Since I do not actually hate the Textus Receptus nor the KJV, the bogus accusation that I supposedly do is clearly false and wrong.'ve just spent the better half of probably a decade pointing out every conceivable place where something like
"The Potter's wheel" is probably best translated as: "The Potter's bench"
"The green grass" is better translated as "The fields of green"
"Digged down a wall" is better translated as: "digged a trench for sappers to undermine"
"Hills of dirt" actually means: "Mounds of sand"
All because of your passionate love of the KJV....
You can't spend half your life pointing out (Theologically insignifigant) perceived errors in a translation you Love and pretend that you have no ill-will towards it...Your actions will ALWAYS speak louder than your words...and you've made a TRADE out of trashing every real or imagined error you think exists in the KJV.......
No, you don't "hate it"......
gimme a break.
Pointing out accurate information about the varying editions of the Textus Receptus and about the varying editions of the KJV does not indicate any hatred for them.'s a way to avoid answering the question I posed to non-KJVO's which might inform Dale of the differences between say, a T.R. Only and you....
The difference, so far, is...
A T.R. only will clearly answer his questions as well and as positively as he can, and a non-TRO will obfuscate and list the errors in the T.R. (which he claims to have no ill-will towards).
I believe in the preservation of the Scriptures in the original languages, and they are the proper standard and authority for the making and trying of all translations.
Then answer the questions I posed.......
Is Mark 16:9-20 "preserved Scripture" or NOT?
I can, and would answer
EVERY question I posed....I bet Money you won't.
The scriptural teachings concerning preservation do not suggest that preservation concerns the translation decisions of any one exclusive group of scholars.
No they don't!
GOOD FOR YOU, YOU GET A COOKIE!!!!! You said something
But, I'm not stupid enough to argue the "
translation decisions".......I actually headed that side-show of a side-show off at the pass with my FIRST response to Dale's question.........I simply answered his questions about the T.R.O. position.
Here's the history...he asked "
what Translation?" That was the O.P. remember?
I answered with
ONE WORD............
Argue with Gail Riplinger and Jack Moormon on another thread...about perfect "translations"...I'm not stupid enough to bite on your straw-men.