Do you reject all the laws and court decisions that have been passed since the late 1700's? You simply don't abide by them?
Yes, I reject many of the court decisions like "Dred Scott" and "Roe v Wade" that shows the Supreme Court to be as wrong as any group of people ever has been. Where is abortion specifically mentioned in the Federal Constitution? The fact is it isn't and the rightful place for this issue was with the individual states as per the 10th Amendment.
As for laws. too many have been passed that are unconstitutional on their face. Lawmakers need to ask themselves is the law they are about to pass is in sync with the constitution or not, and too many times they answer no and vote to pass it anyway thus setting the stage for the courts.
The Congress which created the Federal Court system needs to rein them in as the courts have stuck their noses into places where they do not belong. The most egregious case of late has been the courts intervening in the DACA issue where some Federal Judge is saying that a presidential Executive Order cannot be ended with another presidential Executive Order - this violates the separation of powers and is simply madness and an example of where we are today. Like I said, we seem to be living in a post-constitutional society.