Paul’s mixed metaphors of trumpets blowing and the living being snatched into heaven to meet the Lord are not to be understood as literal truth, as the Left Behind series suggests, but as a vivid and biblically allusive description of the great transformation of the present world of which he speaks elsewhere.
Paul's teaching is not to be considered literal truth?
What else in Scripture can we deny as literal truth?
Biblically elusive? We can see that the author errs with a false premise of Christ's Return not occurring until the Eternal State, but for him to equate metaphor as not holding truth is outrageous, lol. Shall we say parables should not be viewed as holding literal truth? All metaphor, hyperbole, symbolism, et cetera...
...always holds literal truth.
Paul’s misunderstood metaphors present a challenge for us: How can we reuse biblical imagery, including Paul’s, so as to clarify the truth, not distort it?
Well, the author has just suggested it is not literal truth.
How can we say this...
1 Thessalonians 4:14-17
King James Version (KJV)
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
...does not hold literal truth?
What I see as literal truth in this passage:
1. The Lord died and rose again;
2. The Lord will literally bring those who have died with Him when He returns;
3. Those Saints still alive will not precede those who have died;
4. The Lord will literally descend from Heaven with a shout;
5. The dead in Christ are resurrected first;
6. Those that are still alive are then resurrected;
7. Those alive and resurrected are then caught up into the air to meet with those the Lord has brought with Him, namely the saints that had already died who were first resurrected;
8. From that point forward all those that are resurrected will from thenceforth be with the Lord.
And how can we do so, as he did, in such a way as to subvert the political imagery of the dominant and dehumanizing empires of our world? We might begin by asking, What view of the world is sustained, even legitimized, by the Left Behind ideology?
That is easy enough: that the world system is sinful and separated from God.
How might it be confronted and subverted by genuinely biblical thinking?
For a start, is not the Left Behind mentality in thrall to a dualistic view of reality that allows people to pollute God’s world on the grounds that it’s all going to be destroyed soon?
This is a caricature of what Pre-Trib Rapturists believe and think.
Really? I think the world can be polluted because I embrace a Pre-Tribulation Rapture?
Can the author actually present the first Pre-Trib Rapturist doing this?
Does Lehaye or Jenkins present characters who do this?
Wouldn’t this be overturned if we recaptured Paul’s wholistic vision of God’s whole creation?
Actually, Paul's teaching of the Rapture need not be recaptured, but is a First Century Doctrine which, while obscured at times due to dominant religious groups who popularized a different view/s, in unlikely to have been missed by all Bible Students of Church History. If we take a snapshot of what history, and even a modern understanding of the world system of the Church is and was today, one might think that the media caricature represents the actual Body of Christ and the many individual Bible Students who actually place a priority on fervent study and proper understanding of the Word of God.
That these are not in the spotlight and their views not recorded by history does not mean that they were non-existent or had no impact on that part of the Body of Christ which has always been in the background, such as the lack of coverage of missionary work might parallel.
The lack of understanding of this author, and the direct statement of license to dismiss Biblical truths is evidence that an attempt to deny a Pre-Trib Rapture takes precedence over even presenting an article that maintains even a basic form of competency.
I am surprised this is presented as an effort to disprove the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, as it is so poorly thought out and fraught with evident, basic error that one might think it was offered unbeliever, who is completely lacking in Bible knowledge.
GreekTim, I would ask of you this: do you also embrace the author's view that Christ does not return until the New Heavens and Earth are created?
God bless.