Please do not mis-interpret what I stated as a personal reference or gibe.....merely an example of what is happening.
I am well aware of dynamics between posters, I do not agree with many here, yet I always seek (though sometimes fail) not to let personal feelings "drive my train", and I always seek to treat other with the respect that is their due, and address the issues.
The reason that I have not previously posted is two-fold:
1. I am doing additional study in order to present my views in a cogent manner, and in order to do this, I must understand the opposing view.
2. I see no point in posting in a thread that has degenerated into a personality conflict or mud slinging contest. I would much prefer to see a defence given (though I might not agree) as to a particular postion.
Please do not mis-interpret what I stated as a personal reference or gibe.....merely an example of what is happening.
I am well aware of dynamics between posters, I do not agree with many here, yet I always seek (though sometimes fail) not to let personal feelings "drive my train", and I always seek to treat other with the respect that is their due, and address the issues.
The reason that I have not previously posted is two-fold:
1. I am doing additional study in order to present my views in a cogent manner, and in order to do this, I must understand the opposing view.
2. I see no point in posting in a thread that has degenerated into a personality conflict or mud slinging contest. I would much prefer to see a defence given (though I might not agree) as to a particular postion.