Tom Butler said:
I don't know, but I don't consider votes wasted which help keep Al Gore and John Kerry from becoming President.
No one seems to be able to explain how voting for an evil philosophy, whether less evil or not than the other, compared to voting for someone who at least shares 90% of our view points, is a wasted vote. Who will probably win is not relevent. To vote for one evil to keep another evil out of office makes no sense.
By the way, Abraham Lincoln was the last third party candidate elected to the Presidency.
From spending, to immigration, to abortion, etc, etc etc, there is NO difference between the two parties. Neither gives one care about what is best for our nation or the American people. They care about their political power, bank accounts, their corporate thug buddies, and the special interests.
News flash....................GOP does not stand for God's Own Party.
I strongly urge all those considering voting for either major party candidate to vote for Chuck Baldwin.