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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    True, LOL.
    I rarely iron. I send them through again with a damp towel if I have to.

  2. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Blackbird is also going to be going to England in Oct. for a couple of weeks! I didn't save the email with all the details because he said he'd post it here ..... and I don't want to post the wrong info.

    Karen, Jim has mostly 100% cotton slacks and he wants them 'crisp'! I hid them in the spare closet.

  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Just popping in to say good night. Church was good. It was "ask the Preacher" night...

    I am tired, as usual, so am turning in for the night.

    All of the early posters are either gone or their computers are out of commission, so I will see ya'll when you get up!

  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good Morning Sue! :rolleyes:

    I'm not used to being the last one to say good night and the first one to say good morning! :confused:

    It is 59º with humidity at 94%. We are expecting plenty of sunshine and a high of 85º today.

    I got Brent's school clothes out of lay-away yesterday and bought his school supplies. I THINK we are all set now...

    I had put 10 'slim' pants on lay-away. I had to exchange them yesterday for 10 'regular' because he has gained 12 pounds since he has been living here! (He needed to gain some weight, he was too thin.)

    [​IMG] §ue
  5. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Happy Thursday, folks! [​IMG]

    Looks like everyone is busy elsewhere 'cause it sure is quiet in here!!
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Good Morning Everyone! Ty fell right back asleep this morning so I laid on the sofa and got a couple of extra hours. I had BAD dreams all night! Weird and upsetting!

    It's misty rain here and only 70°. Gayla and I are looking at meeting hurricane Frances by Mon. night or Tuesday morning. [​IMG]

    Nick's doing his school work and Ty is doing his 'work' too. He's drawing circles and 'writing his name'. [​IMG]

    Jim will be in late tonight from D.C. and has to work LONG hours the next few days. They're having a college piano sale through and including Labor Day. It's over an hour drive to his new job so he'll have very long days too.

    Well I've got a load to fold, one in the washer, one in the dryer and sheets for my bed to go in next. Better scurry so I can get something done today! It is SO hard to keep my house even sort of clean with 7 kids here every afternoon. Today I'll have all but Morgan (unless it storms and then I'll have her too. Jr. High Football game this afternoon.) Tomorrow is everyone again except Ty so I get to sleep late. In fact, Ty's mom works four 10 hour days and since she gets Monday as a paid holiday, she'll be working Tues. thru Friday next week from 8 til 5 to get the other 32 hours in.

    Ephesians 4:1-3 I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

  7. Samantha

    Samantha New Member

    Aug 29, 2003
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    Good Morning from Minnesota!

    It's currently 74 degrees (not quite 10:00 AM) with highs predicted in the 90's today...looks like I will be enjoying the A/C! [​IMG]

    I read a recent Guideposts article about a 30 day spiritual makeover, and I'm going to try it out and see how it works for me.

    I have also made a list of things I need to do today and I'm diligently checking off all of my accomplishments. I know that I have a TON to do before school starts, and the chances of getting it all done is slim, but I have to start somewhere. I need to do this every evening before bed so that I can get started promptly in the morning.

    I am also trying to give myself a health makeover. I started Weight Watchers a few months ago and I've still been yo-yoing...I guess I wasn't ready...but after watching Oprah yesterday I am recommitting myself. My body deserves better than it has been getting...so I will be drinking TONS of water (trying to break my addiction to soda) and starting an exercise routine. I tried Pilates today, but it's too hard on my back, so it's off to the treadmill tomorrow morning.

    Wow! I guess I'm giving myself a total life makeover!

    Please pray for me that I will be able to stick to my routine to make my life more pleasing to the Lord!

  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Whoops... they just changed the expected path and Hurricane Frances should now go west of me but still cause winds, etc. Gayla looks like she'll get a lot more!

  9. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    Mornin' yall! Is 85 here in sunny Mississippi, but it wont be sunny for long!

    The girls are watching one of their morning shows, and after that we are going to town to get a few groceries. Hubby is off half a day today, and he just got back from his 10k walk (with a pack). He is getting ready for a mission trip to Mexico where he'll be carrying Bibles thru the mountains to deliver to the citizens of a poor small town.

    I just finished my morning Atkins shake. I am addicted to them, they are soooo good.

    Well, yall have a great day!!

  10. DavidsAngel

    DavidsAngel Guest

    Good afternoon everyone!

    Doing laundry seems to be the thing today, we are all doing it LOL.

    Otherwise it's a nice day and it's getting a little cloudy. WE don't have to look out for Frances this far inland but as soon as she moves off our area is going to be looking at it's first frost! :eek: it's been a wet and cool summer. I've been very thankful for that.

    Take care,

  11. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Happy September, everyone! Sounds as if everyone is getting back into the swing of things for fall.

    My painting group met this morning and we needed to cheer up one of the ladies. Her deceased husband and deceased daughter's birthdays are this month. I think we did a great job of cheering her up. At least she was laughing and taking pictures of one of the ladies who had a brand new "red" hat.

    And...One of our friends is a crossing guard like Sue. I said something about Beverly working her corner...Sue, I will never live that one down. I probably need to call Bev before they do. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Have a great day, weekend, and holiday.
  12. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    [​IMG] Betty! [​IMG]

    I was 'working my corner' yesterday and found myself surrounded by four handsome men!!! :D

    Of course, they were all Gideons handing out New Testaments to the kids who cross there... [​IMG] :rolleyes: [​IMG]
  13. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Frost! Handsome men! Working the corner! Now this is an interesting thread! ;) ;)

    It is VERY muggy this afternoon even tho it's still in the 70°'s...

    Well, I've helped 3 kids with homework and of course Ty thinks he has to do some too so he had out paper and pencil and is trying to learn sight words with the little ones. We've gone over the words see, can, you, blue all week and the kids still don't know them! Today I printed off the words myself and then drew a snake next to see with the ee's and I put blue in the color blue. I can't figure out what to do for can and you tho since it's for 2 different children.

    I'm just finishing up my laundry! The sheets are dry and I've got to go and make my bed. I wanted Jim to come home to fresh sheets. I generally do them just on Monday's.

    So..... anyone got plans for Labor Day?

  14. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    When is Labour Day and are we there in the U.S. then?

    What do people usually do then please ?

  15. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Labor Day is the first Monday in Sept. so you'll be here. There are usually lots of sales going on and many will cook out. We're going to celebrate with Jim working and a HURRICANE! They've changed the projected path again tho and show it going up through Birmingham, Ala. No one will know until it hits Florida tho.

    Sheila, do I remember correctly that you're a vegetarian? You could grill veggies. [​IMG]

  16. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Thanks for the info. Yes, I am vegetarian. I don't eat meat, poultry or fish. I do eat milk and cheese etc. Am I going to disgrace myself by saying that I don't like watermelon? I like other melons but not watermelon or p'nut butter. :rolleyes: [​IMG] [​IMG]
  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I like watermelon but Jim doesn't eat it often. He loves other melons tho and will put salt and pepper on cantalope. :eek:

    I could eat a good steak or chicken every day! [​IMG]

  18. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    I put salt on watermelon and cantaloupe, apples, oranges-sugar on lemons. And I hate peanut butter!
  19. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Our daughter Alex has put in a request for a Louis Vuittan? bag ( purse) :confused: :rolleyes: Any ideas where I should look for one please?


  20. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    "So..... anyone got plans for Labor Day?


    Looks like we're gonna get rained on!!!!!
    Carl will be working, too. A town nearby has an annual Labor Day Arts & Crafts Show, outdoors, Sat and Sun., maybe they won't get rained out. We went last year, I'd kinda like to go again.