I’ve asked myself the same question as to why the mainstream Calvinist would not take a stand against the views . . of arrogantly preaching a dark message that some have no hope because of not being pre-elected [/QUOTE]
Ah, this is part of the problem. 100% wrong teaching attributed and called "hyper-calvinism".
To believe that before the creation of the world God selected some of the undeserving wretches of this world to be recipients of His grace IS normal, regular 5-point Calvinism. It is 100% biblical and nothing to be ashamed of. All the others need not be "elected" to hell; they are already condemned and do not want heaven.
You see, N

NE has any hope. ALL deserve hell and these choose to willingly go there, still an enemy of God and defiant even at the Throne, hating Jesus and scoffing His blood.
They don't go to hell because they were not "pre-elected". What an odd turn of words; either GOD elects man (calvinism) or man elects God (all other religious views).