Well, for one thing, I am not forcing my view on anyone. What I am presenting is simply my own view, and that is a position you are not going to be able to debate very well.
The primary reason people drink is to alter their mind. If you deny that then you can present reasons why people would feel the need to drink alcohol.
You say you "fight against teetotalism" which is odd: why would you fight against something that makes a person better off? Why look for excuses (and that is what you have presented) to drink alcohol? Do you drink because it is medicinal? Because it just tastes so good?
So how about drugs? Marijuana is arguably medicinal. Do you fight against my own view that no-one should smoke pot as well?
While there are people who can take a drink once in a while, for every one of them there are probably ten people who succumb to the horrors of addiction, and that, my friend...is what you are basically fighting
And it has no place in a Christian setting, despite what RC Sproul, or his son, have to say. He is also wrong in his eschatology, by the way.
God bless.