I would agree .....
By that logic then God is being an abusive parent to Iraqi Christians right now who are suffering horribly, indeed they suffer great tribulation right now, at the hands of Muslim extremists.
Also the Holy Spirit cannot be removed from the earth. The Spirit is God. God is omnipresent. Thus he is always here. For the Spirit to be removed from the earth he would first have to cease being God.
..... there are believers suffering in most parts of the world. Just recently, believers in Mosul, Iraq was told to leave or die. And the same is true in parts of Africa dominated by terrorists!
That would say that believers are suffering for the Gospel, and it is as it was in the early days of the church. Why would God spare us from some suffering and tribulation; I look at the disciples and the early church, and the horrible deaths many underwent for their faith? Unless those that honestly believe the church will be taken before the tribulations are the same group that believed the gifts ended in Acts; I do not see us being spared.
I only hope that should Jesus's tarry past the initial days of the tribulation that those who are thinking it would not happen to them, will, in fact, be strong enough to withstand the sharp blade of the executioner's sword.
I'd rather be somewhat prepared, and if we go early, count it all joy, then not be expecting wrath in this world and falling for lack of faith and disappointment in God to protect His children.
As for suffering, has anyone watched an ad for St. Judes Children Hospital lately? You see those little ones with end stage cancer going through surgeries and chemo and radiation, and you wonder why a loving God would allow such suffering? Are the realities in life any different the tribulation? I'd say no! We are all going to suffer, and it is not Gods doing, but rather than at the end of the suffering that we return t God better than every expected, and to never again face suffering.
I believe that the American church is more focused on pre trib, than those in other parts of the world. And I believe that because in some ways, American believers seem to feel spiritually entitled and immune to suffering of any kind!
Again, I am ready for whatever the world hands me, and it Jesus happens to come before the world starts to hand me my head, then I'll be the first to shout a big Hallelujah!
That is my opinion, and it doesn't matter much in the greater scheme of life! I just had to put my couple of pennies in the mix! :thumbs: