Well-Known Member
Hey, Poncho; we got one for ya.And are we really to believe that it took the Patriot Act and an executive order to authorize warrantless surveillance? Somebody needs to tell the CIA and FBI.
We (as in anyone who dissents or protests) were under surveillance and being spied on long before the patriot act was written well in advance of 9/11/01 See Hart-Rudman Commissionand see this. No it wasn't written after 9/11/2001. It was written and waiting on a shelf somewhere for just the right moment and circumstances (crisis) for it to be rolled out.
9/11 was that right moment and circumstance. The shock and fear caused by 9/11 gave the government the opportunity to make something "legal" that it had been doing illegally for a long time. See "COINTELPRO".
The people of the United States would have never consented to the government having such powers before the "crisis" of 9/11.
First the government acts the way it wants behind the scenes and in secret as it did during the 1960's. Then when the right moment and crisis comes along the government uses these crisis to manufacture consent that allows it to "act legally" where before it was acting illegally.
During or right after a crisis the people run to the government for solutions and safety. More often than not the government has had the solution waiting in the wings for just such a time.
I've been watching this happen a long time now and I have noticed there are four things these "solutions" always do. They always grant the government more power over the people. These "solutions" always grant the government more money to enforce these newly acquired powers over the people.. These "solutions" always grant the government more control over the people's personal and private lives. These "solutions" always make the people pay for the dismantling of our own constitutional republic.
The three things they never do is . . . make us safer, protect our liberties, or make us more prosperous.
Boiled down this is what we are talking about . . . Problem Reaction Solution.
Look at what's going on today. What's the problem or crisis? Mass shootings.
What's the reaction? Shock and fear. The people are looking to government for a solution and the media is working overtime to demonize all gun owners trying to manufacture consent among the people so we'll accept the "solution" government has wanted to "provide" for a long time but didn't think it could do until the right crisis and circumstances came along.
What's the solution? Disarm Americans and take away our means of protecting ourselves from criminal thugs both outside and inside the government.
The people in government aren't as stupid and inept as they act. They know that taking the guns away from law abiding citizens will increase violent crime. But they don't care.
They know once guns are taken away from law abiding citizens they are easier to manage and control. That's what they're after. They don't care how many have to suffer or die at the hands of criminals who will still have guns long after every law abiding person turn their guns in.
They know that'll give them more opportunities and more crisis to gain the four things they all lust after most.
More of the people's money, more power over the people, and more control over the people's personal and private lives. AND to make it all appear legal.
How'd I do Don?
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