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I appreciate your kind comments. I believe the style of music matters in a church worship service and that style should glorify the Lord and keep our focus on Him. In a nutshell, as the "Conclusion" of the following article states, "the message of the music must match the lyrics."
We conclude that music is not “neutral” or “amoral.” Music is a language, and in the Christian realm the message of the music must match the message of the lyrics. There are many styles of worldly music that preach a message that is contradictory to the Bible and therefore cannot be used in the service of a holy God.
I close with the testimony of a man who left the contemporary music scene after having led contemporary worship teams in two churches:
“I am now convinced that God will not accept our worship when it is offered with music styles that are also used by pagans for their immoral practices. If I am wrong, why was He so harsh in judging Israel when they sacrificed to Him using the pagan high places and rituals? He is a jealous God. If you grasp this principle alone, it will change for ever the way you lead a worship service. … The true heart of worship is the heart that bows before God and submits to his Word, no more and no less” (Dan Lucarini, Confessions of a Former Worship Leader, p. 57).
Thank you, especially for the above quotation. I have pointed out a number of times that it would be beneficial for people to read the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles that portray the false worship of Israel and God's subsequent punishment.