Here are your words Austin "God never fails to accomplish all He desires."
And as for "all"
the whole of (used in referring to quantity, extent, or duration): all the cake; all the way; all year.
the whole number of (used in referring to individuals or particulars, taken collectively): all students.
the whole quantity or amount: He ate all of the peanuts. All are gone.
the whole number; every one: all of us.
one's whole interest, energy, or property: to give one's all;to lose one's all.
Often All . the entire universe.
What's not there is your "elect". So Austin since the verse says ALL men are what God desires to be saved and since you just stated that your version of a sovereign [determinist] God always gets what He wants you have just jumped into the universalist camp.
So your all in 1 Timothy 2:3-4 is a universal all. Is that correct?
1Ti 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
1Ti 2:4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
And you state "
God never fails to accomplish all He desires."
Therefore, one would conclude, by your definition, that all humans will be saved.
Notice that there is no "but" in those verses in 1 Timothy 2:3-4. Yet, in your interpretation you added "but" to your claim and deny that all are saved.
For me, it's easy. Throughout all of Paul's writings he always lets his readers know that God is no respecter of persons or nation. God does not save only Jews, but He saves from all nations, tribes, and tongues. God desires that all will be saved and God ensures that people from all nations, tribes, and tongues will be saved. The only "but" we find is "But God." Yet, you praise man as the determiner of human destiny. You continually tear God down and then tell me I am wrong when I oppose your faulty teaching.
Now, do you still claim universalism or do you claim God is weak and can't accomplish what he desires or do you admit you are wrong and God accomplishes all He desires and determines who is saved. Sliverhair, you're not as important as you want to be.