffered and felt in Her spirit everything Jesus suffered on the Cross. She suffered more than all the saints and martyrs combined.

    “Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

    Mary’s pierced soul does reveal the thoughts of many hearts, the many hearts who truly love Christ and the many callous hearts that don’t. She be a stumbling block for some, and Holy Mother and Queen of others.

    Mary’s sorrow was so great it terrifies the demons to look on it, because She endured something so terrible that it would utterly destroy any other creature to try bear it, yet she remained obedient and faithful to God in accepting it, Her Immaculate Heart triumphed in sorrowful obedience sustained by God’s Grace.
    The Angels of God are in awe of Her and what God has done for Her by His Grace and Power.
    #191 Cathode, Apr 8, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2024
  12. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    My own mother suffered for 39 years with a daughter who could not feed, clothe and take care of bodily functions in any way till my sister passed at 39 yo thus breaking my mothers heart. She also did not have a husband ( he died of stress and a heart attack at 39 years old) leaving her alone at 37 to raise us (3 small kids and my sister). The government denied us food assistance because we were 27 dollars over the limit so we almost starved had not my grandmother sent us a craf of cooked spaghetti when she could. So don’t tell me about pain and suffering. So with practically nothing she managed to help me with college, pay off the family house, feed us, raise us, support us thru my brothers alcoholism, me being a juvenile delinquent etc. she was even there for my aunt ( her younger sister ) when her husband died and she and her kids were in distress… so that woman is my hero. As she used to say, we each of us carry our cross & in her life, that’s pretty much all she did.
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  13. Cathode

    Cathode Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    You wouldn’t tolerate any denigration of such a good, virtuous, long suffering, faithful and kindly mother would you.

    Neither does Jesus of His Holy Mother, the most blessed of all women. Reparation must be made.

    In fact in a vision to one saint Jesus said that one profane image made of His mother was enough justification for Him to destroy the whole earth entirely. It is only testimony to His mercy that He hasn’t.

    The blasphemies against Mary earn the most severe punishments, people don’t understand. She is the Ark of the New Covenant and Spouse of The Holy Spirit.
    There was no mercy under the Old Covenant for those that disrespected The Ark of The Covenant.

    There are five kinds of blasphemies against Mary, revealed by Jesus to Sister Lùcia.

    Blasphemies against her Immaculate Conception, against her perpetual virginity, against the divine and spiritual maternity of Mary, blasphemies involving the rejection and dishonoring of her images, and the neglect of implanting in the hearts of children a knowledge and love of this Immaculate Mother.

    If someone has been unfortunate enough to have committed one or a number of these blasphemies against Mary they can still make reparation whilst they still in this world. But Reparation must be made.

    That is why I warn people in brotherly love and for the love of God, not to blaspheme Jesus Holy Mother. I don’t care how saved they think they are, do not commit these blasphemies against her.

    The five first Saturdays devotion was established to make this reparation.

    I know that through circumstance and history people have been told different, but this is one of the things I truly know. Do not denigrate Mary in these areas, better to remain neutral than to offend in this.
  14. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Total, complete made up fiction.

    Mary was blessed by God to fulfill the prophecy concerning the coming of the Messiah. No one has denigrated her.

    What is “denigrated” is the made up fiction, fabricated by the Catholic Church concerning Mary.

    1. Mary was not a perpetual virgin. She had at least 6 other children with Joseph, according to scripture.

    2. Mary did not have an “immaculate conception”. She was born a sinner just like everyone else. She was saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus, just like everyone else

    3. Mary is not the Ark of the Nee Covenant. Total made up nonsense

    4. Mary is not the “spouse of the Holy Spirit”. That is claiming Mary was an adulteress and smacks of Joseph Smiths Mormon heresy.

    5. Making graven images violates the first of the 10 commandments. Worshipping Mary as if she were divine is blasphemous.

    6. Teaching children to believe all this made up nonsense about Mary will not prevent God from convicting His elect and bringing them to salvation. God will do this in spite of the made up fiction about Mary being pushed by the Catholic Church.

    peace to you
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. Cathode

    Cathode Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    No, it’s not.

    You even disagree with Calvin and Luther, the fathers of “Bible alone” theology, who believed Mary was ever virgin.
    The most convincing thing about Mary’s perpetual virginity is that all the ancient Churches from the beginning unanimously believed in Mary’s perpetual virginity, even when they were in schism among themselves on other issues.
    So everyone for the first 1600 years was wrong and even the founders of Bible alone theology were wrong, didn’t know their bible.
    Mary’s perpetual virginity stands as perpetual witness and testimony to Christ’s Divinity.

    Mary could not have conceived Jesus of sinful flesh, Jesus is the sinless and unblemished Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
    Saying Mary was a sinner, denigrates Mary and The Lord.

    Yes She is. The Ark of The Covenant had to be made totally pure, before God could manifest Himself with it and dwell with His people.
    Mary had to be totally pure to conceive Jesus of her sinless flesh.
    The Shekinah Glory “ overshadowed “ The Ark of The Covenant before God dwelt with it and manifested Himself to His people.
    The Holy Spirit “ overshadowed “ Mary before God’s Incarnation as man, and He dwelt with His people.
    At the Great Atonement for all Israel the High Priest sprinkled the blood of sacrifice on and before The Ark of The Covenant.
    At the Great Atonement for all mankind, Christ The High Priest sprinkled His Blood of Sacrifice on and before Mary at the foot of the Cross.

    It was Mary’s total and sinless union with The Holy Spirit that formed Jesus of her sinless flesh, Eternal God became Incarnate man.

    You don’t know the difference between idols and effigies is your problem. Like photographs of dear family members we put in prominent places, it’s not the object itself being venerated but who it depicts.

    In japan at one time Christianity was banned. One of the ways of discovering Christians was to make them step on or urinate on images of Jesus or Mary. No Christian would do that.
    The Japanese authorities did not consider Protestants as Christians, they only viewed Catholics as Christians.
    Protestants could roam freely because they would pass this test.
    No samurai would tolerate the disrespect of his own Lord even in effigy.
    Therefore Protestants were not considered Christians.

    Don’t arrive before Jesus having denigrated His Holy Mother all your life, just don’t do it.
  16. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Again, regurgitating RCC dogma doesn’t change the truth it’s made up fiction which takes the focus of our love toward Jesus and puts it on Mary.

    The Catholics denigrate our Lord Jesus Christ when they make these false claims. They blaspheme God Holy Spirit by claiming He is Mary’s spouse. They denigrate Jesus and His sacrifice by claiming Mary is “co-redemptive”, and your Pope has given the enemies of God great occasion to blaspheme His name by claiming He blesses same s:x couples.

    If it were possible to weep in heaven, I believe Mary would continually weep at Catholics praying to her, claiming she was a perpetual virgin, claiming she was sinless, claiming she is co-redemptive and all the rest of the non biblical nonsense.

    And finally, I am saved by God’s grace alone. I don’t need to do “reparations”. I don’t need to earn my salvation by praying to false idols (any graven image of God is a false idol. Changing the “name” of what you call it doesn’t change that truth.)

    Im sure you believe I’m in grave danger. Perhaps you will pray for me. Just remember when you pray, pray to Jesus. There is one mediator between God and man, and that is Jesus.

    Dint pray to Mary. She can’t help anyone and you might be causing her to suffer and weep.

    peace to you
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Just what are you attempting to tell me Cathode, BTW my name is Stephen…Steve if you prefer. From my perspective, no one is denigrating Mary, quite the contrary. Both my mother & Grandmother prayed to her each day via the rosary… usually mornings and evenings before bedtime. My mother supported the Marians with what little she had. They totally believed and reached out to Mary for intercessory help for my sister. Alas no help was ever forthcoming. I have since left the Roman Catholic Church for the Baptists so my prayers are to God (Jesus), not through any intercessory individual.
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  18. Cathode

    Cathode Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    Yes, you are in very grave danger, you don’t understand what you are dealing with.

    If someone flags you down on the road at night in a storm and tells you the bridge is out ahead, you should at least exercise some caution or turn back, not say ‘ up yours ‘ and and floor it full speed ahead, which you seem bent on doing.

    The consequences regarding this is far worse than any mortal danger.

    No one is saved until they face Jesus at Judgement, where you will have to give an account of every falsehood you spoke against His Holy Mother. Arrogance and presumption won’t cut it then.

    You will know and see everything I have told you about Mary is true, and you will see the long litany of gross falsehoods, blasphemies and insults you heaped up against Her.

    You are making a very big mistake, and I fear for you. You have been told.

    Nothing stirs God like an attack on His Holy Throne, The Arks of each Covenant are Holy and need to be treated with extreme respect.

    “ And anger of the Lord burned against Uzzah “

    “ And he smote the men of Bethshemesh, because they had looked into the Ark of the LORD, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten men: and the people lamented, because the LORD had smitten many of the people with a great slaughter.“

    Like I said, I don’t care how saved people think they are, don’t mishandle the Ark of The New Covenant. The response is direct and particular.
    #198 Cathode, Apr 10, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2024
  19. Cathode

    Cathode Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    Calling Mary a sinner is falsehood, She was preserved from all sin so that she could conceive Jesus who is without sin. This is denigrating Mary and the Lord who was formed from her sinless flesh.

    Attacking her perpetual virginity is grossly wrong and also a denigration of Her.

    Obstinately saying these things especially after I have warned people out genuine brotherly concern, is distressing. I have been shown the truth in many different things, not just been told or read about it.
  20. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Mary was a sinner just like everyone else. All of your made up fiction concerning Mary turns the attention off of Jesus and on to Mary.

    Mary cannot save you. Mary cannot intercede on your behalf before God. Neither Jesus or Mary are offended by the truth found in scripture that she….

    1. Had at least 6 children with Joseph after Jesus was born.

    2. That she was not born sinless. The “immaculate conception” of Mary is made up Catholic fiction

    3. That she was not the “Spouse” of God Holy Spirit. That is blasphemous against God Holy Spirit (the unforgivable sin?) and makes Mary an adulteress. It is Joseph Smiths and the Mormons heresy.

    I never said “up yours”, so to put that in quotation marks is a lie. That is a false witness against me.

    peace to you
    • Agree Agree x 1
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