You haven't said which works yet. Come on! Which works must a man do to be justified by faith (John 6:28-29)?
Faith working through Love as Paul says.
Not just intellectual assent, or just trust, but works of love.
The works a man must do is love, no love, no salvation.
James is a response to people’s misunderstanding of Paul that Peter talks about.
You can have all the trust in God to move mountains and perform wonders, but if don’t have works of love, you are nothing.
The greatest sign of a living saving Faith is the works of Love.
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
It’s not enough to hear his words and intellectually assent to them, no, you must do what they teach, which to love, and in loving you will fulfil the entire command of God.
How do you know anyone truly believes what you tell them? Their works, their actions.
In exploration 4x4 training I taught people to slow down and roll at a steady pace through water puddles on dirt tracks.
One young bloke I taught the next day had a big accident and put the vehicle on its side, and a fence post went through his side window nearly killing him.
He lost control of his vehicle because he hit a water puddle at high speed. He tried to tell me that he did slow down and roll through the puddle.
I asked him why the hood, windscreen and roof was covered in mud, and the engine bay was full of mud.
How do I know he didn’t believe what I taught and how dangerous it was to not do what I taught. His actions his works.
How do we and God know true Christians?
A: by their intellectual assent.
B: by their confidence in their salvation.
C: by their works of Love.
I know I have met a true Christian by their love, they must truly believe what they were taught, that’s how God knows a true believer of his.
Love is doing, not feeling, God is Love the constant work of beneficent doing and action.