For once we agree. I am not going to continue and argue with these people. Its obvious their minds are as closed as a rock.
The only closed mind here, brother, is yours. Many of us have no issues at all with a brother or sister having a drink. I don’t, anyway. I realize the dangers but at the same time I know the freedom we have in Christ. The issue is your justifying liberty via legalistic means.
Legalism has been a common feature in many of the threads you have started for several years as you have tried to justify your actions or desires via legalistic means (looking to the “letter of the law”). You did this when it came to your thoughts on marriage, divorce, evangelistic method, church type, preaching type, what church to attend, alcohol, ect. It’s always the same – if people don’t agree with you then they are closed minded, don’t read books, and are legalists. But the bottom line is you are the legalist scouring every possible source to justify your desires.
I don’t say this to be harsh. I still consider us on friendly terms. It is for this reason I’ve posted. Slow down and think about what you are doing…and why you are doing it.
If your conscience does not convict you of drinking, then have a drink in moderation. But please do not justify that as drinking “to God’s glory” and argue for your liberty to drink (which you do have) when all you are doing is drinking because you like it. But at the same time, realize that you have absolutely no right to criticize those guys who smoke pot while studying the Bible. At least they are studying the Bible.
Or- have we misjudged you. Are you gathering for a Mikes Lemonade Bible study…or perhaps using the beverage to reach out to Colorado biker gangs?