Society is putting on a full court press to for perverted marriage to be accepted as normative. Those that offer dissent are targeted. They are called names, marginalized, demonized, and litigated against. In the United States, business owners have already been sued because they refused to participate in same-sex weddings*. With the pressure placed on Christians to accept perverted marriage, some Christians are trying to give assent to perverted marriage in public while opposing it in their private lives. That sort of cognitive dissonance does not last very long. Pastors that preach the truth on marriage are being targeted on social media. But wait, there is more.
There is no such thing as same-sex marriage. It does not exist. Marriage is God-ordained between one man and one woman. Isaiah wrote:
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Calling evil good is one-way perverted marriage threatens biblical marriage.
Look at the city of Sodom. In Genesis 19:4 we read, "all the people from every quarter". The city of Sodom had fallen into such gross immorality that not just the wicked were named, but "all the people from every quarter". Did you ever wonder where the term "sodomy" came from? The city of Sodom fell into gross immorality that permeated "every quarter". Good was called evil and evil good. When God's people fail to stand up for what is right, they will fall into what is wrong.