I know that you said "white Christians". That is my point. Now let that sink in.
One last reply and I'm done with replying to you.
If you know that I said white CHristians there shouldn't have been any point in you trying to misconstrue what I said. Now you let that sink in too.
Your remarks seem to be caught up in race instead of the gospel.
The OP asked for a Biblical response to race. I addressed what I have seen to be the problem and why there hasn't been a Biblical response to the race issue in this country.
It makes folks uncomfortable. My remarks addressed why there hasn't been a Biblical response from white Christians on the radical right. And you confirmed it.
Some Christians do treat others differently because of their race. You are right about that. But it is not an issue inherent to all "white Christians" and it is not a problem limited to "white Christians".
And did I say all white Christians? I spoke to what white Christians on the radical right were doing. And it's the same thing that a lot of them were doing during the 60s and slavery which is pretending like all was well and turning their heads as blacks and other minorities were murdered.
If it is a problem then it is a problem within the Church. What I am trying to get you to understand is that Christians are children of God. We are characterized by Christ, not the color of our skin.
Did I mention the color of anyone's skin in my initial post? You're not telling me anything I don't know. I simply expanded on why one group was not getting it.
When we see each other we should see a brother in Christ and treat each other as family (not give an advantage to one person because he is a minority, but instead we should not allow race to influence our actions).
That's within the church. IT ain't happening within the church just as it ain't happening on this board because a lot of a certain majority DOES see race and stereotypes and marginalizes the worth of life of the minority based upon those stereotypes.
You may not want to hear that but tough cookies. It's the truth. It it's on display at the RNC. It's on display in this forum. And it's on display in the Church.
If some of you are the representation of Christ, it's no wonder a lot of folks don't want to hear what others have to say about the Gospel. Because as was the case with Jesus, people don't want to hear how much you care until you show them how much you care.
So talk a good game. But when you are okay with marginalizing the lives of people based upon race, when you can't even acknowledge that there are economic advantages that have been gained by a majority of white people because of race,when you can't admit that there is a systemic problem with policing throughout this country based upon race, then just stop talking because I deal with folks who are real about what's going on.
And don't tell me about a Biblical response to racism when your words betray you about a Biblical response that wants to ignore the real racism because you obviously don't know what it is, in exchange of something you think is racism.
Racism will never end as long as we use race as a criteria. The color of a person's skin is superficial. It should not determine how that person is treated...period.
Pure foolishness because you act as though 450 years of racial advantage in employment and access to employment, in education and access to education, in authority and access to authority makes the color of a person's skin superficial.
You're being dishonest if you believe that there are not all sorts of advantages heaped upon white people in comparison to minorities because of their white skin..
If that were not the case, you'd have more Senators of color. Black students are suspended far more than their white counterparts by white administrators.Black children are sentenced many times more than their white counterparts for the same offenses.
And example after example after example that shows a bias against people of color in this country. Deny it if you wish. It exists.
And just as Jesus designed a way to let His people sit at the table, he's designed a way to have minorities to sit at the table in an environment and a country that is increasingly racist and racially biased.
Take to heart what TCassidy offered. Those words were not his own:
Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
Jew nor Greek. Ethnic equality.
Bond nor Free. Social equality.
Male nor Female. Gender equality.
Believe it. Practice it.
Stop dividing God's people.
When I see God's people acting like God's people, there will be nothing for me to say. But as long as we walk in this continued racial bias and outright racism, you can expect me to call it what it is.