1. When Melania had to remind him to put his hand on his heart for the national anthem.
2. When he forgot which country he was bombing.
3. When he forgot Paul Ryan’s name. Twice.
4. When he confused Kim Jong-Il and Kim Jong-Un.
5. All the times he's asked a crowd if they were aware of widely-known facts.
6. When he quoted an Irish proverb that is actually Nigerian.
Donald Trump makes a lot of goofs. Yes, he’s seriously mistaken on nearly every aspect of foreign and domestic policy -- all the big, scary and dangerous stuff -- but he also just gets the little things wrong, too. He frequently sends out misspelled tweets. He makes off-the-cuff statements with colleagues that are meant to be self-aggrandizing but instead unintentionally drive home how much he doesn’t know about how things work. He thinks this is how you shake hands, unless he’s in the room with Angela Merkel, in which case he goes into girl-cooties avoidance mode. He’s just kind of a disaster, a butterfingers, a foot-in-mouth gaffetastic flub-machine that doesn’t know much and can’t be bothered to learn. He’s also a raging hypocrite, which makes the whole show even more irritating to watch.
There’ve been a lot of examples of these public screw ups, the most minor are kind of funny. I mean, if you can stave off the tears from recognizing this guy is calling the shots for the next four years. Here are 6 times Donald Trump goofed up the simple stuff.
6 Times Donald Trump Goofed Up the Simple Stuff
2. When he forgot which country he was bombing.
3. When he forgot Paul Ryan’s name. Twice.
4. When he confused Kim Jong-Il and Kim Jong-Un.
5. All the times he's asked a crowd if they were aware of widely-known facts.
6. When he quoted an Irish proverb that is actually Nigerian.
Donald Trump makes a lot of goofs. Yes, he’s seriously mistaken on nearly every aspect of foreign and domestic policy -- all the big, scary and dangerous stuff -- but he also just gets the little things wrong, too. He frequently sends out misspelled tweets. He makes off-the-cuff statements with colleagues that are meant to be self-aggrandizing but instead unintentionally drive home how much he doesn’t know about how things work. He thinks this is how you shake hands, unless he’s in the room with Angela Merkel, in which case he goes into girl-cooties avoidance mode. He’s just kind of a disaster, a butterfingers, a foot-in-mouth gaffetastic flub-machine that doesn’t know much and can’t be bothered to learn. He’s also a raging hypocrite, which makes the whole show even more irritating to watch.
There’ve been a lot of examples of these public screw ups, the most minor are kind of funny. I mean, if you can stave off the tears from recognizing this guy is calling the shots for the next four years. Here are 6 times Donald Trump goofed up the simple stuff.
6 Times Donald Trump Goofed Up the Simple Stuff