Thousand Hills
Active Member
Satan will do all that he can to get me away from preaching the moral law and troubling peoples conscience. To get me away from preaching the holiness of God, judgment, and Gods wrath on sinners. I have sent out many tracts that address these topics to the false teachers and will continue to do so......
Look, I'm like a lot of folks here who were initially impressed with your zeal to reach the lost. But my gut feeling is that you hide behind the evangelist/street preacher title to avoid actually relating to folks face to face. There's a difference between throwing your pearls before swine, and fulfilling the great commission "as you go".
But I do know some Mormon neighbors. Hmm maybe I need to drop off some Mormon tracts at their house. Besides that we do not speak. .....
Okay, good, this would be a great activity for you, your wife, and step son to visit the neighbors. How bout some cookies instead of tracts though?
People at work? Not open to reasoning or the gospel.....
Do your work with integrity, be humble, and let God open the doors.
Besides that I do not know anyone personally but will say I welcome the season to give gifts and include gospel tracts to family members. Or maybe this year I will send a Christmas card to family members I have not contacted in many years.....
Good idea :thumbs: