Reformed theology is built on subjective human interpretations of scripture.
Reformed theology is based upon the commands of the Lord Jesus -
"Have you not even read this Scripture....?" "You do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God." - and the Apostles -
'For the Scripture says.....' And the command is to
'Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, Rightly dividing the word of truth.' How is the man of God going to be
'thoroughly equipped'?
'All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.' Nothing else is suggested. And how is Timothy to conduct himself as a
'good soldier of Christ Jesus'? He is commanded in the most serious terms imaginable, not to conduct the mass every day, but to
'Preach the word! ...... Convince, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and teaching.'
Every appeal to scripture is an appeal to someone’s interpretation of scripture.
The man of God is led by the Holy Spirit.
'Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.'
The question is, whose interpretation of scripture has Authority.
Good question. According to John, many Antichrists were in the world in his day, and Jude spoke of
'certain men [who]
have crept in unnoticed.' Do we accept the 'church fathers'? Hardly. They might be the very people the apostles were warning us against. And some of their teaching is alarming. The one who wrote by far the most about baptism was Cyril of Jerusalem. Writing towards the end of the 4th Century, he appears to know nothing about infant baptism, but wanted to have adults baptized stark naked! Why is the Church of Rome not following him?
William Lane Craig says we should be very careful not reject the theological determinations of the early ecumenical Councils, but he adds the Protestant line, unless it diverges from scripture.
Diverges from whose interpretation of Scripture? Each individual? The problem remains like a fat hairy stinking mammoth in the room.
The fat, hairy stinking mammoth in the room is that one council contradicted another. Mr Craig is right. We should eat the meat and spit out the bones.
This is where subjective relativist Protestantism bashes it’s head against the wall. There is no objective truth, there is no final arbiter in RT, no Pope, they are sheep without a shepherd appointed by Christ. They have pasture as they have scripture, but they are still sheep without an authoritive shepherd.
As I've pointed out before, some 'popes' were exceedingly wicked, and at times there were two or even three of them at the same time, firing of anathemas at each other. On this very board we have had Roman Catholics strongly rejecting the teaching of 'pope' Francis.
You don’t need a different Bible to be deceived by a different gospel, just a different interpretation of the Bible.
Why should we follow the Authority of the ecumenical Councils? Because they are gatherings of the entire Church universal. All the heads of all the Churches everywhere. Jesus promised the guidance in all truth to the Church, the entire church can not be entirely deceived.
Jesus promised the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not the guidance of 'popes' or councils. The Coucil of Ephesus in 449 was overthrown by the Council of Chalcedon in 451. And not everyone agreed with that council. Have a look at canon 28, which said that the 'patriarchs' of Constantinople were equal to the 'popes' of Rome. And where are either popes or patriarchs in the Bible? Nowhere. Nor are there BIshops in the way that the Church of Rome has arranged them. There were multiple
episkopoi in the church at Philippi (Phil. 1:1) and we find in Acts 20, by comparing verses 17 and 28 that
episkopoi are identical to
presbuteroi, elders. The Church of Rome is unbiblical, and no numbers of councils can change that. There is some valuable stuff in the councils, but a lot of junk as well.
So judge by universal belief as your starting point. What interpretations of scripture were universally believed by the whole Church.
Judge by the Scriptures, and by the Holy Spirit. Cathode would have you believe that the Church is hopelessly divided. Yet I am invited to preach at Congregational, Presbyterian and Brethren churches as well as Baptist ones, and my church has excellent relations with Bible-believing Anglican churches. The unity of the Church is spiritual, not organizational.