And all of you were outraged when Candidate Trump said these words, right?
"So here, I just wrote this down today. Hillary wants to raise taxes -- it's a comparison. I want to lower them. Hillary wants to expand regulations, which she does bigly. Can you believe that? I will reduce them very, very substantially, could be as much as 70 to 75 percent. Hillary wants to shut down energy production. I want to expand it. Lower electric bills, folks! Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know. But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in."
It's dangerous talk no matter who says it.
I don't see what your point is. The purpose of the Second Amendment is protect oneself from the government. The history of the twentieth century is one of tens of millions of people murdered by their own governments. I think that people are weary of the repression of the Democrats. Hillary is going all over the world saying that if you didn't vote for her you are no good, the Democrats are the ones with all the money who live in the best areas and the rest of us are just as Obama described--Bible clingers and deplorables and if you get raped by a Clinton you are trailer trash.