Not a true one, duh.
Okay...Duh again.
Does your "knowledge" allow you to observe and comprehend the meaning of words such as "like" and "or something"? How about having the sense to avoid making silly claims that I obviously wasn't suggesting?
I think generally crystal balls are thought of as being used by gypsy fortune-tellers. ...Just sayin...
Ever heard of a False Dilemma Fallacy?
Uh, ...oh, you thought I was serious and being specific about the prophetess thing?
...And BTW, really bad attempt of trying to spin my sarcasm into me calling BW318 a witch! You should be ashamed of yourself for that tactic of accusation and I would never call her a witch.
Also, you left out the option of tin foil hat telepathy, but just in case you're wondering I wouldn't be serious about that either...
Maybe I should spell it out for you
, I was ribbing her about her expressions of extreme future telling...not calling her names as you've tried to suggest. BTW, ever heard of a Reverse Ad Hominem Fallacy? You might want to look that up because its attempted to be used quite a bit around here and you should know it makes those using it seem kind of desperate and foolish from my perspective...
Wow! Boy! You sure told me!!