Romans 5:12 can be interpreted exactly as my position states. The aorist tense "all have sinned" is in direct reference to the statement that introduces that statement "for by one man sin entered the world and death by sin."
Can be???
Scientifically, my position cannot possibly be denied as the whole of human nature was created in one Man Adam whereas Eve was taken from Adam. Thus the whole human nature existed and consisted in one physical form when Adam was created and when Adam acted the whole human nature acted.
Your position can be proved scientifically? Wow! I would like to see this.
Moreover, there is Biblical precedent in Hebrews 7 where the writer explicitly states that Aaron paid tithes to Melchichisdec when Abraham payed tithes to Melchizedec and the Biblical explanation was that he was still in the"loins" of Abraham and thus when Abraham acted so did his posterity still within his loins:
For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.
This argument was simply to show the superiority of the priesthood of Melchisedec. The priesthood was passed down from father to son in the Levite priesthood. Therefore, Levi being a descendant of Abraham, (the father considered to be the superior), when Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedec it proved his priesthood superior to the priesthood of Levi.
It doesn't mean that Levi paid actual tithes to Melchisedec.
This is the only logical reason why the predicted penalty "death" in Genesis 2:17 is INHERENT in human nature whenever and wherever it is reproduced in generation. Genesis 2:17 is the only law given by God to man prior to the giving of the law to Moses that could possibly account for just condemnation unto death for all men between Adam and Moses - Rom. 5:13
And there your theory FAILS miserably. Why did Romans 5:13-14 only speak of men from Adam to Moses if Adam's sin extends to all men?
Paul had said sin is not imputed when there is no law, but the death of men from Adam to Moses proves there was a law in the world. And what law was that? It was the law written on the hearts of men he had described in chapter 2. Paul also said these Gentiles "by nature" do the things contained in the law, which completely refutes Total Depravity.
If Paul was teaching Original Sin as you believe, then Paul should have included all men in verse 14, not men from Adam to Moses only. This proves your interpretation is error.
Finally, what is true with regard to all mankind born of Adam is not necessary true with all mankind born of Christ (Rom. 5:15-16). Hence, impartation is the principle with all mankind in regard to Adam due to natural generation whereas only imputation is the principle in regard to Christ in regard to supernatural generation.
No, in Romans 5 Paul is simply showing a "legal precedent" which is well known in law. It establishes a consistent punishment for similar crimes that follow the original offense. Paul is showing that as the sentence of death is always passed to all men who sin as Adam did, likewise, righteousness is imputed to all men who believe on Jesus Christ as Jesus trusted his Father to raise him from the dead.
So, all men who sin are made "sinners" (a legal term like "felon") and condemned to death while righteousness is imputed to all who believe on Christ.
You select some texts and ignore other texts in Ezekiel 18. Ezekiel 18:1-5 demonstrates this is being applied to the national civil courts in regard to both to capital punishment and non-capital punishment civil laws.
You do not read well, the first 5 verses discuss a proverb among the Jews that when the father eats sour grapes, the children's teeth are set on edge. This was actually a form of Original Sin the Jews believed in, and God is showing this proverb to be false. He says every man shall die for his own sin.
Eze 18:2 What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?
3 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel.
4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine:
the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
If you think these verses support Original Sin, then you have a serious comprehension deficiency, these verses absolutely refute Original Sin.
In regard to God's judgement day, no lost man will suffer in hell for the race sin as Christ removed that penalty (Jn. 1:29) so that all FALLEN lost men are judged "according to their own works." However, that does not deny that all men sinned as one inseparably human nature consisting in one man - Adam, and therefore it was not that any fallen man dies because of Adam's sin but because of their own sin which they actually participated in as one united human nature and will.
Oh, now you suddenly want folks to be judged for their own sins.
Boy, you think you can just manipulate scripture any way you want don't you? :laugh: