Your discussion tactics strongly remind me of encounters with certain door knockers. They are off the wall, all over the place, and with no real aim, except to distract from the issue. No matter how well you counter them, they try to jump to another point just to keep from admitting it.
However, here you cleverly avoided admitting what you’ve done by actually trying to go back to the main issue, as though I am the one who went wide.

Good one.

But you still have a lot to answer for.
Although it’s hard to tell what you are saying throughout,
yes the issue is about whether we have a huge problem with illegals getting into the country across the southern border with Mexico. We now have tens of millions of them giving birth to anchor babies, stealing us blind, hurting the economy, etc., so
there is no doubt that we have such a huge problem. From there it is a matter of whether the president has the authority to finally declare this huge problem a national emergency and decide that building more and better wall would help address that.