Are you saying that any here holding to Calvinism, or to the Doctrines of Grace in salvation, are holding to a false premise, and so none of us might even actually be saved?
the bible promises that we can KNOW that we have eternal life, so you are saying God lied to me there?
You mean after 5 years you don't realize that I believe Calvinism is false doctrine?
You really are very slow to catch on aren't you?
As far as being saved, that is not my call. Only God knows who is saved and who is not.
And you seem not to understand your own doctrine. If Limited Atonement is true, then God did not promise YOU anything, or at least there is no way to know it on this side of eternity.
If Limited Atonement is true, then Jesus only died for a few elect persons. You might be one of the elect, or you might not. The higher probability is that you are not.
How can a person believe a complete uncertainty? What do you believe? That Jesus MIGHT have died for you?
Peter sank when he doubted.