Every publisher feels forced to create their own in-house translation, because each publisher makes it so difficult for competitors to use competitor translations. Yes, the KJV is still under copyright in the UK, but it is not under copyright in the USA. I make full use of the freedom that I have been granted for as long as it has been granted to me.
I am sorry that some translators are not being compensated for the work that they do. Neither are the people risking thier lives every day to sell necessary things like food, and also the endless trinkets that Americans purchase and dispose of so quickly. Many mothers are not compensated and abandoned by their children as soon as they don't need them anymore.
We live in a fallen world. I am not responsible to support unnecessary Bible translations. I feel for the smaller Christian book publishers that would not otherwise choose to create another translation, but will be sqeezed out of business if they don't. But this mess is bigger than me. And the mess of uncompensated labor and "Micky Mouse" copyright laws is even a bigger mess than Bible translations.