Keep on erecting those flimsy strawmen winman. Do you think that years after posting such drivel year after year on the BB people can't see you for what you are?
It's only a straw-man because no Calvinist preacher anywhere would tell the honest truth of what they really believe. Yes, it's a straw-man because such an honest Calvinist does not exist.
But I have not misrepresented Calvinism at all, and you KNOW it.
Telling sinners that Christ died for sinners is biblical. No false impressions whatsoever.
Calvinism doesn't believe Christ died for "sinners", that gives the impression that Jesus died for
every sinner. Calvinism believes Jesus only died for "some sinners" as I correctly wrote. This is your Limited Atonement.
The Gospel is Good News for those who God intended it to be. Hearing the Gospel has a dual effect. It's like a sweet smelling savor to some and a stinking odor to others. The Lord has intended it to be so.
It might be good news to that lucky elect person in the audience, but it is horrible, horrible news to the vast majority whom God has already decided to pass by and allow to go to hell. Only "few" enter the stait gate.
Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and
few there be that find it.
Now, Mat 7:14 is also true for the Arminian, but an Arminian can do something about it, they can choose to trust Christ, no one is excluded, and he can know for a FACT that Jesus died for him. No Calvinist can know that.
Boy, you really go to town with your lies don't you? You do it all up in inimitable winman style. But unfortunately it doesn't adorn the Gospel or your life.
I haven't told one lie and if you were truly intelligent you would know that. If you think I am lying, it is obvious you do not understand your own doctrine.
People are accountable for their sins. No one gets to go to Heaven because of their good works. God is not to be blamed for the creature's rebellion against the sovereign Lord.
Who said people are not accountable for their sins? Did I say that?
But you are wrong about God being blamed for the creature's rebellion, as you teach that God cursed all men to be born with a sin nature because of Adam's sin. I teach no such thing, I utterly reject Original Sin. I do not believe men are born guilty of Adam's sin (Eze 18:20), and I do not believe men are born sinful (Ecc 7:29). I believe all men freely and willingly choose to sin and become sinful. In my view men truly are responsible for being sinful. In your view being sinful is forced upon a person when they are conceived.
Remember, you folks believe it is like the spots on a leopard, or an Ethiopian's dark skin. Who gave the leopard his spots Rippon? Who gave the Ethiopian his dark skin Rippon?
Think real hard. (for once)
Another thing. You repeated your mantra that Calvinist preachers don't know who the elect are. What's new about that? No one does -- even Arminians!:type:
You are wrong, I KNOW I am elect because I have believed on Jesus.
1 Jhn 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God;
that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
I don't hope I have eternal life, I KNOW I have eternal life because I have believed on Jesus to save me. I have trusted, relied, depended, leaned upon him to save me. I have his solemn word that if I come to him I shall not be cast out (John 6:37). I have his promise that he will never leave me nor forsake me (Heb 13:5).
I am not persevering or enduring to the end to try to convince myself I am elect, I know whom I have believed and am persuaded he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him (2 Tim 1:12).
I am not hoping I will be faithful to Jesus so that he saves me, I am saved because Jesus will always be faithful to me.
What you believe and what I believe couldn't be more different. They are not the same gospel. Your gospel is no gospel at all, it is not good news for anyone, because no Calvinist has a clue who is elect.
I haven't misrepresented Calvinism at all. You need to start thinking with your brain instead of mindlessly believing what others have brainwashed you with. Then you will know I am telling you the honest truth.