The party was the Democrat Party, and they were in control of Congress for over 60 straight years during that 80 year span.
From 1933 to 1953 -- solid Democrat control of the House and Senate. A break for 2 years during Eisenhower's first term, then locked in again until 1995, Bill Clinton's second term.
There were three 2-years spans where Republicans held one of the houses of Congress during that second span of years, but they did not hold both the House and Senate until 1995.
While you are at it, you might also want to check out and see which side they prefer. If you are still in favor of your position after that, fine, you have that right as a citizen under the 1st Amendment, but wear the label that you discover proudly so all can see.
Ok, not so fast, again, what is the label? __________________________
As for the above response I thank you for making my case per the statement:
"Perhaps you make the case for unions, that is, if they become no more than, as you say, the lowly tadpole in the pond that can no longer bear leverage against the onslaught of corporate funding and influence that has only widened the gap between rich and poor, then the primary driver for the middle class we have enjoyed will be all but gone and with the gap between rich and poor everwidening as we speak, the prospect for the middle class becomes in jeopardy. If you doubt this just consult your history"
After Republican Herbert Hoover's disastrous handling of the economy, FDR took over and for the first 60 years of the 80 you mention he, the Democrats and the unions, through raising the wages of working people, brought about the beginnings of the greatest middleclass the world has ever known. Without unions there was no precedent to believe business would have increased wages just as they did not during years prior.
Now, only when the last 20 years or so you mention began in the 80's & 90's did the middle class begin it's decline as the more Republican dominated government assisted the increasing gap between rich and poor. This is a fact.
It is good to consult history but i'm afraid you are refererencing the Rove/Fox news desperate for revision of history version.
One more thing; columns would be nice.
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