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A question of headship and leadership

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I disagree here on, that while Christ has come, died and was resurrected his work is not complete until he returns to claim his bride, conquer Satan and usher in the Millennial Kingdom.
The passage says that which is perfect or complete. The complete revelation of God has come.

I see the gift of healing in each individual today through prayer. I do not believe in faith healers of the Benny Hinn, Earnest Angley, Kathryn Kuhlman ilk but rather that the gift has changed for today in that each Christian, through prayer, receives healing, prays for healing for others. If you're looking for proof that someone can bop you in the forehead, you fall on the floor flailing and foaming then you won't find someone. Neither will you find anyone who heals as Christ did or as the disciples did in scripture.
What you believe the gift of healing isn't what the Scriptures are referring to as healing. The bolded part is where they had the gift of healing. No one today has that.

I suggest that ANY missionary who preaches in another language could be considered to have the gift of tongues.
That's not the gift of tongues as mentioned in Scripture. The gift was a sudden knowing of a language, not learning the language.

I do not believe they have ceased only taken a different form that works in today's world.
Well, as I just showed, you don't seem to believe in the sign gifts either. God healing people doesn't equal someone with the ability to heal someone. People knowing a foreign language isn't equal to someone having the gift of tongues.


New Member
I was unable to get back yesterday to this scintillating discussion. However, JBH, I disagree that you showed me anything other than your opinion, which disagrees with mine. You see, the problem is, many people tend to close their minds to any other possibilities rather than the one they stand upon. Me, I stand upon the Rock, and know that God, the Father, is MORE than able to do or will anything He desires at any time He desires. He made a donkey talk, He raised the dead, He moved a two-ton stone, He turned water into wine....He can do anything He desires. I think He can also still use people in the manner in which He desires....people who are committed and dedicated, open to God's Will in their lives. That includes healing, tongues or anything else.
Until the day Christ Jesus steps foot on this earth once again, when His work is complete, when He ushers in the Millenial Kingdom and He rules and reigns....then will all be perfect and complete.

We tend to think of signs and miracles as huge earthshattering things. Why does it have to be? Isn't hearing the gospel for the first time in your native tongue a huge thing? Isn't having Doctor's Without Borders come to your little African village and being able to do surgery on a little native girl with a cleft palate a miracle of healing? You see, I believe THESE are the sign gifts today. When that precious little girl can smile at her mother and father they're more willing to listen to the Gospel over the village witch doctor. When that missionary comes to a jungle village and can speak the language they're open to listening and accepting. THOSE are today's miracles....those are the sign gifts if we simply stop to accept them.


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We tend to think of signs and miracles as huge earthshattering things...
THOSE are today's miracles....those are the sign gifts if we simply stop to accept them.

I can agree with the thinking as you laid it out with a few adjustments because even the heathen can perform the signs as you describe them.

The signs, as described in the Scriptures, were beyond the capabilities of the professionals at any level and unique to the times. The Apostles didn't go to language school, but the multicultural crowd heard the gospel in their home language.

Can God use miracles in this present age? Yes

Can God use natural events to get folk's attention? Yes

What God does not do is "anoint" someone with a specific supernatural ability to perform some sign as was described in the Scriptures in which some of the believers of that age were given to do to validate the person spoke with God's authority.

Will there be "signs" in the future. Yes

This is really important.

The Scriptures indicate that the arch enemy of God will be given the ability to create all kinds of signs and wonders - even causing a stone statue to speak.

These things will cause the modern believers (of this age in my opinion for the time is nearing) to chase after the deceitful and embrace a lie.

The scriptures say that even the elect will be in danger of being carried away by the marvels and signs done by the enemy.

So, unless a believer is firmly entrenched upon the truth of the Scriptures and not just what "feels right" in the eyes and heart (for the heart is deceitful) there is great danger.

There is nothing the enemy likes better than a tarnished witness except a false witness.


New Member
I can agree with the thinking as you laid it out with a few adjustments because even the heathen can perform the signs as you describe them.Thank you :)

What God does not do is "anoint" someone with a specific supernatural ability to perform some sign as was described in the Scriptures in which some of the believers of that age were given to do to validate the person spoke with God's authority. I would correct one thing here...I would state HAS not at this time instead of does not anoint. He can anoint, He might anoint at any time, ...we simply don't know what God will do in the future...I know He is able and will do what He wills and pleasures.

Will there be "signs" in the future. Yes

The scriptures say that even the elect will be in danger of being carried away by the marvels and signs done by the enemy. Unless the time be shortened, yes the very elect can be deceived...but aren't we deceived anyway by false preachers and teachers? That whole WOF crowd (and some here would say that whole Cal crowd, or whole Arm crowd.)

So, unless a believer is firmly entrenched upon the truth of the Scriptures and not just what "feels right" in the eyes and heart (for the heart is deceitful) there is great danger. That is why is so very important to keep our eyes firmly on God and keep our feet on the Solid Rock, keep in the scriptures, keep praying and know that God is able to take us through.

There is nothing the enemy likes better than a tarnished witness except a false witness.
Amen, on this I agree and why we must walk so carefully, talk honestly, and be about the Master's business. It's why I can not, or will not be silent.


I don't need to "prove you wrong" I suggest to you simply that the gifts are different today. That's all.
Did you rewrite the Bible? Here is one place where the gifts are listed:

And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. (1 Corinthians 12:28)

I believe you have the same Bible that I have. We can't change what it says. They are the same gifts that are written there, and the sign gifts and the revelatory gifts have ceased.


I was unable to get back yesterday to this scintillating discussion. However, JBH, I disagree that you showed me anything other than your opinion, which disagrees with mine. You see, the problem is, many people tend to close their minds to any other possibilities rather than the one they stand upon. Me, I stand upon the Rock, and know that God, the Father, is MORE than able to do or will anything He desires at any time He desires. He made a donkey talk, He raised the dead, He moved a two-ton stone, He turned water into wine....He can do anything He desires.
But he doesn't do those miracles now does he?
Who walks on water today?
Who has power to calm the sea, instantly?
Who has the power to raise the dead once they are buried?
Who has the power to change water into wine?

What was Jesus doing. He was doing miracles that no one else could do, demonstrating his deity. Even after that they still rejected him.
I think He can also still use people in the manner in which He desires....people who are committed and dedicated, open to God's Will in their lives. That includes healing, tongues or anything else.
God can heal, but there is no such thing as the gift of healing today. That is a totally separate issue than believing that God can heal. That is what I emphasized from the beginning.

As for tongues, I challenged you to show me one person in the entire earth that has the Biblical gift of speaking in tongues (actual foreign languages, previously unknown and unheard to them).
Until the day Christ Jesus steps foot on this earth once again, when His work is complete, when He ushers in the Millenial Kingdom and He rules and reigns....then will all be perfect and complete.
If you are speaking of:
But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. (1 Corinthians 13:10)
The word perfect means complete, and it is referring to the Word of God which was completed at the end of the first century. At that time the sign gifts such as prophecy, tongues, revelatory knowledge, tongues, healing, miracles, etc. all ceased. They don't happen any more. Demonstrate that they do. Remember they are gifts.
We tend to think of signs and miracles as huge earthshattering things. Why does it have to be? Isn't hearing the gospel for the first time in your native tongue a huge thing?
It is not a miracle. A miracle is supernatural--above the natural--when the natural is suspended. God suspended the natural laws of gravity when he came walking on water and bidded Peter to do the same. The fact that He could walk on water was a miracle--supernatural--above the realm of the laws of nature. That is what a miracle is. We take this word and make it too common that we lose its significance.
Isn't having Doctor's Without Borders come to your little African village and being able to do surgery on a little native girl with a cleft palate a miracle of healing?
No, it is God using a doctor to heal someone. It might even be an answer to prayer. But it is not a miracle.
You see, I believe THESE are the sign gifts today. When that precious little girl can smile at her mother and father they're more willing to listen to the Gospel over the village witch doctor.
That is a natural response. It is not a miracle.
When that missionary comes to a jungle village and can speak the language they're open to listening and accepting. THOSE are today's miracles....those are the sign gifts if we simply stop to accept them.
Those are not sign gifts. I am on the mission field now, as I post. I have to speak another language that I struggled with to learn. That is not a gift. God did not give me the gift of tongues. Nevertheless many have heard and listened, and accepted. These are not miracles. This is a fulfillment of the Great Commission, something every Christian ought to be involved in.


Active Member
I was unable to get back yesterday to this scintillating discussion. However, JBH, I disagree that you showed me anything other than your opinion, which disagrees with mine.

I showed you that what you are saying are the sign gifts are not the sign gifts. Someone learning a language is not what happened at Pentecost when they received the gift of tongues.


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I am on the mission field now, as I post. I have to speak another language that I struggled with to learn. That is not a gift. God did not give me the gift of tongues. Nevertheless many have heard and listened, and accepted. These are not miracles. This is a fulfillment of the Great Commission, something every Christian ought to be involved in.


My sweet daughter just got back from Ethiopia a few weeks ago from doing medical mission work. She spent part of last spring in Guatemala.

What I wanted to get across in my last post was a warning.

I am convinced the current trends in the modern church is to not hold fast to the scriptures as the final authority or as a clearing house of the preaching and teaching that is heard.

Because of the lack of sifting through God's word all that is presented, the enemy of God will more easily sway and convince (especially a shallow untaught believer) a person into error.

The enemy never wanted Eve and Adam destroyed. He wanted them corrupted so that God would no longer be God.

The same as he attempted to do to Christ.

The same is the way he is doing to the church. The enemy doesn't want the church destroyed! He will keep the church, enlarge the church, and through the church cause such deception to happen so that which Christ gave His very life for will be vomited out of God's presence.

The enemy pollutes with overflowing swill, and the church gleefully diets upon it - calling it righteous.
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