Yeah, but the crimes he committed were only resisting arrest,
That means violence against law-enforcement.
An obviously violent person running into the community, now armed.
So a violent and now dangerously armed person who is unreasonable and under the influence of mind-altering drugs......
You obviously don't think like law-enforcement at all.
Nothing worth a potentially lethal encounter.
It's unfortunate, I grant you....
But, that's a reason you might have to shoot a man....
Why don't you answer the question...
I'll give you some options, and please answer them. Should they:
1.) Have simply let a drug-addled man willing to commit indiscriminate violence in commission of a crime to run freely in the community armed with a potentially dangerous weapon he took from police.
2.) Taze him
3.) Immediately taken the threat out with the only force they had remaining at their disposal.
4.) Said to themselves....screw little innocent old ladies, he's black, so, he's most likely only going to victimize people in black communities anyways, so, what do I care as a white guy.
After all, the perpetrator is actually unlikely to really threaten my community (statistically any potential victim would be black) why risk my job protecting the black community anyway....I'm white and racist, so, I'm going to get a donut, and write it up as an encounter where my tazer was taken and the perp simpy ran away too fast for me to respond.
The poor dumb cop cared too much.
That's where he went wrong.
He should have said "meh, what do I care" not my problem, he's only going to victimize blacks in a black community anyway.
That's the "racism" in this country Steven....
It's God-fearing and law-abiding police both black and white losing their jobs and going to prison and having their names dragged through the mud
by people like you for trying to protect mostly black communities from mostly black criminals....God help them.