lol...awww my friend don't be so uptight as to think others have come down so hard upon others. That is not the case. And besides, we all know that when we age our actual skin becomes thinner, not thicker!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not "up tight" and for sure, our physical skin does get thinner. Ask me about it but the other "skin" is tough as nails as I've heard it all.
About the only time I come unhinged is when someone pulls a certain trigger that lingers in my soul which is why I never tell anyone about what really does get me upset. Only my wife and my "hair dresser know".
It's just ironic to me that what I believe is because I believe it and immediately here come the debunkers.
In the mean time we post thread after thread asking such as, "Why are the youth leaving church?". "Why are local churches losing members?" "Why are believers laying around so dormant?" Why this and why that?
Well, perhaps people at large are growing a little tired of being compartmentalized, folded, spindled, mutilated and beat up on.
...this is a DEBATE FORUM, right, so lets debate this for a bit.