Sapper Woody
Well-Known Member
Myths of Non-Cals
I decided to start this thread in response to the “Myths of Calvinists” thread. Firstly, as with every “camp” of beliefs, there will be variances from what I post here. But, there are some things that are thrown around that non-Cals supposedly believe, but is not necessarily true. So, here goes:
1 – Non-Cals believe you must work with God to be saved (synergism).
Non-Cals believe that God did all the work. The only requirement for us is to allow Him to do what He will. We do nothing. There is absolutely nothing we can do in and of ourselves to be saved. God has already completed the work, and is simply waiting on us to open the door. Which, brings up the next point:
2 – Non-Cals place God’s will subservient to man’s. -or- Non-Cals reject the sovereignty of God.
Neither one of these is true. God is sovereign. God is in complete control. If God wanted, He could take anyone and everyone to Heaven, crush Satan right now, and be done with it. But we believe that God has allowed man to decide his own eternal destination by giving man a free will, and not deciding for him. God’s sovereignty is in no way challenged by this belief. He is in complete control. He has just decided to give us the choice, rather than make it for us.
3 – Non-Cals believe man can just decide to get saved.
This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Man cannot decide to be saved on his own timetable. There must be the drawing of the Holy Spirit. When man feels that conviction, that drawing, it is then he must make his choice. If he waits, and rejects the drawing, then he might not have another chance. God may turn him over to a reprobate mind, which simply means that God will never draw that person to Himself again. This bears a striking resemblance to Total Inability, and is, in truth very similar. Man is totally unable to come to God unless drawn. The difference here is that we believe that the drawing is resistible, and that anyone can be drawn.
4 – Non-Cal beliefs damn some people to Hell.
It’s been said that under the non-Cal system, remote islanders and such are damned to Hell because they’ve never heard the Gospel. The prominent belief is that God knows who would reject Him and who would receive Him if given the chance, and He makes sure that those who would receive Him has a chance. If an islander would receive Him, someone will at some time show them the gospel. This is kind of like the point in the Calvinist thread, about God working with man’s will. God will make sure that there is someone who will go. If one is unwilling, that one will lose out on the blessings God had for him, and another will take his place.
5 – Non-Cals have no assurance of Salvation.
At the very lowest common denominator, we have the same assurance that Calvinists have. Whereas Calvinists believe they are saved because they are chosen, it still all boils down to an event in their life. Non-Cals have that same even to point to. The phrase “I put my trust in Jesus Christ…” is used commonly. But that sort of goes back to the first point. But there was one time where you know you were saved. We have that to look to for assurance.
6 – Non-Cals believe you can lose your salvation.
This is one of those divided issues. Every non-Cal that I know personally has been a “Once Saved Always Saved” person. I know of people who believe otherwise, but do not personally know anyone who believes you can lose your salvation. This is close to, but not identical to, “Perseverance of the Saints”. The difference being that we believe you can backslide into sin. However, if one is “backslidden” and is not enduring some form of chastening, then they might not have ever been saved to begin with.
Hopefully this list will illuminate the non-Cal position a little more. As I said in the other post, nothing gets accomplished in the Cal/Arm debate in part because people are arguing against an extreme, not the position actually held by the person that they are debating. It’s a form of strawman born of ignorance, either truly or willfully.
I decided to start this thread in response to the “Myths of Calvinists” thread. Firstly, as with every “camp” of beliefs, there will be variances from what I post here. But, there are some things that are thrown around that non-Cals supposedly believe, but is not necessarily true. So, here goes:
1 – Non-Cals believe you must work with God to be saved (synergism).
Non-Cals believe that God did all the work. The only requirement for us is to allow Him to do what He will. We do nothing. There is absolutely nothing we can do in and of ourselves to be saved. God has already completed the work, and is simply waiting on us to open the door. Which, brings up the next point:
2 – Non-Cals place God’s will subservient to man’s. -or- Non-Cals reject the sovereignty of God.
Neither one of these is true. God is sovereign. God is in complete control. If God wanted, He could take anyone and everyone to Heaven, crush Satan right now, and be done with it. But we believe that God has allowed man to decide his own eternal destination by giving man a free will, and not deciding for him. God’s sovereignty is in no way challenged by this belief. He is in complete control. He has just decided to give us the choice, rather than make it for us.
3 – Non-Cals believe man can just decide to get saved.
This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Man cannot decide to be saved on his own timetable. There must be the drawing of the Holy Spirit. When man feels that conviction, that drawing, it is then he must make his choice. If he waits, and rejects the drawing, then he might not have another chance. God may turn him over to a reprobate mind, which simply means that God will never draw that person to Himself again. This bears a striking resemblance to Total Inability, and is, in truth very similar. Man is totally unable to come to God unless drawn. The difference here is that we believe that the drawing is resistible, and that anyone can be drawn.
4 – Non-Cal beliefs damn some people to Hell.
It’s been said that under the non-Cal system, remote islanders and such are damned to Hell because they’ve never heard the Gospel. The prominent belief is that God knows who would reject Him and who would receive Him if given the chance, and He makes sure that those who would receive Him has a chance. If an islander would receive Him, someone will at some time show them the gospel. This is kind of like the point in the Calvinist thread, about God working with man’s will. God will make sure that there is someone who will go. If one is unwilling, that one will lose out on the blessings God had for him, and another will take his place.
5 – Non-Cals have no assurance of Salvation.
At the very lowest common denominator, we have the same assurance that Calvinists have. Whereas Calvinists believe they are saved because they are chosen, it still all boils down to an event in their life. Non-Cals have that same even to point to. The phrase “I put my trust in Jesus Christ…” is used commonly. But that sort of goes back to the first point. But there was one time where you know you were saved. We have that to look to for assurance.
6 – Non-Cals believe you can lose your salvation.
This is one of those divided issues. Every non-Cal that I know personally has been a “Once Saved Always Saved” person. I know of people who believe otherwise, but do not personally know anyone who believes you can lose your salvation. This is close to, but not identical to, “Perseverance of the Saints”. The difference being that we believe you can backslide into sin. However, if one is “backslidden” and is not enduring some form of chastening, then they might not have ever been saved to begin with.
Hopefully this list will illuminate the non-Cal position a little more. As I said in the other post, nothing gets accomplished in the Cal/Arm debate in part because people are arguing against an extreme, not the position actually held by the person that they are debating. It’s a form of strawman born of ignorance, either truly or willfully.