Again, no I don't I don't use the CT.
You emphasis the word EVERY. Which KJV is totally perfect word for word?
Which is the standard, the TR (which edition) or the KJV (which edition)? The KJV is not even a perfect translation from any TR.
I know there are many so-called TR texts, I use that as a general term when applying to the KJB. A better name might be the original KJB text, which no longer exists.
What is the complaint against the KJB? That it uses archaic words. Not a problem, simply include a footnote giving the modern definition of the old word. Many KJBs do this.
But the KJBs and MVs often give a different understanding to scripture. 1 Tim 3:16 is a great example, the KJB says, "God was manifest in the flesh" while the MVs say "he was manifest in the flesh". Now that is a HUGE difference, the KJB clearly teaches Jesus is God, while the MVs say Jesus was manifested in flesh. What is special about that? EVERYBODY is manifested in the flesh.
You can use 1 Tim 3:16 to refute a JW who denies Jesus is God. You cannot do this with a MV, the MVs agree exactly with the NWT.
So, the KJB and MVs are not teaching the same thing, they are very different in many verses.
I debated 1 Jn 3:9 with Freeatlast. The KJB says a person born of God CANNOT sin. I believe this to be in the absolute meaning of cannot, while the NIV and ESV define this as "going on" or "practicing" sin. Very different meaning that affects doctrine.
I could go on and on, but you have heard all these arguments before, I am not going to change your mind.
I simply believe by faith that God has promised to preserve his word, and in English that preserved word is the KJB. I can't prove it, nobody can. Those who support the CT and the MVs cannot prove their text is the preserved text.