Ok, let's take them one by one;
Romans5:1 "Therefore.....
Paul has previously in chapters 3 and 4 established God's method of justifying sinners, and has provided an Old Testament example of that method in Abraham. Paul says "therefore" which means he is about to demonstrate that not only are there benefits derived from justification at the moment of salvation, but there are blessings that accompany justification throughout the believer's life.
.....being justified by faith,
Here is Paul's conclusion, Christian's are "justified by faith". You will take note that Paul adds nothing to faith, zero, nada for our justification, it is only by faith, no works in whatever form you may want to view works. This is why the doctrine called "Faith Alone" is a perfect expression of the truths put forth throughout the Word of God. This very truth alone should cause you to reconsider any views you may be erroneously holding which would add any kind of human efforts to faith for justification before God. To do otherwise would be to labor against God which will be fruitless and pile up a multitude of wood, hay and stubble to be burned at the JSOC.
.....we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:"
So far, in just this first verse, we have established that justification before God is by faith through our Lord Jesus Christ. We are at peace with God, ONLY through faith. Let's continue...
Romans5:2 "By whom also we have access by faith.....
Again, we see faith standing alone, it is by faith, not by any human efforts.
.....into this grace wherein we stand,
Where do we stand? It is in Grace. How do we stand there? It is by faith. Do we see any works mentioned? No we do not. By Jesus Christ we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand. Paul also notes this in Romans 11:20, where he states that we stand fast ONLY through faith (RSV)
.....and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Praise God!!!!!! Yes!! I rejoice in HOPE of the glory of God!! Why? Here is where some Christians may become confused. Of the 141 times this word occurs in the KJV, in all of it's forms, only 21 times does it occur as a verb (excluding the Psalms). Hope is not vague or un-defined, it is concrete. The glory of God, of which we fall short, is the perfect standard of Christ's righteousness in which we stand by faith. We can rejoice in the fact that whatever our short comings are today, one of the benefits of having been freely justified in Christ is the HOPE that one day we shall be like Him (Ro8:29; 1Jn3:2-3)
Romans5:3-5 "And not only [so], but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed;
Having already been justified by faith we have HOPE that cannot be humiliated. The HOPE we have is in the glory of God and even though it is tested through tribulation, it will be proved genuine.....
......because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
It is the Holy Spirit who pours into the believer's heart a sense of God's love for Him. Salvation is ALL of God! Praise Him and do not boast anything in yourselves.
So we see that when we make the effort to study this passage of scripture thoroughly, and use proper hermeneutics, allowing scripture to interpret scripture, we can have confidence in what we teach others. We do not have an "I hope so" faith, that would be quite frankly pathetic. We have a "know so hope", and this is why we give God the glory and have no confidence in the flesh.
Ok, it is your turn Evangel. Show me where I have misrepresented this passage of scripture and give your exposition on why this HOPE means a "hope I get saved" faith.