Not genuine Textual Critic's, no. There are not many and I accuse them of no such thing.Are you accusing bible scholars of not looking at all the available information?
Not exactly. Byzantine readings are becoming more and more acceptable. More and more readings are accepted from the Text type. Not the Text Type as a whole. But some individual readings.They have seen the information and have found it wanting so they dismiss the Byzantine text type priority.
You are holding to the later manuscript is the best theory. Why do you not trust the ones written closest to the time of the event. What you call lost words others call added words. Of course you have to call Mat 3:11 an exception.
Quite to the contrary, here it is the Byzantine Text that has the shortest text, and the earlier text has the longer text. That goes against everything you have been saying. So did the younger text lose words, or the oldest manuscripts add words?